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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LMAO! I was gonna say, Patrick. Yo'r more infamous to th' Pub like th' rest of us. A hearty welcome to ye, Marley. Glad ye returned to th' Pub. This place be filled with holds full o' information for ye 'bout th' Golden Age and more so. Happy huntin'. Hopefully we'll be of use to ye, fine navigators t' help ye locate what ye seek. ~Lady B
  2. Bloody hell! Smaller than a dime? Hehe... Good God, man. Keep goin' at it, Mad Pete. One's kit and attire is NEVER finished. ~Lady B
  3. Right nice there, Mr. Roberts. Fetchin' color, too. ~Lady B
  4. Hmmm... tempting, GoF. As always, right tempin'. I'm leaning t'wards th' 3.5 yards o' deeper blue silk. ~Lady B
  5. Oooo... right eye cathin' it is. I'm droolin' over both pieces. Yo'r a devil! Danglin' these beauties b'fore our wicked eyes! Damnit man! :) ~Lady B
  6. Awww... poor Sea Rover. Well, I be there in spirit with ye. Granted m' excitement level is none higher than yo'rs right now, either. It's quieter and deader than a graveyard here other than the TV making the noise. But happy new year to ye and Bess an' th' boys, Sea Rover. And likewise th' rest of ye, again, Happy New Years. ~Lady B
  7. Right nice there, Cross. Kudos to ye. ~Lady B
  8. Aye, Silent. That applies to ye as well... don't be drinkin' all th' rum. Leave some fo' us. A happy new year to all of ye. And I'm with Dogge on this one... hope 2010 is far better for th' lot of ye than 2009 was. ~Lady B
  9. It's some interesting evidence. I haven't seen the show as of yet, unfortunately. I LOVE watching Ghost Hunters. TAPS has some good techniques. There are a couple other paranormal shows out there, too - Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures being among them - and to each show their own techniques of ghost hunting. ~Lady B
  10. Hehehe.... don't feel bad, McCool. I finally have several vintage and antique brass rings that would make perfect foundations for dorset buttons... But I barely have the mentality and strength at time to sew. Difficult to sew when one is constantly sneezing, coughing, sniffling, etc. I tried to sew doing all that... didn't turn out so well. And likewise, Bottles. In due time, I'm sure. They are still nice and loverly, Michael. Especially something 'bout th' size of a dime. Kudos. ~Lady B
  11. I did receive my gift. It's right loverly - a green malachite and blue shell necklace. Such a work of art, I'm afraid t' wear it! :) Thank ye, piratical secret santa (whom I'm guessin' is Ransom. I could be mistaken though). Haha, ah, dear Syren. And here ye were worried that Rumbe wouldn't fancy it. I told ye she'd flip over it. SOOOO lookin' forward t' doin' this next year. ~Lady B
  12. Some right nice stuff there, Tiger Lee. ~Lady B
  13. Are ye on DeviantArt? I don't think we ever had anything posted about those of us on DeviantArt. So... if ye do... how's about postin' a link? Hmm? I'll start. Here's mine: Lady B's DeviantArt page Also, might be some fun... an 18th c art group: 18th century Club on DeviantArt ~Lady B
  14. Those look right nice on ye, Roberts. I'm sure th' Wifey be droolin'. :) But damn ye nonetheless. 1... I'll be lookin' for striped linen, 2.. I was plannin' on usin' ticken ( either blue or red ) for a new pair of breeches or maybe slops. ~Lady B
  15. Ye use t' frequent TheForce.net, too, Mission? Tis a small world! Gor-blimey! :) Well.... Th' only thing close t' piratey that I got was a crystal Polish decanter from my neice (cheap little thing but nice). Otherwise what I got was a stlyish cheap pen set, a RotF Megatron (the pre-school level - no comment- from a secret santa on another forum), a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart and the promise of a perm at any in-town stylist. I guess it's OK... but not really what I was hoping for. Oh, well. ~Lady B
  16. Oooo.... sounds like everyone received some fine, luverly gifts. :) I'm hopin' mine 'll come t' morrow. If not, then it's been lost in the mail somewheres. Oh, well. ~Lady B
  17. Aye. Happy Birthday to ye, Bo. Ever so thankful ye still be around. Here's to ye, one of th' finest pirates around. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  18. I received something almost 2 weeks ago. It's under the tree currently. Aye, I'm a patient Lady. Or at least I try to be. I don't know if it was from someone here or not. My recipiant should have received theirs either yesterday or today. Gots a card from RumbaRue the other day. Thank ye, lass. LOL... That almost looks like Magellan from time to time. LOL Still waitin'... patiently. ~Lady B
  19. I'm tempted, GoF. Depends upon what coinage I get for Christmas on whether I can get some of that. :) I'm crossing my fingers; I have my eyes on one of those at least. ~Lady B
  20. Another Birthday, hmmm? I swear the Bday list of December babies keeps growing every year! LOL Well, Happy Birthday to ye, Saltypots! Hope ye get what treasures ye desire and well, enjoy what treasures ye have. :) Here's to ye, lass. ~Lady B
  21. I'm with the lot of ye. I completely understand. My parents had fish for a few years in a huge tank. And when one had passed on, it was sad. Most of the fish they had for more than 2 years and they were HUGE goldfish because they were kept in the small pond in their backyard during the summer months and the spring, fall and winter were kept inside. Condolences for your loss, iPirate. ~Lady B
  22. Very very tempting swords there, Matt. ::Le sigh::: ~Lady B
  23. Hmmm.... that's usually the time most other events happen, too. Port Washington being one of them and sometimes Blackbeards. Well, keep us informed, Bo. Sounds like this one is a great one and well worth it though. ~Lady B
  24. If I attend (really hoping I am able to), then I'll most likely be in the hunting/riding habit regalia. WITH functioning carbine. So, a "hunt" could be one possible idea. Amoung the usual piratey stuff. ~Lady B
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