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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::Shrugs::: I'll have to see about that. Issue is... I'd have to find a way to get there since everyone's going to the Animal Kingdom. I guess that the Magic Kingdom is too boring, kiddie-ish and blah shopping for them... or so they've been told that. And gawking at freakin' animals all day long is better? Well, if I can wander off to the Magic Kingdom alone, I just may. Hate to go alone, though. But... oh, well. Going on the trip and the PotC Ride was going to be a B-day present for myself considering my Bday is just a couple days before we go to the theme park. Always keep hoping that at least one of my Bdays in my life would be a decent one! We shall see. ~Lady B
  2. Both of ye travelin' from so far a distance... I think that deserves a hearty welcome from all of us! Eager t' be meetin' ye both at Port Washington. ~Lady B
  3. Grrr!!!! So close and yet so far away! Damn! Well, apparently, everyone in the Ag Leadership group decided they wanted to see the bloody damn animals at Animal Kingdom instead of going to the Magic Kingdom. Yeah, I'm a bit upset cause I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to go on the PotC ride. Doesn't sound like that'll happen now. Plus wanted to do some shopping there as well as some enjoyment of other rides there. I've NO clue if or when I will be able to get down to Florida again to go to that place. Has taken me all my life just to get there so far! Never been to Disney World or Disney Land... ever. Deprived? Yes... Yes I am. The Fates are so bleedin' evil... aren't they? ~Lady B
  4. I've been pondering this heavily. And may step up to the challenge. Sounds like fun. Aye, add m' name to the list. ~Lady B
  5. I'm no Bush hater either... but this... ouch! That's just wrong! But good for laughs. I never thought Jack, Elizabeth and especially Davy could look uglier! I feel more sorry for Davy turned into a Politician and made uglier. Poor Davy. ~Lady B
  6. Unless we twist yer arms and torture ye. ::: evil grinz ::: ~Lady B
  7. I'm no Lord... a Lady more like it. Close enough. ~Lady B
  8. :::hugs::: I know this be late, Patrick, luv... but serious apologies that ye never got a Valentine! Tis a pity how folks take something so tiny for granted. Well, a very happy belated Valentine's to ye, Patrick. Even if this is a couple months late. But, who say a Valentine has to be given only on Valentine's day? ehh? I'll send ye a Valentine's next year, luv. And I've give out Valentines to others, too. ~Lady B
  9. Th' Hunt 's not even begun yet, ye bilgerat! How in th' devil could ye know where it be? And... yer wrong. It's not yers! I'm in th' market for a good mode of transportation. And a PotC vehicle will be more than fine t' sport! I know m' Instructor would just LOVE th' vehicle, too. Plus a couple others. And showin' up at Pirate events in that vehicle... ahhhh... Imagine th' road trips in that bugger! Aye... I'll be seekin' it this time! I didn't get far last time... granted some poor youngin' told me that the last PotC treasure was on Abaco.. LOL... maybe I'll be lucky again this time an' some poor youngin' 'll tell me where it be. After all, I am a pirate! Johnny... if ye win that vessel... ye won't be havin' it long. ::Evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  10. Welp, just spoke with Toby, he's unfortunately not gonna be at Port Washington as he'll be elsewhere at a Convention. Pity. He's a hell of a Jack Sparrow. Has the scenario for the Invasion been drawn up & handed out yet? ~Lady B
  11. I'll be finding out the final details on Tuesday when we will go (crossing swords and fingers cause I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to go on PotC the ride). We have a house rented while down there. Aye, will keep in touch and let you know when I will be at the Magic Kingdom and whatever else. :) Spending a day at the beach, too. Bein' the pirate I am, my first thought is hoping to find a washed up doubloon and keepin' it secret, hiding it, holding onto it, etc. Damnit I found it! I'm a pirate! I deserve it if I bloody well find it! I tell ya... I'm VERY tempted to wear my hat. ~Lady B
  12. Tis seen in a couple screencaps that Tia wears that particular locket in AWE. So, it's possible that will pick up again. I know a lot of people last year that was eager to get their hands upon that locket. Master Replicas is making more PotC stuff - from Jack's rings, his still available pistol, sword and compass to the soon to be available Tia/Davy locket, Barbossa's pendent and sword! Lots of people are excited over the non-Jack stuff as everything has been Jack, Jack, Jack. Lots of other characters have been ignored unfortunately. But the trinket suppose to be used by the Pirate Lords... Just being the pirate that I am, Hoping someone can shed some light on it cause I have a Pieces of Eight and wanted to know if the piece that each Lord has is made of glass, or just painted over with blue or what? ~Lady B
  13. Someone who is a HUGE Davy Jones fan showed me and a few others some AWE pics of Davy Jones. They were.... rather interesting. Don't know if they can be posted up here either. I know there are a couple "featurette" clips out there. Fantastic! Just tossing out enough to hook, line and sinker me in! I'm very eager to see the film now. My patience is almost at an end cause I am that excited to see the film. ~Lady B
  14. Closer and closer it gets to At World's End... and Volvo is doing another The Hunt in coordination with the release of the film! Eager to get your grubby piratical hands on $50,000 doubloons and a one of a kind PotC Volvo? Then... sign up for The Hunt! I know I'll be attempting this. I could use a vehicle since I haven't one. And sporting a one of a kind PotC Volvo... doesn't get any better than that.... well, ok.. it could if I came into possession of the Black Pearl or the Flying Dutchman... but still! Good luck to ye all! May th' best pirate win! ~Lady B
  15. Aye, Matusalem. Wal-Mart was 1 of a couple places who had the 1 disc DVD with some other collectable item. The 2 disc set was sold seperately and usually with no collectable item. I believe Best Buy had something... Blockbuster Video had a collectable tin with the one disc. I eventually bought the 2 disc set. T'wasn't just a Wal-Mart fluke of ripping you off. It was just something for each business to get you to purchase from them. Besides... I bought the Zizzle Barbossa (DMC) from Wal-Mart. T'was REALLY hard trying to find him! Got lucky there. ~Lady B
  16. Naw... not really. I love telling the stories of sibling rivalry between my sister and I. It's a riot what we both did. Several large grins? Dare we want t' know? ~Lady B
  17. Was at Wal-Mart the other night, had to get a few items when noticed more PotC stuff, including new Zizzle figures from AWE! Rock on! Also picked up a small deck of cards with the PotC theme on them. Ooooo. I'm keeping my eyes open! I know Christine mentioned she spotted the movie book already. :) ~Lady B
  18. Al Gore doesn't know Diplomacy either! Th' dumbarse stood in a freakin' reactor left over from Chernobyl! Among other stupid stuff! Was fun to have a family member who was a former Secret Service agent who was part of Gore's detail. Diplomacy is politics. Politics is tact. And Tact is no more than sweetening a lie and butt kissin'! I'm not good at tact. Course... everything that George Washington said we SHOULDN'T do... well, was generally did since the day he blood well died! ~Lady B
  19. Mmmm... that is a MAJOR life change, Ransom. Despite the blown out knees, jammed hips and back issues, other accidents... they are still therapudic. I feel for ya, m'dear. I really do. Surfer Joe... again, I feel for ya there, too. Siblings... they are a pain. ~Lady B
  20. I heard there is a certain Piece that the Pirate Lords in AWE each have. I desire greatly to obtain this trinket or a replica of it. IF anyone can help me in this specific treasure. I'd greatly appreciate it. ~Lady B
  21. Oooo... Sally... WDW, too?! If I knew which day for sure I'd be at the Magic Kingdom, would be a hoot t' see ya! Keep in touch on that, maybe we will cross paths. And, by God... yes, I will go on the PotC ride! I plan to buy piratey stuff for m'self. ~Lady B
  22. Thanks, Christing. Ditto for you. I wake up every day hoping that this day won't challenge me or be a problem. I need a moment's space to recover. But, a couple areas I won't recover. I hear ya, Red Cat. Dare I ask what happened? I think this goes for all of us- "Damned if you do... Damned if you don't!" Shall we live like we are dyin'? Or Cursed? ~Lady B
  23. I pray that it's Yar Radio won't disappear.
  24. T'was interesting this past weekend when Bunny was here... we ladies went out on the town, wore out pirate hats with modern clothes and the general concensus the whole evening was hearing "ARRR!" the freakin' bleedin' evenin'! Bunny actually started tellin' folks they say "Arr" 3 times, they have to buy us all drinks. I still get that. Either it's "Arrr!" or a weird look that I'm some deformed bastard and they step away from me, ignoring me. People are odd.
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