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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Wondering how both Lily and Hester are fairing. Lily, dear, How is your dog doing? I hope all is well. I have been saying prayers for both of you. Hester, dear, Are you feeling any better? I hope the valium is working for you. As for me, I am Hot and Sticky......I thnk Dorian and I will be camping out in the living room to sleep tonight. Oh, and I am very excited. The dance troupe that I am with have been invited to Barcelona, Spain for competition. WOOOHOOO!! And my dance leader is gonna let me incorporate my gypsy romny dance into one of the routines. Yippie!!!
  2. Halmark Ornaments...so many to buy and which one's to choose. Hmmm, Halloween...what a wonderful time of the year. Christmans, another special time of the year. Cotton Candy, Candy Corn, Malted Chocolate Balls Candles And Party Lite.....I love their seasonal ceramics and candles. Oh, and me flannel shirts with a nice pair of comfy jeans. I can't wait to dig out me flannel shirts.
  3. Ugh!! Hot and Sticky...this weather is for sucks. I am planning on taking a nice cool shower soon in the hopes that for a few moments I won't be Hot and Sticky.
  4. Here is a scrumptious recipe I found that I think you all will enjoy. Rats in the Mood Deku Delight Place a dozen smoked rats (the small field-rat type) in fresh water and soak for 30 minutes. Prepare a sauce of tomato, onion, piment and palm oil in a large skillet. Drain the rats and remove skin and other inedible portions. (?) Fry for about 20 minutes, turning occasionally until well-cooked. A true connoisseur eats them piping hot, bone and all!!! Serving tips: Usually offered as an hors-d'ouvre, they also are delightful arranged on a platter of carrots, lettuce, and cauliflower. Or just slide them on a hot dog bun . . . ** This recipe comes from the Zaire cookbook "Where There is No McDonald's" . . . Bon appetit !!
  5. Thank you Rats for such a good laugh. BriarRose hands Rats a full tankard of Rum. Have a drink dear sir. And thanks again for the laugh. You just made me day. Now I have to wipe the tears from me eyes you had me laughing so hard. Oh, by the way, Rats are very, very intelligent creatures. And they make very good pets too. and I am still laughing.....
  6. Mmmm, sounds divine Lily. Can I have the recipe for the stuffing? And I will be sending you some of my recipes. I didn't forget. We are having baked ham with mashed potatoes with redskins and salad with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
  7. After they had finished their morning tea and biscuits, Maeve went back up stairs to get herself ready to go out shopping. BriarRose went in to check on their patient. His eyes were open as she walked over to him. “And how are you doing this morning dear sir?’ BriarRose asked Preston as she poured him some water in to a goblet from a basin near the surgeon’s table. Putting the goblet to his lips she lifted up his head to help him drink the cool liquid. He gulped greedily. “Easy, now, you don’t want it coming back up on ye, now do you?” After he was finished she laid his head back down on the pillow. Preston asked, “Am I dead?” BriarRose laughed her rosy lips curling into a smile, “No, dear sir, you are alive and on the mend. You will be feeling much better I think in a few more days. But you have a long recovery ahead of you. You have been very ill with the Marsh Fever.” “How long have I been here then?” Preston asked. “Aye, not long, only a few days. Now I want you to rest a bit and I will get you some broth.” With that BriarRose left the room.
  8. Thanks Jill and Ransom for letting me know about about the Libertine. And thanks too for letting me know about Pans Labyrinth. I will see if I can rent both of them now. Maybe for this weekend. And that is a very good idea Ransom about movie reviews.
  9. Here is an interesting website I found...not sure if it will help or not. http://www.epa.gov/history/topics/perspect/lead.htm
  10. OOps....my bad...sorry.....it was John Hurt
  11. I was thinking the other day as I was cleaning and organizing how much stuff I have. And since it is now the Halmark Season for their Ornaments I thought I would start a new topic. What do you collect? I have a few different things that I collect. My first passion of course is Halmark Ornaments..... Every year I put a layaway on at Halmark for all of the ornaments I want. Then the day after Christmas, my Dad and I, go up to the store and get the sales too. It has become a tradition for us to do this. So does any one else collect any memorabilia?
  12. Aye, for the most part I would have to agree with Ransom. Although I would give Dustan Hoffman at least a C for effort. I am still undecided if I liked the movie or not. It was very dark indeed. And the ending...well, left a lot to be desired. As a result I was disappointed in how it ended. I did not like that his daughter was finally murdered....or the fact of the complete ending. The orgy was strange, what was the screen writer and director thinking??? The costume and setting was fantastic. And I will say that the narration by William Hurt was very well done. As for my husband, Dorian, his only comment was the movie was F'd up. I would recommend it for the costume and settings. Alan Rickman as always was superb. And Ben Whishaw was very excellent in his portrayl. But the overall movie....welll.....mmmm.....strange indeed. So, the Calico Kitty....satisfied her curiosity. And later today, I will be going back to drop off the movie and hopefully pick up the Libertine. Both Dorian and I have been wanting to see it. I will let you all know what we think of it. Has any one see it by chance?
  13. Aye....I love the scent of fall. Mmmm, Eucalyptus and Autumn leaves...... Now I will definitely need to go to Yankee Candle
  14. You are most Welcome Lily. I am glad she is no longer weezing as bad and is breathing easier. I will continue my prayers for you both. Aye, the wee lad is a site to see when he is dancing. When he comes to class with me he insists on wearing a belly dance scarf and he dances and flirts with all of the girls. Those big Blue eyes gets them every time.
  15. Yankee Candle....oooh, I could spend hours in there and never get bored. I am a candle addict, just ask me husband. I love candles. And I always choose the candles to go with the seasons. Mmmm, I may have to take a trip now to Yankee Candle. One of my favorite scents and it is very difficult to find is Black Licorise....It is a very warm scent and the aroma that fills up the house is divine. I mix the scent with Orange scented candles and the house smells Wonderful.
  16. Why is Summer so short and the Winter so long? Summer you wait for it all year round and in a blink of an eye your waitin' again.
  17. Baby Scent......mmmm, no other smell like it.
  18. Aye, right now I am listening to the washer swishing. And I can hear Barney on the t.v. I think it will soon be time to put on some music. Mayhaps then I can practice my dancing and the wee lad will have fun joining in. He LOVES to dance.
  19. Half of a brown sugar and cinnamon pop tart with a hot cup of earl grey tea with honey.
  20. Aye, You are right Merrydeath, dancing does work wonders and helps rejuvinate me after being with the wee one all day. I am sorry that you are having a frustrating time with moving. I have been slowly cleaning stuff out of our basement and upstairs. We too, have TMS. And I am trying to get things organized and pitch stuff as well. Good Luck on your decisions on what to keep and what to pitch. Don't forget the rule of thumb is throw away or get rid of anything you haven't used in two years. But never throw away anything that has deep sentimental value to your heart.
  21. Oh, Lily, I hope it is only pneumonia. I am so sorry for your sadness and distress. I will say another prayer to St. Francis for you. He is the patron saint of animals. And I have often prayed to him before. And I will lite a candle today for both of you. And the best thing you can do right now is doing what you are doing, just being with her. I have had to do that myself several times and I know how difficult it can be. If you need to talk I am hear for you. Consider your self Hugged.
  22. Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet. William Shakespeare
  23. I am feeling Fantastic!! I just got back from dance tonight. Totally Awesome. We have a performance coming up in a few weeks and I am getting to free style to the one song. I am sooooo Excited.......WoooHoooo!
  24. Now you all have me curious in deed. I will have to rent this as soon as possible. I adore Alan Rickman and have never been disappointed in the roles he has chosen. Die Hard Quigly Down Under RobinHood Prince of Thieves Dogma Harry Potter movies Truly Madly Deeply Just to name a few of his movies As for Dustan Hoffman....well he is okay...but I am not a particular fan of his. I will definitely find this movie since you all have peaked the curiostiy of the Calico Kitty.
  25. I am very sorry, Lily. I will say a prayer for you and her. I hope she will be alright. If you need to talk I am here. I know how difficult it is to have a sick pet, especially when the pet is more like a family member than a pet. You and she are in my thoughts. Please keep me posted on how she is doing.
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