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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Lily, I am so Happy that you got the results and that her illness is due an infection. Keep me posted on how you both are doing, please. And if you still need anything you know where to find me. Hugs, Darlin'. I am very Happy for you. I will still keep saying prayers for you both. Blessings.
  2. Mmmm, Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins.....Wow! I can see it. He will fit the part well since he has always taken unusual roles. I am going to be truly looking forward to this movie. I have a set of video tapes from the original series. And I enjoyed the remake series on T.V. A Vampire Johnny Depp, OhhhLaLa.
  3. Just finished making dinner...mmm, can't wait to eat. And I am waiting on Lily to find out how her poor pup is doing. Consider yourself Hugged, Lily.
  4. I have several pair of striped socks that I usually wear for French and Indian War re-enactments. I also occasionally wear them at Pennsic as well. I enjoy them cause they can add a bit of color to your outfit with out being too ostentaious. And they did wear the striped sock during the F & I period. Many of the re-enactors wear them. And you must be period correct when you are portraying a person from a specific time line whether it be for F & I, American Rev. or even the American Civil War, just to name only a few. As for wearing them for the GAOP era, I am not sure. But it is somethng that I will look in to now that you posed the question.
  5. Don't forget to speak on what interests you in pyracy. When you speak of what or where your main interests are you capture the audiance better with your enthusiasm. Hight light several topics that flow well together. And give a brief discussion or description on each. Oh, and it helps too if you have pictures or books to display....something that will make it more tangible for the kids.
  6. Right now I am enthralled with the book I have been reading Scotland's Black Death. It is very detailed and keeps the interests of the reader with out being overbearing. Oh, and an old love note I found while cleaning. Hmmm, Happy Memories indeed. Wow. The things you can remember when you find something.....
  7. Aye, I wasn't sure if they were the same bunny or not....but oh so cute. And if you ever get pics of your snake, please do post them.
  8. “You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.” Stephen King
  9. Me thinks we are havin' Chicken all a King, with carrots and corn on top of homemade biscuits. Mmm, haven't had that in ages....can't wait for dinner.
  10. Aye, we had a Wonderful time last night with our friends. And watching BraveHeart all together was the bomb. We are planning our next movie night which we will be havin' at our house. Yippee, I love to host parties whether they are big or small. And yes, at the end....I did cry. I expected I would, especially when she comes for him right before he dies. How romantic can you get? And I did remember to wear my waterproof mascara. As for how I am feeling today....I very Happy and Content. Aye, good friends, warm times, laughs and jokes, cuddling next to my husband, having a few drinks, snacking on beer-cheese dip and crackers and watching a fantastic movie all together.....what a memory for the heart.
  11. Aye Lily, a Toast to our Grandparents who are now in the Summerland.
  12. Patrick, I am so excited for you. Please take some pics for all of us anxious to see your decorating. By chance where is this restaurant and it's name of course?
  13. Scrubbing down the bathroom with many interruptions from the wee lad.
  14. 1) One thing you ate today some peach yogurt which I shared with Pandora 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) Lucy, our outside cat 3) Name of a person you spoke to Renea 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see Julie
  15. Aye, Squirrley Man is definitely a cutie pie.
  16. Aye, thanks for the website Rats. I remember them up at Pennsic. They were awesome to watch perform. I absolutely love the music. They are an awesome group for sure.
  17. My Aunt Nell used to collect perfume bottles. You just reminded me of some happy memories Bonnie, thanks. Another thing that I collect are The Night Before Christmas books and also other Christmas books such as the Christmas Carol, other Santa Claus books, the Nutcracker and the Little Match Girl.
  18. Bonnie, How absolutely adorable. All three of them. How sweet. Thanks for sharing. Do you have any pics of your Burmese Python? I love snakes. I think they are very beautiful, magical and powerful creatures.
  19. Oooh, last night was absolutely wonderful spending the evening with our friends. We had the following drinks: Blush Wine Captain Morgan and Coke, of course Cape Cods Cosmopolitans And chilled Gummie Bears soaked in Vodka....Delicious
  20. Mmmm, peach yogurt with a hot cup of black coffee. Of course I am sharing me yogurt with Pandora. And now I am waiting for Willow to come beggin' too.
  21. Today is another coffee day for sure. Lily, you reminded me of my Grandfather. He used to make the best coffee ever. And I often associate the smell with him. Aye, I do miss him dearly.
  22. I recently found this poem...I think it absolutely Beautiful. So I dedicate it to he who knows it is for him. A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong. - By Sheelagh Lennon -
  23. Mmmm, the smell of books. Walking in to a bookstore or library...Mmmm, what a wonderful smell.
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