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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words they are greatly appreciated.
  2. I am sorry to hear of your families troubles. I will light a candle for you, your great uncle and grandmother. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I will send extra Angels your way with healing love and light too. Hugs and Blessings to you.
  3. Thank you All so much for your well wishes. And yes, I had a wonderful birthday. I enjoyed my self immensely. And I got a few unexpected surprises which was very nice indeed. Blessings and Thanks to All of You.
  4. Friday, April 3rd, was a very bad day. I woke up in the morning and as I was getting my wee lad’s breakfast he came in to the kitchen and said, "Mama, Kokopelli, is stiff." I went in to the living room to find my gentle giant kitty had passed away during the night on the couch. I am so devastated by this loss. It was so unexpected. He has been fine and he was on my lap that night before I went to bed. So now he is at peace buried in the back yard with some toy mice and a few pieces of lettuce that he loved so much. It has almost been a week now and my heart still aches for my gentle giant. His presence is sorely missed with in the house. He was a true blessing to have not only as a friend, but as a companion, teddy bear, and protector. There are not enough words to express my deep sorrow. Today was the first nice day to go out doors so I placed an emblem marker of a sunshine upon his grave. I know his Spirit still lives on, and he is happy in the Summerland where he waits with contentment knowing how much he is truly loved in this lifetime. And I have already felt his presence which I am deeply grateful for. He was such a joy in my life. I will dearly miss his quirky and funny antics.
  5. Happy Birthday. May your New Year be filled with much Love, Laughter, Happiness, Prosperity and Good Health. Many Many Blessings, Love and Light.
  6. Dearest Syren, I am so glad you are finally going to be well. I will light a healing candle for you and say prayers for a speedy recovery. Many Blessings to You. And may the Angels surround you with Love and Healing Light. Hugs and Blessings, BriarRose
  7. A Very Merry Beary Christmas and Happy Holidays to One and All!!! Cheers and a Toast with Many Wonderful Blessings!!!!
  8. Awww, how sweet and adorable. Thanks for sharing.
  9. The children next door making alot of noise outside...hmmm, it tis 9:30 and cold out??? Were are their parent's bains?
  10. Hot Chocolate with a wee bit of Kahlua.
  11. Awww, I hope you are feeling better Hester. Me, I am amazed at the synchronicity in my life.
  12. The Holiday’s are a time of celebrating, sharing, loving, giving, receiving, reflecting and remembering. Whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa this time of year is a special one. I have many happy memories of my family and friends, but I especially remember them at this time of year. How my grandfather would always have a silver dollar for each grandchild. He would hide a silver dollar in his hand and we would each take turns guessing which hand he was holding the silver dollar. His blue eyes would sparkle with merriment at our consternation as we would try to beat him at his game of hide and seek. Or the memory of my mother’s cookies and candy that she made faithfully every year. My husband and I, our first Christmas together, he bought me a pistol and I got him a car jack. The laughter over this will always make me smile. And the memory of my son’s first Christmas and knowing how truly blessed I was with having such a sweet gift from Heaven. I have come to realize through out my life that the meaning of the Holiday’s is the Spirit of Believing. To believe that every one is truly good at heart, that the milk of human kindness is still alive and yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. It is the belief of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Faith, Miracles and Magic. In our world, our time is often busy and too short. As a result, we often times forget the true meaning of who we are and those we love and how much they mean to us. It is a time to remember and be thankful for the Blessings that we have been given. And for me most of all it is a time to believe in the Magic of Spirit and the light it gives each one of us. The Hope that no matter how alone we may seem, we are never truly alone. For the Love of Spirit is always with us, surrounding us with glory and grace. And it is up to us, as individuals, to remember that we are all truly loved by Spirit. So a toast, to All, in the Magic, Love and Holiday of Spirit, and Many Blessings full of Hope, Laughter and Joy. Happy Holidays, Hugs and Blessings to All, BriarRose
  13. warm mulled cider red wine
  14. Ah Ha! I tagged you first as well..Just wanted to say hello!

  15. Very Awesome. Thanks for posting this information.
  16. Happy Birthday to you. May your New Year be filled with lots of Happiness, Good Health, Love and Laughter.
  17. Happy cause I had some wonderful "Surprises" today.
  18. I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an Honest Man. George Washington Adhere to your purpose and you will soon feel as well as you ever did. On the contrary, if you falter, and give up, you will lose the power of keeping any resolution, and will regret it all your life. Abraham Lincoln
  19. Thinking about having some Kahlua over ice.....
  20. You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H
  21. Okay, now that I can not pass up. WOW, looks absolutely Wonderful. Thanks Captain.
  22. A true loss to the literary world, Michael Crichton has passed on to the other side. I am deeply saddened. He has always been one of my favorite authors. May the light of the Angels surround him and may he be blessed in the light of the Summerland. A truly great loss for all of us who enjoyed his books. He was an innovative author who challenged our thoughts and preconceived notions showing that the improbable was probable. I raise my tankard of Rum and salute this literary giant among men.
  23. Thank you for sharing this information. This occurrence is very curious indeed. It gives one pause to think and remember that Mother Nature is still a force to be reckoned with.
  24. Captain Jack Sparrow
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