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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Mayhaps, that is good eye candy to watch then dear Hester. Ahhh, a wonderful storm has just blown in....how I love storms....now should I go to bed and listen to the rain and thunder or go runnin' outside and dance in the rain...choices, choices....
  2. BriarRose giggles as she nibbles upon another cookie.
  3. Okay, sad but true, my newest favorite movie is "Curious George"...what can I say, he is a very adorable monkey...and my son and I have had some wonderfully cuddly, times watchin' it.
  4. Taking a sip of tea, BriarRose, bows her head slightly looking up mischeviously with her sea blue-green eyes.
  5. Aye, I'll keep it our little secret then.....winking, BriarRose blows the Captain a kiss.
  6. Sad indeed. Cause you are truly sweet and I must say very charming as well.
  7. Aww you are sooo sweet dear Captain.
  8. Please do....do not wait too long. So how about another cup o' tea with a few more cookies?
  9. Well, don't be waitin' too long to get yer foot fixed. By waitin' you may be compromising other muscles, not just in yer foot but in your leg and back as well.
  10. Oh, I won't be able to take it till next June. They only offer the test twice a year. So I need to get the books I will need to study for it soon. As for yer foot, well it hurtin' only certain times may be weather related, example, the humidity, the cold and damp or even rain.
  11. Me job is goin' very well thank you. I have been busy, busy, busy...with lots of patients. And I have been tryin' to figure out when I can start studyin' for the state boards. Not enough time in a day or night.
  12. Oh, I am doing much better now that I am no longer sick. Finally feelin' normal again. Mayhaps the weather was bothering your foot? I know the weather bothers my bones that have been broken. Mmmm, the tea and cookies are scrumptious.
  13. Oooh, Tea and cookies...a favorite snack of mine. May I join you Captain? How is your poor foot feelin?
  14. Ahhh, poor Sterling. Do you think you should wait to get yer foot fixed? If there be any thing I can do just let me know. Feel better. Hugs.
  15. Just got the wee lad settled down from a bad dream. And now I be watchin' a documentary on me cousin's Frank and Jessie James
  16. A beautiful chorus of locusts and crickets.....and the haunting sound of a train whistle.....sigh....How I love late summer nights.
  17. Aye, our ForeFather's and ForeMother's would be greatly ashamed in how we American's have lost our way by becoming a bunch of sheep, especially when many of our ancestors died for our freedoms. Where is the voice of the people? What have we become by constantly being railroaded? We are way over due for a Revolution. "Any one want to start another Boston Tea Party over the exhorbent gas prices?"
  18. Whenever I have the time I have been watchin' the Olympics. Been teachin' the wee lad about them too. Passin' down the tradition. The Olympics have always been a big deal in my family. My parents taught me well on how important they were. Thanks Mum and Dad. So far I have been able to catch...swimming, diving, gymnastics, volley ball, and fencing.
  19. I got ta see some of it. Totally Awesome!! And the wee lad enjoyed it to.
  20. Watchin' the openin' to the Olympics. The Olympics have always been important to my family. When I was younger we would sit and watch the games and competitions. Happy Memories.
  21. I'm on me second cup of chai tea with wild spirit whiskey...whoohooo....positivley delicious!
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