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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. I really enjoyed this. I got 10 out of 12 WOOOHoo! Any other trivia questions?
  2. As Maeve addressed their patient, BriarRose continued to pack their belongings taking extra care with the medical and apothecary items. Going up stairs she hurriedly pack their clothes and other belongings. Finding a basket she placed a bit of wool in it and grabbed up Mandrake, “Aye, little one, where I go you go. Besides we may need a good mouser in our rooms.” He blinked up at her as she closed the lid. For a moment he mewed pitifully until she soothed him with some more words. “There, there….everything will be right soon enough.” Carrying their belongings down the stairs she was amazed at all that had been done in her absence. “Well Maeve, I think I got all of our belongings that we will need upstairs. How are things going down here?”
  3. P & J on wheat bread Blue skies, warm bright sunshine and me wee lad with his big blue eyes. He melts me heart every time he looks at me. Wendy, Jayne and MeMe JHK, SK, TM (What I like to be doing right now instead of work....walking bare foot in the park with me wee lad.),
  4. Head Bangin' Music from the gym downstairs.
  5. BriarRose stood still looking at Meave’s flushed cheeks as she finished telling her the news of Captain Brand’s offer. “Well, now, what da ya think?” Maeve asked BriarRose. “I…I…Meave, are you sure? I mean….this is so sudden? I don’t know what to say.” “Briar this is yer chance to escape. Please say ya’ll come with me.” Looking at Maeve, BriarRose laughed out loud, “Aye, Maeve, you can count on me to go with you.” Then giving her a big hug, she continued, “Well then we best get ourselves packed and ready to go.”
  6. No problem, Captain. Just hope you are feeling better. Hugs to ya.
  7. What a beautiful horse. Sigh...how I miss riding. Thanks for sharing Bo....keep us updated please.
  8. so wrong, but so true.... thanks for the laugh.
  9. Awww, how very, very sweet. You truly brought a smile to my face. I "LOVE" Peter Pan....it has always been a favorite of mine..and why I now be a pyrate. And I have always wanted to be upon Captain Hook's Ships. WOW, what an adventure that would be. And the wallpaper on my cell phone is but of course...TinkerBell "So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!” Peter Pan "Second to the right, and straight on till morning." Peter Pan to Wendy on their way to Never Never Land
  10. Video games in the back ground...lots of annoying noises they make...especially the one that continually sings..."The Candy Man". I keep waiting for the full chorus with Sammy Davis Jr. singing and in never happens....bummer.
  11. Aye that infamous "PC" word that is "for sucks" to be sure.
  12. BriarRose gleefully claps her hands at the sight of the wee sandwiches. Awwww, Captain, those wee sandwiches look wonderfully delicious. Thanks for being such a sweet Host. BriarRose then helps herself to some of the delightful wee sandwiches.
  13. Hmmm, does there be any thing to nibble on? Just mayhaps a wee snack?
  14. The last few days have been absolutely beautiful. On Sunday we took our wee lad out to enjoy the sunshine. And of course even though I like shoes and Love boots, I got to go barefoot outside. I love having me feet bare. Need to be digging out my toe rings again soon. And yesterday, was another beautiful day. I had a wonderful time with me wee lad. It is amazing how much he has grown and how intelligent he is. Every day is another day of miracles when I am with him. Children are a true blessing. And how wonderful now that spring is here. I look forward to our walks and adventures we will have with the wee lad.
  15. Yar, Har!!! I be a Pyrate. I loved her outfit....hehehe, and I still want that pink hair she's got. The wee lad had fun watchin' this too...now he will be walkin' around actin' like a wee pyrate.
  16. Aww Hester. I hope you kick the cold soon. Try taking ,if you can, some sea salt baths. That will help pull out the virus. And put some vicks on the bottom of your feet and then put some white socks on and go to bed. It does help. Hope you feel better. And Good Luck with your dance event. Hugs to ya!!
  17. No need to thank me cause that is what friends are for. Me shoulder is here if you need it.
  18. I am so sorry. Hugs..Hugs and Hugs.
  19. Awww, Captain, what does the matter be? Are ye alright? Hugs.
  20. Totally Awesome research Mission. As always you have out done your self. Marshmellow peeps next to circus peanuts were me mum's favorite sugary snack to eat...but they both had to stale as stale can be. As for me, I always look forward to the different Holidays to see what shapes and colors they will come out with.
  21. Awww, cute pup.
  22. Awwww, baby geese....just way too cute.
  23. Still wishin' fer that Gin and Tonic
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