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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. mmmm, apricots. "Peaches"
  2. Ah, Captain Sterling, you are so sweet and thoughtful. I would love to share a glass with ya. Mayhaps I could take a wee sip of yer wine?
  3. blah....yes....but it is nice an' cold so I don't mind too much.
  4. BriarRose sits by the fire listening to the antics of every one around her. She nibbles gingerly on a toasted cheese sandwich savoring the flavor. Sighing she takes a drink of water wishin' it were a glass of wine instead. "Lime chips, me could go for some of those."
  5. "In keeping with long and glorious tradition, you are burned at the stake." Aye that would definitely be me. Been there done that in a few life times. What can I say, me third eye always gets me in to trouble.
  6. Awesome site Merrydeath. I love Russian history. Thanks for sharing.
  7. The fasts are done; the Aves said; The moon has filled her horn And in the solemn night I watch Before the Easter morn. So pure, so still the starry heaven, So hushed the brooding air, I could hear the sweep of an angel's wings If one should earthward fare. ~Edna Dean Proctor, "Easter Morning" Awake, thou wintry earth - Fling off thy sadness! Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth Your ancient gladness! ~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn"
  8. Excited for when the wee lad wakes up in the morning to see that the Easter Bunny came to visit him.
  9. Very nice. Here's another one you all might like.
  10. Mad Jack, I am very sincerely sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and yours. I wish there were words I could give you to ease your pain. I know how truly difficult it is to lose a pet. My deepest sympathy. Hugs, Much Love, Thoughts and Prayers are with you and yours. May your furry friend be at peace walking in the light of the Summerland.
  11. My deepest apologies Maeve that this comes a few days late. Been down with the flu. Here is a Big Hug to You for Your Birthday. May your New Year be filled with lots of Love, Laughter, Sunshine, Prosperity and Happiness.
  12. Since I showed me wee lad the site...he constantly sings and begs to see the scarecrow over and over again.
  13. Christine, dear, I am sorry you have been feeling so ill. You definitely need to get a blood sugar test done. I have been hypoglycemic all of my life. I am the youngest known person to have ever been diagnosed with it at the age 2. I was clinically dead when I was diagnosed. My medical records are on file at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And I am also in the medical journals for reference usage still to this day. There are several key points to remember if you are hypoglycemic. 1. Always eat small meals or have nutritous snacks in between meals. 2. Do not load up on sugary snacks. It will be a quick high for you then a even harder drop. 3. If you need to eat something with sugar to sustain you then you have approximately 20 to 30 minutes to eat a real meal with protien. 4. Protien is a key ingredient to staying regulated. 5. Be sure to get enough sleep and keep your stress level as low as you can. Both of these factors can drop your sugar. 6. Beaware of your personality and moods too. Often times when your sugar drops you will be come lethargic, disoriented, confused, lack of concentration but also, your will become very mean and nasty. Trust me....there have been times I become the tazmanian devil....but as soon as I eat I am me again...sweet and sugary. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me and I will answer them as best as I can. I have a plethora of experience with both hypoglycemia and diabetes. Please get better. Much Love, and Many Hugs and Kisses to ya.
  14. Ohh, the American Civil War, one of me favorite history topics. Pixieland??? Well then that be a special individual cause pixieland is a very special place to be. Me I am listening to the clock ticking, a crow cawing outside, and the distant sound of the T.V., The Berstien Bears.
  15. Thanks Jill for the cake. And Thank you Captain Sterling, dear, for the extra cocoa. Captain William, I am so very sorry that your friend is so ill. I will say a prayer for him and lite a candle too. Many Blessings, Much Love to you and yours.
  16. Why, what happened to you? Are you both okay? We are okay...but it was a brief moment of terror. Here's what happened: Finally over my scare from this morning. Was almost in a very bad accident. I was sitting at a light and was turning left. The vehicle across from me on the other side was sitting at a light and was turning right on to the same street. To be courteous I remained turning in to the left lane so the other driver could turn in to the right lane. Unfortunately she continued over in to my lane almost broadsiding me and the wee lad. I hit the horn and she never even noticed. I had no where to go due to other vehicles parked along the street. There is no way she could miss my big ass jeep and not hear the horn blasting. I still do not know how the accident didn't happen. All I could see was her coming directly in to my lane, my son in the back seat and no where to go with my vehicle. Perhaps a Guardian Angel was there because for a moment time stood still. (Sorry I copied and forwarded this from another thread.)
  17. Daniel answered the king: "Oh, King, live forever! My God has sent his Angel and closed the lions' mouths so that they have not hurt me. For I have not been found innocent before him; neither to you have I done any harm, O King!" Daniel 6:22
  18. Neil Diamond "Sweet Caroline"
  19. Okay, I think we have all been patient enough. Let's see some pics of that new beautiful princess. Oh, and after the shake up this morning I am gonna enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa to calm me nerves a bit. BriarRose then sits back with a nice hot cup of cocoa and waits patiently to see some adorable and beautiful pics.
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