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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Ah, Ransom and Salty I hope you are both soon feelin' better. As for me, not feelin myself and very tired too..Zzzzzzz
  2. Yeah Cheeky!!! Lookin forward to what the next movie quote will be.
  3. :angry: Silkie you be silly. Captain here be some silverware
  4. This evening when went to our friends house. And as always, they cook a good meal. We had Homemade turkey and stars soup then grilled hamburgers with cheese and the works of couse. Homemade dutchapple pie and chocolate-peanutbutter brownies for dessert. Fantastic!!!
  5. BriarRose sits back in a chair next to the crackling fire sipping a cup of hot cocoa and reads a book: By Force of Arms -James L. Nelson She sighs a bit as she gets snuggled in for a good coze.
  6. BriarRose hands Christine a box of Kleenex.....and then asks, "So what be the next movie quote?"
  7. Hehehe.... ........ Still wantin that cup of coffee I can't have.
  8. Gonna snuggle on the couch with me wee lad and read a book. I found one of my favorite childhood books today in the half price store. I had to buy it for him. "Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever"
  9. Tonic with a twist o' lime and orange....no gin...not allowed to have me gin....sad, very sad indeed.
  10. BriarRose sits back and enjoys watchin' the love between Silkie and Captain Sterling.
  11. Thinkin' of Spring..... ...sigh....
  12. The Hope Diamond "Ah Captain, you beat me too it...oh well....I'll leave this as is."
  13. Yeah!!!! Captain, I am glad they are startin' to wake back up. Lady B, I am sorry for your troubles. Wish I could at least give ya a massage to help yer shoulder and neck. As for me...well slept the clock around. Still feelin' a bit queazie though. And I got lots to do today too
  14. Me wee lad hopin' and jumpin' around like a nut.
  15. BriarRose giggles wickedly and winks at Syren.
  16. BriarRose hums a little tune...as she gets Captain Sterling's massage ready
  17. Declaration of Independence
  18. United States Constitution
  19. Thanks... Aye a nice full body massage to folllow yer bath... As for dinner that will be up to Captain Brand.
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