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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. There is a difference between a man with a sense of humor and a grotesque clown.
  2. Ooooh, pics. Yeah!! Ah Captain, I'll be yer nurse when yer health fails ya...so have yer port and cigar and enjoy.
  3. disillusioned.....very hurt at a friend I thought I could trust.
  4. Ahhh, how sweet. Babies are just so wonderful. I am listening to me wee lad snoozing.
  5. Aye, but you can never watch too much Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.... Oooh, Pizza, by chance does that come with some pickles and extra cheese?
  6. Congratulations to the Proud Parents. BIG HUGS and Kisses to ALL!!! Dearest Aeva, may you be blessed with a Beautiful and Wonderful life. May you always have Happiness, Joy, Laughter and Love to surround you. And may the Music of Life always be a Melody. Angels Bless You Little One.
  7. Superb Captain. Captain Brand should like that alot.
  8. ooh, a roast pig. Fantastic.
  9. Ah you guys are awesome. Now what else do we need? Thoughts any one?
  10. Wonderful since I had me nap. No more grumpies for me.
  11. Silkie and Jill we are gonna be needin' yer help too. Aye Captain, but hot air is a good thing to have at a time like this....
  12. Ah you are so thoughtful Captain. Okay, now where is Captain Lasseter? I need both of you Captain's to start hanging the decorations. We need some balloons blown-up and some streamers hung up too. OOOh and a big sign.
  13. BriarRose ignores the Captains stumbling steps. "Okay, now where be those decorations? We must get started quick. The new wee one is almost here."
  14. BriarRose claps her hands at the good news. The Stork will soon be hear with a Special delivery for Captain Brand and his lovely wife, Maeve. BriarRose takes hold of Captain Sterlings Hands and dances a quick waltz around the room.
  15. A man who has strength and courage. A man who believes in himself and the woman he is with. He is gentle and kind and his actions and deeds are always true. He enjoys having fun and laughing and he delights in making the woman he loves laugh too. Oh, and he is so romantic and knows how to sweep a woman off her feet with just a kiss.
  16. Hmm, I'll have to remember that one. As for me...only got nauseous once today so far, but still havin' dizzy spells. Had to take a nap...I feel a bit better now.
  17. I am so sorry Cheeky.....I hope yer day gets better. HUGS to ya.
  18. Ah Captain, will this Hour glass do for ya? No need to be stealin' the silver.
  19. Coconut milk...aye, I'll have some unless there be orange juice around.
  20. Flora, Fauna and MerryWeather
  21. the sweet lilting songs of the birds outside. *Sigh* Springtime is only a day a way....
  22. Mmmm, BriarRose takes a deep inhale of the sweet aroma of the roses. "Thank ye Captain. They are deliciously sweet and beautiful. And how thoughtful too for you to be thinkin' about all us Ladies aboard the Kate. It's a special treat whenever a Lady gets a flower or flowers." *Sigh*, "but alass I can have no rum."
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