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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. feelin' lucky that my guardian angel and my son's guardian angel was with us this morning.
  2. Finally over my scare from this morning. Was almost in a very bad accident. I was sitting at a light and was turning left. The vehicle across from me on the other side was sitting at a light and was turning right on to the same street. To be courteous I remained turning in to the left lane so the other driver could turn in to the right lane. Unfortunately she continued over in to my lane almost broadsiding me and the wee lad. I hit the horn and she never even noticed. I had no where to go due to other vehicles parked along the street. There is no way she could miss my big ass jeep and not hear the horn blasting. I still do not know how the accident didn't happen. All I could see was her coming directly in to my lane, my son in the back seat and no where to go with my vehicle. Perhaps a Guardian Angel was there because for a moment time stood still.
  3. wee lad getting ready for a bubbly bath...with his wee ships sailin' the bubbly bath water.
  4. I am truly excited that this movie has resurfaced. This was one of my favorites as a child. I went thru the website yesterday and the wee lad was totally enthralled with it. I think I got him hooked cause now he has been goin' around singing the scarecrow song.... By the way was this ever a series in a book form or just a movie?
  5. The one thing a grown up can not do is reason with a 3 year old.
  6. Ah, I am so sorry that I did not see this thread sooner. I hope all is well. Many prayers and thoughts for Saltypots. May your recovery go quick and well. I will lite a candle for you dear. Callenish, please continue to keep us posted. And know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well.
  7. Nay, tis not the cigar smoke.
  8. Okay, I'll admit it...I did have a cry. Cheers !!!!
  9. **Sigh** me thinks I be gonna cry. I am so Happy for you William and Yours.
  10. Thanks Captain. Hugs to ya. Jill, dear, Yer up next.
  11. Ahh, Captain, you are one of the most sweetest and romantic men I know. Much Love to you and your Wonderful Lady.
  12. I sent the Good Captain a pm....now just waiting for a response.
  13. Congratulations to the Proud New Parents. Many Blessings to them and their family. Blessings to the new wee one. May the good fairies sprinkle pixie dust upon you bestowing lots of Love, Laughter, Happiness, Sunshine, Beauty, Song and Grace. Hugs to You All!!! And Much Love Too!!!
  14. Four Cardinal Virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice
  15. don't know just came to me mind.
  16. Hmm, well it still be cookin' in the crock pot....a roast with carrots, potatoes, onion and a touch of garlic.
  17. The sweet smell of a new born babe. Congrats Captain Brand and Maeve.
  18. It rained all morning and now it is be snowing be fluffy snow flakes. I guess Spring may be comin' in as a Lion this year. For now I am gonna cuddle up on the couch and maybe read a book or watch movie. Unless I fall asleep
  19. So does any one have the answer? Is Jill or my self right?
  20. Just a bit earlier my wee lad having a case of the giggles. The most sweetest sounds are the cries of a new born babe and the giggles from a child.
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