Very good point and an understandable pet peeve, Zephaniah W Nash. I agree with ya whole heartedly. Especially since my Father's family is from the South and my Mother's is from the North. As a American Civil War buff, I too become upset by the way it has been taught in our schools.
And one should take in to consideration the time and mind set of the population during a given period.
For instance a very good friend of mine when she was in high school would not participate in the ranting sand ravings of the teachers mind set on Al Capone. When asked why she would not participate in the assignment of such a Villain her response was: "Well, may be because he was my Uncle."
Needless to say, the teacher dropped the assignment.
Every era believes itself to be the modern age. It is the ability of a true historian to be able to look at an age unbiased that makes that person a true historian.