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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. How about this, well just for starters any way,
  2. Having a nice hot toddy with Drambuie hoping it will relax me enough for the Sandman to come visit me.
  3. Thanks for the update Lily. I will keep saying prayers for both of you. As for me, I am beyond tired and yet once again can't sleep. Insomnia is for sucks.
  4. Whoooo Hooooo! Vrooomm Vrooom Vrooommmm. Drag Racing (Oh, Lily, dear, just a forewarning....I used to be very good at drag racing...LOL)
  5. To Mark and happy memories: Puff the Magic Dragon
  6. Thanks Patrick for that bit of info. I will remember that when I am deciding on what to get pierced next.
  7. Why is it that you can be so damn tired and yet can't sleep? Where is the Sandman when you need him?
  8. 1) One thing you ate today Sun Chips (I'm addicted to them) 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) Lucy 3) Name of a person you spoke to Nathaniel, my wee little lad (ooh how those big blue eyes get me every time.) 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see Curtis Lee
  9. Ferrari (wanna race Lily?)
  10. Nay to both the Philadelpia Story and to Topper. Does every one give up yet? Or do you all want to keep thinkin' on it?
  11. The smell of a freshly cleaned room.
  12. Aye, it might just be a Cary Grant film, but I'm not telling. Good Guess, Misson, but it is wrong.
  13. Okay, Graydog, just for you...here is a hint or two: It is ablack and white movie and the actors exchanged rolls before filming.
  14. Nay, Graydog and Mission. Do you want me to be givin' ye all a hint then?
  15. Well since we were all discussing the movie Perfume. I thought I would go ahead and create a Movie Review thread for any one who has seen a movie or has questions about a movie before they see it. Last night Dorian and I watched the Libertine for the first time. We both agreed that we are going to have to watch it again. I am still, once again, undecided if I liked the movie yet or not. I will give you my thoughts once we watch it again. As for Perfume, I must say I did like the movie. It was very dark and morbid, yet was definitley a great Psychological Thriller. The costuming was fabulous as was the scenery. And the acting was very good as well. Once again, Alan Rickman never disappoints his audiance. And Ben Whishaw was phenomenal in his portrayl as Jean-Baptiste Grenouille.
  16. Nay, Blackbead, dear. But good guess.
  17. Yippee!!! WhoooHoo! BriarRose does a dance. Okay, here is a quote: "You know every time I pass a cemetery I feel like I'm apartment hunting."
  18. Is the quote from the movie They Died with Thier Boots On?
  19. "I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine
  20. Thanks Lily. I appreciate it. I will definitely have to go shopping. I Love Yankee Candle. Could spend hours and hours in that store.
  21. Welcome Aboard, and Amongst the Living too. Glad to see you've been resurrected. And as for a drink I will take some Disaronno on the Rocks if you please. Aye, now how about telling us all some of your stories and adventures. BriarRose finds a seat by the fire and makes her self comfortable waiting for the Captain to begin his tales.
  22. Oh, No what scents are running out of stock...? Yeah we get to go Shoppin'. Do they have Licorise this year?
  23. My wee lad, talking, talking and talking some more. He is just too sweet for words.
  24. Absolutely Wonderful! I am feeling a bit Frisky.....Mmmm, what can I possible get in to
  25. Yankee candle is having a Sale, Lily....oooh, Let's go Shoppin'! Mmmm, They will have their Halloween scents out, YUM!
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