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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Dearest Haunting Lily, I hope you will understand this quote that I give to you and that some how it may help you in your time of sorrow. "Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see." -- Helen Keller (both blind and deaf from an infant)
  2. Happy, Exhausted and Exhilerated. Had a very good show to at our dance event. The new girls in the troupe did a great job. And tomorrow we start training for Barcelona. Ahh, and now I am itching to write....if I could just get some time to me self to do it. *Sigh*
  3. Lily, dear, I am so very sorry of your loss. I truly know how you feel and I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. And I will burn a candle for you and Keith and for Pepe as well. And from my experiences, the Angels do come and she is not alone. And she is a free and happy puppy again. And this too may seem strange, but she will come back and let you know. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Call me, I am here. Many Hugs to you and Keith. My deepest condolences. Love, BriarRose
  4. This morning a nice hot cup of roasted coffee.
  5. Shredded mini wheats with the yummy coating on the other side of them. Mmmm. And a nice hot cup of black coffee.
  6. The soft gentle pitter patter of an early morning rain. It is a morning to snuggle up and be cozy. *Sigh* Ooooh and now it be thunderin' too.
  7. Chimpanzee (hehehe )
  8. Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing. It may seem to point very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely different. Sherlock Holmes
  9. Happy, Excited....Hmmm, aye very Happy.
  10. Is it from "The Haunting" ?
  11. 1) One thing you ate today so far nothing again 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) Willow, his big gold-green eyes peeping up at me as I went down the stairs today. lol, he is so adorable. 3) Name of a person you spoke to Lee (does it count if they are on the other side?) 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see me father
  12. Aye Lily...fresh baked cookies....yum! Ooh, and the smell of pies baking in the oven, especially pumpkin pies....double yum!
  13. SpongeBob....well at least it isn't Dragon Tales......
  14. WhooooHooo! I'll be right over. I LOVE Chocolate Chip Cookies.
  15. Very tired and hoping to Goddess, Morpheous will come see me tonight. Insomnia is for sucks...
  16. Oh, Iron Jon, he is a beauty, he is. I have always found parrots fasinating. Thanks for sharing. A friend of mine would love to see him. Hunaman is a bird man. And he is always interested in seeing other people's pets that are birds.
  17. Feelin' a bit Randy.... I dedicate this song...well, he knows who he is....to some one special. Dream a Little Dream of Me
  18. I am sorry you aren't feelin' well Ransom. If I could I would give you a massage to help ease up the pain and maybe relax you a bit. Hester, wonderful thought on the aromatherapy. I usually use Lavendar. I will have to try the peppermint some time. Thanks. As for me, I am excited. I am taking the wee one to see Pappy today. He is gonna be surprised at how much his grandson has grown. LOL.
  19. Fort Royal Martinique Maeve and BriarRose sat talking by the fire. The kitten jumped down from BriarRose's lap and stretched. He wandered over to the hearth and curled up. "Well, now, he seems to be happy." BriarRose commented. "Aye, that he does." Said Maeve. "I'll be right back. Gonna check on our patient." Maeve got up and went in to the patient's room. BriarRose sat looking in to the fire. For a moment she sensed a strange feeling permeate the room. She shivered as the feeling became stronger. Mandrake looked up and hissed. Then all went back to normal. Looking back in to the fire, BriarRose, knew he was searching for her. Maeve came back in to the room and said, "Well, for some one who complained he wasn't tired he is sleeping quite soundly." Looking at her friend she asked, "Briar, dear, are ye alright? Ye look like ye seen a ghost." BriarRose swallowed the lump in her throat and smiled, "Aye, Maeve, I am fine. Just a bit unsettled that's all." "Well then I have just the thing for ye," Maeve said as she went over to the cupboard and pulled down a bottle of mead and two goblets. Smiling, she poured a generous amount in both goblets as she walked back over she handed one to BriarRose. BirarRose laughed and said, "Now how can I refuse that?" The two women laughed like young girls as they continued to talk and drink the fine mead that Maeve had poured. Mandrake went back to sleep purring contentedly by the fire.
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