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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny
"ting!" Red Cat sees the prize Jacky is holdin out and runs over. She sidles up in front of him and raises her long locks so he can place the bit of silver on her neck.. "Thanke!" she covets the trinket and gives him a kiss on the cheek! "By the way Mr. Tar afore it gets too late the piece de resitance for our decoratin is.... THIS!" As promised, Red Cat reveals the item she has been teasing him wi. Proudly displaying a wee model ship with holiday lights in the rigging and a fierce looking turkey figurehead. On it's deck are little pirates having a feast and playing dice and cards. "Perfect no?" says she with a grin placing it at the center of the table amidst the peglegged scarecrow and pies. "It even plays music if ye wind it!" groans and giggles are heard round.... Smiling over at him she says... "Yeknow Jacky, ye can bell th cat... but don't be surprised....."
Ahh. A fellow midnite worker! . I will be leavin here at 06:30 AM as well.. quick nappie and then Mimosas and th parade from the comfort o me kitchen! Later on to dinner YAY! A very Happy holiday to all who celebrate and a happy day to those who dont. Happy Thanksgiving!
Red Cat leaves the pirate to think of a suitable trinket, and rushes about the pub placing leaves, fruit wi little jolly rogers stuck in it and tableware about. Ransom has selected some nice candles and th pub is bathed in a Merry glow. "Why Ransom! ye fount th Cornucopia! 't looks grande! She sends th barmate to the Tsunami Kate for some Thanksgivin grub and to invite all. hummig quietly t' erself catching a sly glance or two in Jacky's direction..
"Red Cat is only enjoyn a bit o teasin.. Jacky is just so much fun to play wi. She feels a bit guilty for Ransom's scoldin tho..Bad Cat! LOL But seein the adorably frustrated smirk on his poor face, and bein charmed by 'is words she decides to let him in on th secret. For a price...... Hmm.. eyes narrow a bit more and she scans his coat and it's deep pockets.. "Oh Jacky, any small trinket'll make me me smile aaaand I'll show ya what treasure bee behind me back! Then well be toastin th holiday !
Aye! The goode people here at the pub be full o information inspirin ye to much research!
"Oh come now luv" she says playfully plopping down next to him and selecting another mug o punch. Still hiding the object in question she places an elbow on Jacky's shoulder and leans in close looking innocently into his eyes... don'cha wanna know? *giggle* Red Cat pauses for effect giving him a sly grin, "Ye must ave summin ta trade for such knowledge o treasure"
Mmm I'll be right behind ye..I'll bring th Coconut custard pie and some Kona coffee!
Yersinia, If this be the case, ye can go after em fer mail fraud. Contact yer local office of Post.
Merde ! ? Vous êtes allé à Paris et ne m'avez pas apporté la crème brulée ? Puits qui est ok. J'espère que votre bateau parlent français ! Ah.. er .. eh'm or summat like tha
Aye ave sum stuffin and creamed onions fer me! Enjoy and safe trip!
A sly smile purses her lips as she quickly places the item behind her back. Smile turns to a full grin as she faces Jacky enjoying the quizzical look upon his face... "Wall Mr. Tar," says she narrowing her eyes a bit "Santa already has me on his goode list.... and I AM a pirate.... I'm not so sure I'm willin ta give up th information fer naught... what be in it fer meself? *giggle* Ransom stifles an echoed giggle behind her - she has just seen Red Cat's prize. Jenny waggles the object behind her causing Ransom to snicker despite best efforts not to.
A series of expressions cross the Cat's countenance... Blank stare... confusion.. hmm..wonder... Squinting one eye a bit and tilting er head 't th side she regards the pirate. In a voice full of wonder she says "Wall it MAY have a turkey at th front and some extra lights.... but JACKY... ye mean 't say ye ne'r seen one o these?!
Hmm...clank" rustle, bang shuffle....more items come out from hiding. A nice candle sconce.. a genie lamp? *toss* "Ah I think in the small chest on th right there be some candles Ransom" says Red Cat handing her the sconce with care.. "Avast!" The exclamation makes Jacky Jump almost spillin his tankard o punch which he has been imbibing.. while perched on a bar stool leaned precariously back on two legs again th bar. He has been watching the two piratess' with a pleasantly amused smile on his lips. ~Wimmin~ he thinks to imself.... Red Cat turns and stands whisking dust, hay and glitter off her breeches. Triumphantly holding up the coveted item with one hand for all to see.. "Look what I found! It's perfect!" says she, grinning and swilling the punch Ray had set down for her.
Women warriors of the18Th Century Ann Mills was British dragoon who fought on the frigate Maidstone in 1740 Cheers!~ Jenny
Monsiour Van Der Bulge.... Ayez des vacances fabuleuses Appréciez la tour Eiffiel..mangez de la crème brulée et the vin blanc!
Pulling a peg legged scarecrow figure from one box she motions to Ransom and Jacky as she carefully unwinds chritsmas bulbs from the dolls head.."there be plenty o trunks here perhaps ye will help me t' fynde th appropriate wares?" Ahh! she exclaims fishing an inflatable pilgrim from under a box of fireworks.. "this should help!" Ray! I believe we need some punch waal we work!"
Aww ye looks like a righ nice bunch o pirates (if that be correct t' say) Sounds like yer dreams do float! Stick around th pub a bit aye?
Thought with the new year travel season coming some of us may be making plans for a vaca.. My two best trips were Bermuda and Paris. Bermuda was a dream. I had been all through the Carribean, but this island was just right. Mainly because tourism is so low down on their "economically importat" list. Plus it was the first real trip away I took with a guy in a long time and everything was so new. I wanted to retire there.Stayed in a small expensive couples only all inclusive..drank all their baileys, slept through breakfast and had afternoon tea instead. The beach was outstanding and we put 225 miles on the scooter for two that came with the room. That's a lot on such a small island. We were able to buy good cigars (for him) and all kinds of English good at Trimminghams. Driving on the left was wild. Aall in all a 15 out of 10! -- Paris on Bastille weekend was also great. Climbed the Eiffel tower on a cloudy day. The hotel had "period furniture" and the tower was right outside the balcony. Walked thru a church built in 1545 and the feeling was so strange. Like who's feet had walked there before? Did all the tourist stuff, rode the barges down the river, ate cheese and Creme Brulee.. sat and drank at those sidewalk cafes, plus there were HUGE fireworks for the Bastille! nice trip..
Oh.. I wasn't looking for NC-17 paintings I just came across it looking at art and thought it was kind of amusing.. Now that you mention it... does look more like a woman...hmm
Wow Jim a nice resource! I was using GE to tour the islands but I will try this one. Don't need to map Starbucks LOL
The rummaging stops.. Red Cat looks at Jacky over one shoulder. Various holiday items are strewn about her on the floor. A pumkin, a valentine heart candy box, a few plastic Easter eggs, Mistletoe (she put that one aside carefully for a few weeks~plans for that one) A bust of Christopher Columbus.. (Where did tha come from?) Wiping some glitter from one cheek she says "Well, anything fall like or just plain fun...candles, lanterns, fruit.." Have you any suggestions Mr. Tar? Grapes perhaps?
Hands.... nice strong hands on the small o me back....*sigh*
Always a comforting sound.. like the fan on low on a summer night.ahhh However currently it's the comforting whoosh of airplane engines as I'm at work all ni... zzzzzzz..niiii....night *yawn*
Welcome and hold tight t' th bag o gold sir! But not so tight as t' prevent enough coin t' parch me thirst! Ray be th barkeep and he'll gladly supply the required drinks ye buy as we welcome ye to this fyne establishment! I'll start with an Ale please!
Aye! Welcome to th pub! Glad ye signed th articles.... ye be in goode company ere! I'll relieve ye of a rum if ye please! Quite impressive reputation ye have there! -Red Cat-