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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Curled up...ZZzzzz zzzzzz,,counting sheep.....and glasses of chocolate milk....zzzzzz....
  2. ^Despite the conditions, the chance to seek fortune, the freedom to defend yourself, and the freedom to make your own decisions unhampered by anything but your own actions, wits or luck. Oh..and cool hats... < Cringing waiting for the rebuttals V Do you recal a distinct turning point in your life?
  3. "Whatever he challenged fell, whatever he defended held" ~Unknown~
  4. There's nothing like taking pleasure in the amusing incompetency of yer co werkers!
  5. new flavor of Hagen Dasz! Black RAspberry chip! YUM!!
  6. A beautiful post. I have seen and met many of the Military passing through the airport on their way to/from Iraq. (This bears no personal advocacy or disaproval of the current conflict on my part) My dad was in WWII long before he married my mom and I always thanked him on Memorial and Veteran's day. He had military honors at his wake and it was during this solemn flag ceremony, that as close as I was to him in life, I suddenly understood the enormity of sacrifice our military made and makes. Plus the depth of what he had done and must have experienced. Which he rarely spoke of.. not out of shame, but out of respect to those lost and his opinion that war no matter how justified is not to be romanticized. When the ceremony closes the folded flag is given to the spouse or loved one by an officer on one knee with the following speech "This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation as a token of appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your loved one.” I raise my glass in toast to those past, present and future who ensure our freedom and free those who had theirs taken away.
  7. Very interesting.. out East on Long Island where I live as I am sure it is in other areas of the country. The old farm houses (some over 150 yrs) had sections that you can see were added on as family mambers married and had children. I suppose those with enough money were able to expand. Still multiple generations under one roof.. think of the holidays when you have all your far flung relatives in one house. Much as you like to see them (or most of them) How exhausting is that? I can certainly see your point. I bet each family had some interesting affectations based on how things were done in their particular household. Seems a bit of reading is in order to bridge the century gap.
  8. Red Cat looks up from pulling the condiments off the toothpicks for Inigo who seems to have a taste for the pointy things.. and says "as long as they're not monkeys..." Joaquin snores loudly the noise ringing inside his bubble and everyone laughs
  9. Well that's quite true.. The way someone carries themselves and how they make others feel about themselves affects the way they are seen. It's like charmin a woman..a guy who can charm a woman will always seem more attractive than he might be. Look at some celebrities..pat and present, male or female. But still clothes can add to the image making someone more enticing, exciting etc... Being the occasional magazine junkie (EX: Saturday morning with a cup o coffee a croissant and a buncha woman's magazines for entertaiment) I had read that if you look crappy because you're going thru somethimg at home or you just got over the flu ..smile and no one will notice. Well I tried it on a bad hair day with a cold, and people said I looked nice?! It was the smile.
  10. Thanks for a fabulous wealth of information! I have read about The Lady Washington. Lucky you for sailing her! You answered a lot of questions, I hadn't thought as much about the variable drag of the ocean which doesn't really apply when you think of other vehicles like cars or planes. At sea you have wind, water depth, current and waves which could vastly and variably affect performance. This thread started out when I read about ships being pared down for piracy, and was thinking "getaway"
  11. Believe it or not, Napoleon (which I believe was earlier) had a toothbrush!
  12. We have Air National Guardsmen who stroll around in fatigues, bulletproof vests and some of em are cute, they carry HUGE guns (AK-47's). still a dress uniform is nicer. There's the odd cute cop.. You would think with 6 to 13,000 people a day passing through the terminal it would be dripping with attractive men ...nah You do see some odd fashion satements in an airport tho. I like the guys who work outside. In the winter they come in with these big baggy coveralls, huge boots and wear their ear protection headsets perched on top of their heads making them look like big lumbering teddy bears standing on line at McDonalds..it always makes me smile. I'm probably the only one who sees them as that LOL
  13. Smiling innocently RedCat addresses Inigo and Joaquin.."um...must've been someone else luvs,"eyeing the odd assortment of treats. "I'll trade ye a lime, some margarita salt and one o these lil cutlass toothpicks for the rock.."
  14. A modern favorite .. "Keep honking, I'm reloading"
  15. Yes that's one thing I was rfeferring to when I mentioned "surname" what name you dropped would identify you to many whom had never met you. Money or no.
  16. Soon, very soon....
  17. Red Cat daintily wipes the half and half off her lips wit the back of one paw, happily accepts the mug o coffee from Jacky and sits quietly sipping... After Jacky takes his leave havin attended to her needs, Inigo flops dejectedly at her side motioning Ray or a drink. "Tequilla Senor por favor.. Ola seniorita whad ees eet that yoous buildeen? Red Cat offers him an onion poodle with a red cherry hat
  18. MMmm? Red Cat re focuses on Jacky having had drifted off into musings about various things.. while building a cherry and toothpick boat. "yes, thankee~that would be best" she says. Greatly appreciating his steadying her chair. Y know I din't mean t ave more 'n two.. but I does like coconut.... does th pub have half n half? I like it in me coffee. Waving at her creation with a flourish which causes her to sway just a bit "Look, it's the cherry cat! " she says proudly grinning again.
  19. Having sampled some (ok more than some) coconut rum as well as cocktail fruit, Red Cat elbow on the bar , holds up a lone olive speared with a toothpick with one of those silly umbrellas on it. Peering at him over the shiny green condiment she says "Jacky.... y'evr wunner how they grow those pimmm..miim.. mentos just th right size t' fit in th olive? Theres a pause... She's enjoying the completly confused look on his face..giggling she thrusts the vegetable precariously balancing on it's frilly pick towards Inigo and Rosie.. sooooo this is nuthin new wi them?
  20. Meanwhile Inigo looks decidedly nervous ,,
  21. Ugh.. I worked with her today..BIG argument. The lil snot... One o these days...... I'm gonna drop er in th parkin lot like a sack o potatos! There..I feel a bit better now.
  22. Aye! ye look fyne! I like yer hat!
  23. Jenny sits by the bar making shapes with various cocktail condiments and toothpicks, watching the exchange with a bemused smile on her face...
  24. Interesting... perhaps a hint lies in the type of hat worn just before the tricorn appeared? Kass? Although I would agree with the brim being out of the way.
  25. True, I don't think anyone can help being colored by their youth and the things they learned. There's really no way to erase all of them. That's what makes it interesting. The way you relate to other people is no doubt ingrained by what you experienced while developing your own personality. It adds an unexpected charm to some.
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