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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Renewing this thread so it goes with another... by th by never liked a dude in drag... but I would like bringin a guy coffee wearin HIS shirt.... whee!
  2. Oh and by the way Patrick, the fact that ye thought about it and asked is in itself sexy..
  3. Hmm my worst day at work? Having to work with a ceratin female employee.. so I lighten those days by annoying her as much as possible without making it look deliberate heh heh
  4. The Cure and my neighbors car alarm at 8:30!
  5. Hmm... pondering this one deliciously for a bit....... Damn! I'm supposed t go to work now with all this distraction?! Ok, without getting too deep.. depends on the guy. (I can hear ye slapping yer forehead V-8 style on this comment LOL) Boots.......not all men can carry em off but whether they're biker, plain black western tucked inside the jeans or pirate buckets there's just something about..boots, maybe it's the walk, (heads off into a saucy dream...) ::oops! sorry:: I think this started with watching westerns when I was young and all these dusty guys with their long coats and boots would walk in with the spurs chinging on the wooden floor..guns at their sides.. ::doh! lost me again!:: Very desert pirate like. I likke a guy who makes a little noise when he walks (as long as it isn't the swizz swizz of cordouroy ack!) Anything masculine without being silly (No conan stuff lol) same thing with an earring or earrings, if you can carry it off yum! A lot of men get weird about jewelry, but trinkets is trinkets and can add power and class - don't overdo tho. Dreads or braids really long and cool work on some guys regardless of color, on certain guys they just look wild and powerful like you know he might just be a bit dangerous (not in a psycho way tho) I live/work in NY where y see this a lot and have come to appreciate the look. At times it speaks of a different life that you might be curious about. I've never dated a guy with em tho. That's part of the mystique of all of the things here.. a guy might be selling you insurance or paint, or on line buying babyfood in the supermarket but if there's a tattoo, earring, or some subtle hint of a whole other thing peeking out, it can be quite exciting. Nekked? It can be sexy, depends on the situation and the angle heehee turning around and finding your guy has just dropped trou to th ankles unexpectedly and is standing there grinning at you...nah not usually. sorry guys but a fire needs stoaking first, that's just th way we're built~most of us anyway,, Watching you stretched out and relaxed on the beach in the sun? Clothes or no, whee t's like a playground where does one start?! Same thing in the middle of the living room watching TV might not have the same effect. I like the rugged looks the most, but then again a crisp suit and expensive cufflinks or watch..like Jeff bridges in Fabulous baker boys who mixes black tie and boots, open collars, hard liquor and being able to dance ::drifting...*sigh*:: um,,um or George Clooney, Brad Pit and Andy Garcia in Oceans 11- definately pull off the sleekness of hot in a suit. (and I've never been a Pitt fan). Same guys in a plain shirt and pants they might not be so exciting, but it shows how the clothes can make the man. Plus a little added attitude..confidence.. consider the difference between a woman in a work blouse and skirt with a sensible bag and shoes.. Then in a little black dress with heels and something sparkly around her neck.and a saucy confident smile...big difference Personally, I never liked the baggy seat jeans or sweats.. like the guniea pig says in whatever commercial that was "shake what yer momma gave ya!" but they don't have to be skin tight designers a la Saturday night fever , just fit well. Oddly slops can do the same so here I go contradicting myself LOL I guess the rest of the garb is what makes them work. Again, its the manly thing. Ye just gotta be manly, interesting and I think a bit unpredictable there's a lot of men in th world but there seems t be a shortage of "manly men in the good old fashioned style whether it be 007, pirate or patriot" Well now that I have tortured you in the style of most women who frustrate men with their non straightforward answers I bet you'll see many responses t yer post. I can't wait! RedCat
  6. Hmm,, perhaps a cork would do?
  7. ^ On a beach in Bermuda < Brrr it's 35 ^ here V Anyone play Quake?
  8. Well, even tho I started this, I agree to some extent....my thinking was we're coming form our vacinated, analyzed, medicated, portable massager modern times. I would want to enjoy all the excitement and adventure possible and live to enjoy th memories after. So the vitamins, asperin, antibiotics would just be t insure I made it through able t have as much experience in th process, not lying in a sickroom below decks rotting away (ew) I wouldn't take an AK-47, but I opted for a small, concealable high powered firearm IN ADDITION to being able to aquire and use period weaponry. (What fun would it be if you couldn't be authentic?) but considering the situations you could get into with ruthless people where the tables suddenly turn...well as I said in extreme odds I'd like t' keep me head situated where it is. I don't think any pirate avoided hedging a bet if they could. Why play fair?
  9. Good for the wifey, very BAD for me! Bad for you as in ye don't look good in lacy things? LOL?
  10. The wind blows from the West...the sails fill from the East....
  11. "Ugh" These all smell like Camembert!" Jenny comes past with an armload of the comical but aromatic headgear "Here Jacky, maybe ye can troll with these" she says handing them over. She eyes the dripping Joaquin.. "Er luv, does that thing ave a [dry cycle]?" Ah Jane is fnally concious... "fancy a Mimosa? and um..I'd reccomend th donuts."
  12. Jenny following Ransom's example clamps a cheesehat over her face now looking even more bizarre.. and makes for th porch and fresh air! "Ack!" a muffled voice can be heard as she dashes past, nearly toppling Eyes plate o pancakes freshly replenished by a bemused Blue Mermaid. "This cheese smells awful!" she trips over the toombstone which lets out a belabored screech sounding more like a pained squeal as the battery is running low , and lands in a heap at Inigo's feet. Looking up and tossing the offending cheese aside she grins "Avast!"
  13. WOW Patrick! Impressive! You have really done yer homework. I love it! Damn when is my pen going to arrive?
  14. Recovering briefly Red Cat had just sat up tears of laughter soaking her cheeks ..she opened her mouth to describe to Crazy Chloe something about how wool sinks in salt water but is interrupetd by a large foam cheese tossed her way by Ransom. One look at the absorbent yellow wedge and the smirk on Ransomes face and Red Cat falls over backward once again collapsing into a giggling heap "Thump!, OW!" Originally annoyed at the whole "sheep incident" being brought back, Inigo can't help but get caught up in Red Cat's squeals and chuckles and begins to laugh hisself! Looking oddly maccabe with only one side of his mustachio still painted on. Joaquin could be laughing, but his face is fogged up and he is wavering like a top..
  15. It's this movie... Dancing Pirate (1936) The story of a Boston dance teacher who gets shanghaied by buccaneers who might make his next steps be off the plank!
  16. Red Cat collapses in a fit of giggling as Inigo waves about his hook with the napkin stuck on it flapping like an eyepatched pumkin flag. Even Joaquin is smiling until the napkin catches on his windshield wiper and is flapping about his head causing his to jump about flailing gloved hands. The Cat is now doubled over and can only emit squeeking noises inbetween attempts at catching a breath. Must've been the extra Mimosa,,
  17. No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy. Horatio Nelson
  18. Red Cat turns and trots happily over to a chair, donut in one hand, Mimosa in th other thanking Jacky for the loan of his coat which trails after her. Waiting to be amused further by the newcomers, she settles in opting to skip the Jellyfish pancakes Eyes is relishing. "Um odorless" she calls across th room.."ye kno yer face be turnin a bit red there hope ye has a cure f the sting!" Ye cn try th syrup if ye like!
  19. I know..it's a bad habit. Is there a 12 step program for that?
  20. Unable to resist an opportunity for mischief, Red Cat pops out from under Jackys coat and says "you mean they're baaaaaaack?" causing Ransom to soak poor Inigo this time! She shoots the cat a dirty look accompanied by a smile and heads off for another Mimosa. Red Cat sheepishly (Doh!) hands Joaquin a cocktail napkin printed with pumkins wearing eyepatches and skips off after Ramson grabbing a Mimosa and a donut and retreating at least part way under Jackies coat. ..it IS nice and warm in there and ye DID wake me a bit early.. Addressing Inigo she smirks, "um so is that hook period?"
  21. Ti's a fyne port ye have sailed inta.. many fyne people and fun t' be had! Welcome!! (formally) as is the custom ye'll be buyin th libations....a Grand Marnier if'n ye please
  22. MacBarnacle! Oi! Save me some I'll be right over!..now whar's me oars?
  23. Wouldn't you like to know....heh heh Actually the tea kettle in me peripheral vision...'tis not boiling yet..
  24. I was weeks from moving to New Orleans but no one knew it. Was going to just"walk away from it all"
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