Wow this was one tough chick!
Though she seems to come in late for the GaOP
Short Bio
Also known as
Madame Ching, Hsi Kai, Shih Yang, Kai Ching Yih, or Ching Yih Saou/Ching Yih Saoa/Cheng I Sao/Zheng Yi Sao
Wiki on her with a picture
A pirate queen from the South China Sea. She is first seen as a Cantonese prostitute named Shih Yang. In 1801 she married Cheng I, a commander of a pirate squadron. Cheng I fought on the Tay-son side of the Vietnamese rebellion until 1802 when the fight collapsed and was forced to retreat to the South China Sea. By 1804 Cheng I had had united a coalition of pirates numbering 400 junks and 70,000 men under seven banners - including the red, yellow, green, blue, black and white. On November 16, 1807, Cheng I died during a gale.
Through political manipulation Cheng I Soa was able to step in as admiral of the overall pirate fleet. To cement her position she even went so far as to marry Chang Poa, the commander of one of the squadrons and her previously adopted son