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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. No, no nooooo....it was a truly Aquarian reply and no I'm not a prism wearing, tree huging, hippie type, (no offense to those who are) I just find the accuracy of some Astrology fascinating
  2. Naturally SpongeBob dropps by with pearls O wisdom.. You wont believe what I found in my sock last night! Go ahead, guess!" == You know, if I were to die right now, in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend...well, that would just be ok." -- SOAP...SOAP...WHAT IS SOAP?" -- "Moss always points to civilization -- That's no reason to go ripping people's heads off, boy." -- "Dumb people are just blissfully unaware of how very dumb they are -- And my five favorite.... "This city needs to be destroyed!!! Or at least painted another color -- The boy cries you a sweater of tears...and you kill him." -- "Stupid inflatable pants!" - "Look at all that warm, toasty fur, It's like a gold mine ...but with fur." -- Have you seen this man? Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!
  3. Doggie snoring, computer whirring, and a blissful lack of lawn equipment... oh and UB-40
  4. Judging from yer birthday, not an entirely surprising answer.. :)
  5. Oh Jacky ye just brought a fyne memory t' th surface f me.. thankee f' tha moment..wonder where th man is now? Married wi children I'm sure! LOL
  6. Funny, I answered me own question in the 1606vpost.. Missed this gallery of below decks initially Still keep em coming!
  7. Yer welcome..Right Piratey indeed! and If'n I had a ship 'twould be like her. :ph34r
  8. Wenches an rum like yer flag says!!
  9. Tho it be chilly I may be there! Ow about it mates?
  10. Go and never darken my towels again! - Groucho Marx
  11. the Cynical pirate lass in me will say.... a can of beer/rum in her hand. You forgot "pizza money tucked in her thong" *snicker*
  12. ::Smiles:: well in touch wi her wicked side...but not telling....
  13. ^ Early Colonial America~The declaration etc < I hope me hat comes before Christmas V What is your favorite posession?
  14. Oooh much less expensive than I thought it would be! I love the paper. The guy who makes it by hand was featured on "Passport To Europe - The Amalfi Coast" on the travel channel last month. It looks like this company is in CA so maybe the shipping is less. I would hold out for this it's soooo nice..hey Christmas and Chanukah are coming....
  15. This is fun! The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.-Albert Einstein:
  16. Oh...an welcome to th pub!
  17. Wow this was one tough chick! Though she seems to come in late for the GaOP Short Bio Also known as Madame Ching, Hsi Kai, Shih Yang, Kai Ching Yih, or Ching Yih Saou/Ching Yih Saoa/Cheng I Sao/Zheng Yi Sao Wiki on her with a picture A pirate queen from the South China Sea. She is first seen as a Cantonese prostitute named Shih Yang. In 1801 she married Cheng I, a commander of a pirate squadron. Cheng I fought on the Tay-son side of the Vietnamese rebellion until 1802 when the fight collapsed and was forced to retreat to the South China Sea. By 1804 Cheng I had had united a coalition of pirates numbering 400 junks and 70,000 men under seven banners - including the red, yellow, green, blue, black and white. On November 16, 1807, Cheng I died during a gale. Through political manipulation Cheng I Soa was able to step in as admiral of the overall pirate fleet. To cement her position she even went so far as to marry Chang Poa, the commander of one of the squadrons and her previously adopted son
  18. Jack, I like the quote ye posted..ere's another They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  19. The average man don't like trouble and danger." - Mark Twain
  20. I was wondering about that, thinking more on the line of barques, sloops and schooners ..shallow draft vessels as you point out also able to escape into waters war ships would run aground in or hide in coves or even rivers. Where I live andthe pirates engaged in rumrunning, the bay is very shallow in areas and the tide level can vary. However was thinking that these larger ships were necessary in different waters such as the harrowing sail around the horn or well out to sea where the waves are huge. Still I wonder a large ship would present both an easier target, be more visible at a distance but might offset this with superior firepower of multiple gun decks. Still learning..thanks all for the info.
  21. hee! That had crossed my mind when I worte it..meant t' edit it..then th phone rang. oh well! LOL "It's not th size o yer ship but how ye trims th sails?"
  22. Funny ye should ask..I was considerin a post called "show us yer tats!' (tAts that is ) I doesn't have one yet but I want a pirate barque about th size of a silver dollar to show off!
  23. Welcome! I'll ave a brandy, it's a mite cold today on th Atlantic Coast round NY!
  24. Well coming home after working all night and getting to spend time exploring a ships decks was a true treat! Thank you for th post and I hope more are coming. Can't wait t have a "real" tour. The massive size is starting t' sink in..
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