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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. So, Johnny Tarr...not t' pry, but more outta concern.. did any of our ramblings help ye?
  2. They died hard, those savage men - like wounded wolves at bay. They were filthy, and they were lousy, and they stunk. And I loved them. Douglas MacArthur
  3. I live in the wrong state....
  4. After shoutin down th hole Oderless has spied..."Haloooooo--oo--oo--oooo" Red cat looks t' th oders n all decide t' verture toward possible goodies. She grabs a stub o candle from her pocket and fastens it to a saucer from behind th bar. Fillin her flask wi rum and grabbin a few holiday cookys fer good measure she ties Inigo's rope t' sleepy ole Mike Van Der Bulge who don't seem t' mind. Lettin eyes n' Jacky go first, Red Cat grabs tha rope an tentatively shimmies down after th men. "oooh I hopes thi is worth it Eyes! " It's stinky down here!" "Hey! no pinchin!" That...was one o ye pinchin right?"
  5. Aye they be a special recipie...glad ye like em! hmm baguettes an cheese? May I have a corner on yer blanket?
  6. mmmm grilled vegetables....
  7. Awwww you guys.....
  8. Frooosty th pirate was a salty drunken soul with a tri corn hat and a shiny sword and is garb was full o holes! went out to pillage..for a drunken wicked fray an e waved goode bye as the townsfolk cried cause he stole their gold that day it was a scene so tragic when he sailed out from that town he laughed so hard - fell off his ship and very nearly drowned! oh frosty the pirate knew the navy's on it's way so he waved good bye sayin aye aye aye I'll be back again some day!
  9. Jumps up amd down clapping Yes Yes! I looove thesse! I'll be singin all the way to work!
  10. Ack! Ack! "coff coff" Whoooagh! Comin t' her senses takes a second t' git sorted out... "Man o'erboard!" "Dance th hornpipe!" "It wasn't I!" "What bridge? I don't know anything about any damn bridge!" ............ .hmmmm ......... ..... ::sputter::!! *choke* ^sniffff^ .... Red Cat shakes her whole self out "btbbtbbtbbtbbtbbbbbbb!!!!" and looks arount t' everyone. "Tha be th' wurst smellin piece o fruitcake ever!!!!" Spying Jane whose face is crimson as shes gaspin from laughter "oh sorry lass..." "Um.... thankee?"
  11. That's what my landlord (mentioned above) said. She went from feeling worthless and giving up on life completely, to a different understanding of her worth after. But she still struggles with the scars of it all which are all too real to her and she still has her bad days. Her situation made me look at the consequences of actions vs thoughts in a different way.
  12. ^ I wanted a man with grit... he had grit...." < Cool Water? HAs her choice of men, but helplessly follows the ones wearing Cool Water.... V Only movie I cried at was ET I dunno, I think it was like witnessing the death of your childhood teddy bear. Ever cried at a movie?
  13. Under teen? Well ye asked Dashing through the spray In a fearsome pirate waaay O'er the waves we go Laughing all the way Bells on ships deck ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A pir-ate chris-tmas song tonight Oh, jingle blades, jingle blades Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to sail across the sea today Jingle blades, jingle blades Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to plunder presents on the way! A day or two ago I thought I'd try to find some treasure nice and bright and hide it by my side The chest was big and gold A fortune - yes a lot We sailed it to the nearest port And gave away the lot! Oh, jingle blades, jingle blades Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to sail across the sea today Jingle blades, jingle blades Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to plunder presents on the way! AAArrrrrr!!!!
  14. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten.
  15. Aye..
  16. Ah Scrooge ..I have about every version. Just bought the Alistair Simms. Magoo has some good songs too! It seems to seep into every generation. Watched Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends with my nephew today and they did their version of it. Which is funnier the more familiar you are with the story. BY the way I love this show...don't know why. It's not always that funny but it has it's moments of definately over the heads of kids and into the adult (but not necessarily mature) funnybone..
  17. ^ Goin fake this year ..not home enuf to pervent a "crisp" tree. < UHF? lol "Is that it? nope... Is THAT it? nope...." V Cologne, perfume or just washed?
  18. Holds out extra large tankard
  19. You haven't stated whether the "current" relationship is budding or a longtime one? This makes a difference. I agree that if your heart is not healed you may need to carefully take time for giving it again. Lest you wind up comparing, or trying to fit one person into anothers mold. --------------------------- Or..if you are having a case of the "I wonder if they still think of me, or what if's" ....these are more difficult. In a case of someone losing a love to another that the person leaving thought they would love more...it was very painful and incredibly destructive. But the person left behind let go, and the former love returned realizing they had made a great mistake. Still it is now an odd sort of reltaionship with many unspoken words. Better off that way. The person left behind loved the person leaving enough to take this chance knowing it would be the only way. The damage done and the time lost can't be counted. If you are thinking of someone who left and they haven't returned, or you left and they haven't persued you at all, then I would recommend instead ..looking forward to what you would lose and the damage you would do to how many people before you took a chance. There isn't a right or wrong answer anyone can give you, that choice is yours. But do look at it from both sides of the coin. There's no substitute for time, and your thoughts kept in yourself can't hurt anyone - so take time to think. Once you do you can't undo - Good luck either way
  20. Welcome an all newbie pirates buys a drink fer us regulars here at th pub! I'll have a rum thankee.... What type o fun does ye think a pirate should have?
  21. foul play or sumthin
  22. Siren..get well we need ya here... Try not t pinch th doctors and kick th nurses and happy anniversary... will keep you in my prayers - get well, be well Jenny
  23. ^ Used to be Grover but now my heart belongs to Elmo! < That's a great movie - Watched the Grinch last night V Favorite Kiddie Holiday show?
  24. Ahhh LOL th video was GREAT!! If I had a pool I would buy one of these!
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