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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Mischevious dancing eyes peer over the edge of a fine china cup ..cream please, and one sweet n low
  2. Indulged in deliberate daydreaming..ok for me it was worthwhile
  3. ^Don't know what to call it, but a day you do that thing you "would never have the guts to do, always wanted to do, never did ,always wanted to try etc. < Land shark! Candygram! "sorry just a random giggle" V What would you do for that holiday?
  4. laughing and pointing at
  5. "Later onnnn I you wanna ..we can dress like Madonna...Put on your eyeshades and join the parade..walkin round in wimmins underwear!" LOL It's a wierd Al Yankovic song. My brother sings it every year when he comes over which cracks us up because hes big and manly and he prances around when he sings it.. very funny!
  6. Hmm a 12 months of pirates calendar would be nice
  7. Aye.. Oprah wit an eyepatch!
  8. Grabs the wayward thread of this topic and tucks it neatly back inta place. Hmm Ok a hint of formidable pirate under the surface t be exciting, rougish enough t make me stick around helplessly despite that, and a good heart underneath so I know whatever ye be t th rest o the world, I'm safe with ye. Every now and then a bit of that lost soul - puppy kind of thing So's I jest want te take ye home . I'll repeat what I said earlier.. One that ambushes ye now and then in true piratey fashion - Over the shoulder and off t' th Captains cabin! WooHoo! Then e actually brings ye coffee in th mornin awww
  9. Many things... adventure, shrimp cocktail and the freedom to be creative or perhaps just silly even if yer grown up Any chance to experience or participate in something that will leave you with memories and stories you'll repeat for years after. To see the result of your creativity or collaboration with others , and the result is better than you imagined it would be. Or sometimes the simplest pleasure like walking in Paris with a coffee taking in the red geraniums in wrought iron window boxes .. which are just so perfect all by themselves . ~*sigh*~ I miss Paris
  10. Mel Torme! he does! heehee! Each one is funnier than the last! Hmmm now where are those old pictures I have..... Thanks for the post!
  11. Welcome! As th custom goes.. T'is t' ye t' buy th first round here at th pub! Houston be a great place..I has a soft spot fer th big state. Stay a while an tell us about yourself ! ~Oh and I believe I'd like an Ale if ye please!
  12. Red Cat lands on a solid surface thump! It seems t' sway just a bit? Or is she imaginin summin? She grabs a hand onta eyes n Jacky til her sight adjusts t' the darkness. The heavy smell o rum fills the dank air. Her eyes ajustin she spies what looks familiar in th light o th lantern.. "..T'is a ship?.." she whispers slowly..now the gentle movement unner her boots makes sense.. handing the flask and sack o cookies t Eyes she leans down an pokes a finger at the puddles... Rum! A quiziczlly silly half grin tugs at th corners of her mouth as her sense of adventure is tinglin.."Wot ye make of it then mates?" "Shall we has a look about?" An odd rumble is heard from above and they all freeze fer a moment..then realize it's only ole Mike snorin...
  13. This breaks my heart..my thoughts and prayers are for her and her family.
  14. hmm, I assume that aint me, LOL! but I'll throw in cajun almonds and raise you a bottle o th goode stuff!
  15. They are probably assuming due to the nature of some posts there, that their stuff would seem of interest. However, I still think this isn't auto spam because they are choosing an icon.
  16. ^ Ugh.. where should I start? Although uf I HAD to pick The Sopranos. < Riot on the airplane! Riot on the airplane!...welll THAT was interesting.. V Favorite (or one of your favorite) childhood memory?
  17. Hmmmm hopefully he's just off helping the professor
  18. Welcome!,,,,,,,,back
  19. Pleased t' make yer acquaintance Captain Keys! I'll ave a vodka n cranberry with a slice o lime please! Welcome back to the pub!
  20. Matt, go back a page... I loved yer carols! LOL
  21. Pull up a chair and well fill yer tankard anytime mate! Red Cat
  22. ^ Depends if I'm workin then it's a big deal. Otherwise I'm always happier if it's sunny altho sleepin in on a rainy morning is nicee if ye have th time.. < Should be getting dressed for work.... V what month is your birthday?
  23. Takes a dramatic tinsel covered bow awww thankee!
  24. Smiling warmly I sit on the corner bit o the blankit and take some cheese, a slice of apple and....ohhhh! Avacado! yum! Thankee!
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