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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Be safe everyone! We'll be seeing you all soon! Hello Silas ..... we be shovin off very soon.... bout four hours..... for the Keys......we bein from the same area, least we be representing as such, will see what a few pirates land locked in the center of North America can stir up in Key West........hopin the authorities be understanding.......let the adventure begin..... Fair Winds, Capt. J...
  2. I know some of us plan to be there a few days for PIP...and though I plan to travel light, I could bring some of my suitable steamer gear if others are also interested.... I know some of us will be swamped with what is already planned. Just a suggestion!
  3. OI what gives!!?? I know i smells a bit... But Not bad enough for you not to go to PIP!!! Besides with out me 1st and 12th wife (yeah so what i married her twice!)being there to make me behave my own self, I'll be running amuck!! Please reconsider...maybe give blood or plasma or maybe a kidney? Oh wait a spleen is easily worth airfare!!
  4. I'll be glad to help where ever you needs it! I figure if my side kick Mad Dog is going to work, I should be there to make sure he's doing things right!! Remember... it's Rats and Mad Dog!!
  5. How much did it run ya?? I'll be getting mine scheduled.... on Tuesday me thinks??
  6. Yeah! I need a frizen for my old tower pistol or Dutchy is gonna hang me from my scrotum and deadline my back up again. So I figure I'll check and see if anyone has an old tower or frizen laying around, before I bug Mr. March to start welding and such... BTW if anyone knows of a smithy who might carry such parts...?????
  7. I simply can't wait!!! Me luck say's I'll probably get eaten by a large fish wit sharpie-kinda teethies...But I'm sure it'll be a great time!!
  8. Just packing up and getting ready for a detour in Ohio...Then to Paynetown for the weekend!!! Have tankard...will travel!!! Can't wait to see you folks again and meet those I haven't!! Drive careful and take care! Rats
  9. Lookin at those pics... I'm going on a starvation marooning. My gawd...I turn 40 and I suddenly look like my dad! ............or maybe my mom???!
  10. Any port ......in the .....storm? Whatta you expect from a really close crew!
  11. Oh sure... Mr. Johnny come lately! Well enjoy all the attention...sooner or later they'll forget all about you and..... Ah never mind!
  12. Crying like a girl??? Why I never.... yeah Ok...maybe a little
  13. Dear diary.... I'm tired..an sore...ouch! Weather was perfect! Kept getting bit by biting flies.... Buss fired perfect on Sat!! Buss was finicky on sunday... got beat up by two women with oars during battle.... At least they were pretty girls, so I didn't feel too bad! Tiger Bill taught my daughter how to fight with a sword.... Got all choaked up.... thanks Billy!! I am sore and tired... Got kicked in the ankle during sat's final scenario...cried like a girl.... A certain nurse examined my ankle and foot... made me stop crying like a girl ...until she poked my bruise....cried a little more, but not real girly like before Held a trial... Mad Dog was set free....Tiger Billy was not so lucky Before we could hang him, his crew came to save him....Got beat up again only this time by two young boys with sticks....Cried like a girl again, then claimed it was ten big huge pirates...Not sure if the crowd believed me??? Did I mention about the biting flies??? Next year I'm just showing up, swimming and drinking!! tired sore...ankle, ouch!
  14. Well put from both of you!! A person can learn alot from knowing how and when to listen. Can't wait to see everyone again and finally meet those I haven't!!
  15. If it's hot out... we can handle it! If it's cooler and overcast... less bugs and such?? Either way... we'll have things set up!! Nathan... I'm resending my registration... monday morn!
  16. Simple enough... who has the best price for shackles??
  17. That would be great to have you come down!! Definately think about it!!
  18. Just wondering if there will be vendors there?? I know I have a couple mates comming out and they might be looking to pick up some plunder.....OK yeah I also want some cool stuff once in a while and never have enough stockings and stuff!!
  19. Excellent!!! well done!!
  20. Sounds reasonable I'll pick one up just to be safe!
  21. Take yer slops get em damp and go clean off yer gas or charcoal grill or make yer wife happy and clean out the oven with it!! You'll have plenty of grime and stains!!!
  22. Here's to the both of you! I knew I shoulda bumped him off when I had the chance... Stupid Mad Dog got in the way!!
  23. Just for the record... excellent discussion everyone! excellent points!!!
  24. OK so the question is.... where are we as a crew (AA bunch) and as a society ( Bretheren of Pirate Reenactors)going to draw the line and accept as a standard? Muskets... yes? Busses... No, as long as it's not fired in formation? Pistols... Dear God, never!!! Damn, I hadn't even considered that! Well I just ran off and checked and my doglock musket, and it does have a bridled pan... Whew (relief)... But I don't think I can say the same for the fishtail fowler I have coming in the mail in a few weeks...
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