Ok folks, as many of you know I have a great love for WWII russian
reenacting. This is greatly due to the 95th Rifles of which I am proud
to call home. I have just seen a trailer for a new Daniel Craig movie
of which he is apparently a Polish or Russian resistance fighter.
This is seriously ironic since I have been trying to get the
resistance efforts to a respectable level... Just for the record and
for folks whom are not familiar with WWII reenacting... It tends to be
a common opinion that the reenactors portraying resistance fighters
are less than equal, when compared to the rest or the reenacting
community... I have always hoped to change that!! Unfortunately, it's
hard to change minds when you're already swamped with committments to
other efforts and scenarios/battles and such.
Hopefully if this movie is as great as it looks, it will bring a
greater interest around for not only Russian reenacting, but also
partisan impressions...
Just thought I'd pass the word, since they say Daniel Craig gives the performance of a lifetime!!
Maybe it's just the Polish blood in me!!!