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Everything posted by Rats

  1. I'm sure yer uniform would be perfect!! The way I see it... if it weren't for the airships, we might have lost the war!!
  2. Excellent Character!! I'm thinking that work as a "Monkey" is also a serious disciplinary action... especially for those who whom they want to get rid of... Such as when I was Reassigned Repair and maitenance (EI: patch monkey!) Excellent!!!
  3. Jacob Riley: Occupation: Freelancer Military History: 9 years active service. Assignment 1: Turret Gunner 1st Class Assignment 2: Boarding Actions and Landing Support Assignment 4: Disciplinary Reassignment / Repair and Support Assignment 5: Reconstitution of previous held rank/ Boarding Actions and Landing Support Award 1: Silver Wound Badge 1 Award 2: Silver Wound Badge 2 Award 3: Meritorious Service 1 Disciplinary Action 1: Insubordination 1st Offense / Unfounded Disciplinary Action 2: Insubordination 2nd Offense / Reduction in Rank 1 Disciplinary Action 3: Striking a Senoir Officer / Reduction in Rank 2 / Corporal Punishment: 12 lashes Discharge: Honorable with positive recommendations
  4. Ok folks, as many of you know I have a great love for WWII russian reenacting. This is greatly due to the 95th Rifles of which I am proud to call home. I have just seen a trailer for a new Daniel Craig movie of which he is apparently a Polish or Russian resistance fighter. This is seriously ironic since I have been trying to get the resistance efforts to a respectable level... Just for the record and for folks whom are not familiar with WWII reenacting... It tends to be a common opinion that the reenactors portraying resistance fighters are less than equal, when compared to the rest or the reenacting community... I have always hoped to change that!! Unfortunately, it's hard to change minds when you're already swamped with committments to other efforts and scenarios/battles and such. Hopefully if this movie is as great as it looks, it will bring a greater interest around for not only Russian reenacting, but also partisan impressions... http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809981989/v...qtv-s.76456369- Just thought I'd pass the word, since they say Daniel Craig gives the performance of a lifetime!! Maybe it's just the Polish blood in me!!!
  5. I'll be glad to check my schedule and see about the time off!! Keep fingers crossed!!
  6. Agreed! Mrs. Reynolds was very..... naughty??! All BS aside... it was an excellent idea for a storyline!! I even like the fact the Wash wouldn't shiv, and instead pulled an ultimate brushoff, but talking about his wife!! Coarse he got lights put out in the process... But that's loyalty for you!! LMAO!! What was that he kept saying in Serenity about being a leaf???? Especially when they were about to crash!!
  7. Just anothr reason for Pike river??? We could plan for May or June??
  8. Have fun... take lots of pics... and be sure to network!! We need more meat for the grinder!!!
  9. How cool is that!! Just watch and Enjoy!!!
  10. Good choices! Ha... and I like the idea of Downey as a snarky Capt Blood... I'd also think "dude who plays Bond right now" would do a good job. First thing I ever saw him in was the really cool version of Moll Flanders with Alex Kingston, where he did a great job at playing a highwayman. Perfect!! I remember that!! Daniel Craig as Jamey the highwayman!! AN I always LOVED.. did I mention LOVED Alex Kingston!! I also think Bale would be a good pick!! He's more gritty than Craig. But maybe put them on opposing sides and you would have something!! I would also bring in a no-name, up and comer for Arabella!! This way we can have a new "it" girl!! I'm thinking dark hair and kinda sassy!! Waaaay way waay a minute... Who's this girl from transformers, everyone is talking about??
  11. Agreed!! I'm working on fixin all of that!! Actually I'm in the midwest, Wisconsin area... Yeah, it would be really cool.... But all I gots ter say bout that...... BURNING MAN..... Yeah... about $280 for the tickets, and then you gots to get there... and then you have to bring alla yer food and water, and everything.... hot dusty... PiP is really cool... Burning Man is cool also, but a different weird sorta cool..... Sure it ain't easy to do.... but what that is worth doing ever is?
  12. Found some cool pics and such which were apparently captures from second life?? What's the scoop??
  13. I just started reading World War Z. Which is a what if book about zombie wars and such... Kinda reminds me of when I was a young skate-punk watching the good old Romero movies.... Those were the days!!
  14. I have always loved WW merc. I actually got my 1st shirt, vest and gun leather from them, some ten or twelve years back. Very good choices!!
  15. Wow! That's PERFECT! Years ago I was actually goign to put together a preacher/gunslinger personna for CAS. Unfortunately no one was making such a thing. That jacket is very sharp! I'd even like to see other colors!! maybe a red would be a sharp version!! It could show that Chinese influence!! Not familiar with Unhallowed Metro... Sounds sharp! Maybe we should work such ideas into an event!
  16. OK so in additon to the event's and everything else I'm up to... it's time to make some of my ideas take shape! Though all I have right now is a little dinky hand cam... I'm wondering about better cameras and also editing programs. I'm sure we have a bunch of folks around here who have experience with such things and have all the advice I need... See! I have faith in you guys already! So someone please tell Ol' rats a thing or two about a thing or two, before I wet my pants and run out and buy some crazy camera and editing system without knowing what the heck I'm doing!!!??? I can work wonders with a digital camera... I just need to know the facts about video! Help me Any-Wan Kenobi... You're my only hope!!
  17. If it's a good jacket for a cheap price... get her and chop them sleeves off!! Make a kind of shoulder pad or add a couple thin leather pads to the shoulder for an armor look?? Just an idea!
  18. We'll still need some sturdy grappling hooks for boarding actions!! I can't forget to add a temporary heat shroud for either my double barrelled Shotgun or Blunderbuss..... maybe bayonet lug??
  19. I love it!! Maybe there could or should be an independent hold out in the wild.... maybe add Washington and Oregon to California and go with a Western Republic.. I seem to remember a good oriental population in Seattle and Vancover in BC??? And down in San San Fran, isn't there a good size oriental population??? maybe California went heavily oriental?? and the rest of the coast was more settlements and coves where anything goes??
  20. I wouldn't miss it!! Living on the beach for free....C-mon!! Last year was the very best!! Did I mention I already managed to get vacation for that weekend? Did Imention I wouldn't miss it!!!
  21. Another wild one.. more dark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiYvlyRIar8
  22. Thought I'd share this video... Enjoy!
  23. Happy New Year's older brother..*Grins and tosses confetti all over him before scampering away!*

  24. I will also say that they are very stunning outfits! Perfect for both PC events and also a cross-timeline!!
  25. That's what I meant.. I wasn't there
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