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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Then there's my favorite pic of the weekend... Rats and Morgan
  2. Rats


    Archangel Productions present..... Dun-dun daaaa! The Raiders of Arse-Crack Hill Oh man that's way too funny! MD my brother... You are the man!
  3. And where is that stud-muffin Matty Bottles I resemble that remark!
  4. OK so me own missus showed up on Sunday wit camera n hand just to join in the fun and capture the action...
  5. Mags finally downloaded pics and should have em up tomorrow once I edit em... Good stuff!!
  6. Rats


    Yeah I'm pretty much a goof when it comes to that... I have enough probs just keeping track of my wallet It's just better to post the pics from oour room.... Which for some reason may have been sort of a "honeymoon suite" at one time or another??? However above one bed there was a drawing of a sperm whale... And above the other there was a humpback whale Hey man... don't ask me! I was just happy there was AC and a bed! My back is still busted up from the bar on the cot I slept on!! I need a hammock!!
  7. Rats


    OK... I says that for events, we need to have an exchange of phone numbers just incase. Especially if there are issues like this!!
  8. Rats


    Sounds like trouble my dear.... Can't wait to see em! Now you guys need to put the info for the "Ohio Santa Raid" together
  9. Rats


    I really wish you folks would have stayed for a few hours.. Fort Macon and the Photoshoot on the beach was a blast!!! Wait til you see the pics!!! I'll bet we could have done a whole shoot on Sunday at the fort!!!
  10. You are incredible my friend!! I just received the dress and the camp hook you sent and both are perfect! I'll be taking a pic of Morgan for posting soon as our camera comes home... I simply can't say more than I am very thankful and if there is anything you need just say the word! Thank you again my friend!!
  11. Rats


    Yes I loved the flickin' flogging! You really made it work Dutchy! Let's face it, with a fella like Callendish behind the cat... if you handn't reacted and worked the crowd like you did... ?? Needless to say it was perfect!! I'm putting together some suggestions and ideas for next year, which I will hold until the dust settles and will send through the Captain and the proper chain of command to help plan ahead. And to think this was just the 1st year.... expect double next year!!! And it simply has to be a 2 day event!!! JMHO
  12. Rats


    I resemble that remark.... And though they weren't my weapons.... they still they sounded like a mouse fart... I knew my luck was in the privvey, when we found my frizzen was cracked Next time I'm bringing my own buss! Also... the links didn't work for the videos.... And what pic did I make it into??
  13. That would be great! We could always use any and all items to make things better. I know Matty Bottles was hoping for a long hook to help pick ip the lids and such for dutch ovens.... Ever try grappling hooks???? Let us knw what you need and we'll send the proper sums. Thanks again Bo!
  14. Thanks again Bo! I'll be glad to use the outfit for Morgan. She'll love it! If you need a check for shipping, I can make that happen also. Just say the word take care my friend!
  15. Disgusting and crude.....?? Maybe to some. But to be honest.. Capt'n Bo is a true gent of whom it is an honor to call friend and to take the field with. Here's to you Capt'n Bo!
  16. A great time Bo! Thanks for helping us hold off the.... I mean join in with being slaughtered by the river pirates!! BTW: my sons loved the mocs! They won't take em off Thanks again
  17. Well done and well said, dear lady! Only I hope it will be uneventful for Captain Mc... Bruised ribs and a vicious attack/attempted theft by the indigenous natives... Not to mention the flooding!!! I thought I have badluck??? MD... If you could, drop a line to B&G if you can to see what they have planned??? I have no contact infor for them... Depending on the weather... I might actually setup on the sands this year, right next to the water? Parking security for the boats??? Wonder what time the tide comes in???
  18. Ok so the Pike river event in Kenosha on August 1,2,3 is comming up and myself, Matty Bottles, (Swanson crew?) and anyone else are planning to enjoy the beach!! Where else can you camp in a better place? Now since we are down in numbers, I probably won't bring the tavern set. But we can travel light and set up more of a careening camp! Here's a link to last years event Check it out http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtop...3&hl=pike+river http://www.kenosha.org/kenevents/events/pi...rendezvous.html
  19. Just crawled in...I am sooo tired!! Even my bones are still soaked!! I think I really need ... to....ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz Snore! ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  20. Hope to be there between noon and 2pm to set up tavern and camp...
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