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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Oh man!!! You guys are killing meeee!!!! Ok I'll see what else I can whip up!! Ooh, I currently have a show scheduled for the first 3 weeks in July. Keep us posted.
  2. Anyone open in July for some Steam-fly misbehavin'??? Seems like folks have dead time and the humidity is usually a bear. But since this place is inside???!! Might be worth the trouble?? Maybe say..... July 11th and 12th??
  3. May 9 and 10 is Santa Maria?? Well in that case... I'll have to look into flights!!
  4. The madison airport is only 15 -20 minutes away from the Rock!!
  5. Excellent pic dear Jess! Very sharp!! I would love to see if you could photoshop your pic onto a noir/tech background...??? I love the subtle yet threatening calm of the pose!!!
  6. AAAAOOOOWWWW!!! Girl you are on FIRE!!! I love the look!! Looks like once again us fellas are going to be a dime a dozen..... .......man I hate getting old! Someone tell me that it just means you get to play better characters!!! Please!!!
  7. That would be up to you folks!! How does May 9th and 10th sound??
  8. Well let's see the vest already!! I just go my brown Sam browne belt wit shoulder strap....!!!
  9. Would William Gibson be proud?? How is it??? Let's hear the review!!???? Would William Gibson be proud?? How is it??? Let's hear the review!!????
  10. Excellent you two!! I've heard back from a couple folks on my end, and I'm putting the word out so that folks can throw some dates that "could" be open for scheduling.... So let me know when you folks might have an open weekend??? I will be in contact with the folks from the Rock with the info as to how much they'll be willing to allow us in the exhibit areas... (maybe some night tours and such??) I'll be sure to pass any additional info.... But this could really be fun!!! I mean the place itself is like a living adventure!! Besides, with the folks we run with.... I'm almost afraid for the staff that works there!! Also... after looking at the rates... we can also get a larger rooms that sleep like 6..... for an after venture..... party???
  11. OK here's the scoop!! I'm putting into the works a venture with the House on The Rock. Check out the site and the pics... http://www.thehouseontherock.com/ They have a deal with a double occupancy room and 2 tickets and $40 dining dollars for around $160.00... We all have a heavy schedule this year with work and events.... But people come from all over to check this place out and it would be great for photos and to party!! Mags and I will probably be going sometime just to scout it out and shoot pics! Let me know if anyone is interested!
  12. Oh man!! I love Corvus CoraX!!! I also have always liked Random Rab... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=68341088
  13. Well the way I see it.. It is Maggie's Birthday on the 5th!!! If things work out....I'll be there on weds..... and have off till thurs or fri!!! I just have to work on the 6th thru the 9th!!! I'll have to beg and trade.... But if it works out??? MAN what a vacation!!!
  14. SO..... If a fella was to manage to get the time off from say Wendsday til Saturday and still had to beg to get the rest of the time off.... What day do you think he could arrive??? Now I'm not saying.... I'm just sayin.... that I might actually manage to have off til wendsday the next week??? Boy I don't know.... I could just stay at home and enjoy the snow that will likely cover all of Wisconsin... or go and "try" to have fun at PIP???
  15. There will also be an event which will be know as Cyphan in 2010 in Chicago. The will be a very large contingent of steamers and pirates there.... especially if I'm organizing them and runnign the LARPs!! If you have a deadline, I'll be glad to see about scheduling... I have also been in contact with the folks at the House on the Rock, here in Wisconsin... This place is perfect for steamer location work... Check em out http://www.thehouseontherock.com/HOTR_Attr...GalleryShow.htm Take a look and tell me this wouldn't be perfect for a weekend event!!
  16. As both a photographer and reenactor, I have always been drawn to the photo aspect of what we do. Now my personal opinion is to interview some of the key names and characters of this genre, then go on location and shoot some characters in a suitable environment or have the settings digitally enhanced. The last thing I would want to see is just a bunch of pics from a con or club event. Especially since it's not just about the people, it's also about the gadgets and the environment they create. Check out the Abney Park website. They did some excellent pics of the band and dropped them into suitable backgrounds for each character. Very well done and the characters are perfect!! Drop them a line and pull an interview. They have some great sound clips and a perfect look! http://www.abneypark.com/ Yes there are a lot of Goth types who have gravitated to Steampunk. For many of us doing PC and historical based impressions, this is an opportunity to cut loose with a more creative and unrestricted gernre. It's also an opportunity to combine aspects from different areas of interest through out the different eras. Currently I have plans for a Steampunk themed photo shoot, in addition to various LARP opportunities. If interested I might be willing to send some images your way. Take care and feel free to send me a PM for more information. Here's to you!
  17. There will be a very sharp event in Chicago... The date will be revealed soon as it is decided.
  18. I actually caught my kids singing "The man they call Jayne"!!
  19. I love that line by Shepard Book!! he even pokes his head out again to reiterate, "A VERY special place!" then dissappears... Then later he goes..."well... isn't that ....special..." I would have killed for another season!!
  20. You got a Wife??? All I got was that dumb-a$$ stick that sounds like it raining!! I didn't... we're not married... I don't even know this girl! Can I know her??? Oh sweety... don't feel bad... he makes everybody cry.. He's like a monster! You brute!! http://www.imdb.com/video/hulu/vi4085252121/ I love this episode!!
  21. This must be what going mad feels like..... We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero!!
  22. Sign me up sir Isn't that just sooo wrong!!! We're talking dreadlocks like on predator here!! Blaaah!!
  23. I just want to thank everyone for their advice and contribu... contra... Their HELP!! And just an FYI: My new mantua looks simply awsome... I just need to have someone french braid my hair??? On my back that is!!!
  24. Hey you!! Me an Mags here!! We luv the pics!! very cool!!
  25. Might I suggest the boarder states still being "active"??? Kinda like the DMZ.. That could lead to guerilla and "unofficial" actions... Can you say the orgins of "Air America"??
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