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Yeah me too! Us indians need to stick together!! Stupid pale faces... We'll show you!!
OK here's the scoop! As my infamous comrade in arms Mad Dog has always said... There are two types of swords... Hangers and Bangers!! Now the fault with many hangers is that they will not stand up to repeated banging... And unfortunately many bangers are not very pretty to drag along.... Now with that in mind, i pushed and begged Zak to make a generic cutlass with a suitable blade that can be tweeked if needed and a hilt added without effecting the blade... The result is as seen on the web site. Currently I have both the original prototype and a newer version. Now I will say that the prototype is crazy heavi and will stand up to any of the swords out there and live forver!!! The new version is half the weight, and better balanced!!! I also feel that the blade will stand up to anything out there short of mallet!! my one complaint is that there is a slight curve in the handle. If you order one from zak, I strongly suggest that you ask for either a straight handle, ask that the handle be curved the opposite direction or as I did, have my buddy Mr. March curve the handle for me. I also had a simple shell put on the hilt and the blade weathered by Mr. March. Now the reason I pushed for this blade was to have something that could stand up to Mad Dog's war cleaver!! There was no way I was going to be able to weid something like that plus that's not my style of fighting. I also wanted an option for our crew to have a unified standard for blades. Now I know this might be a good amount of scratch to spend. Again, you get what you pay for! Mine's going on two or 3 years now, and MD has had his cleaver for some 10 or 15 years now.... And she's just starting to look good!! Now an option that I will be pursuing is a mortuary sword from Kult of Athena. http://www.kultofathena.com/product~item~PC2076~name~Hanwei+Practical+Mortuary+Sword.htm I plan to go with this for a hanger and a "lite" banger because one of my personnas is that of a down on his luck scoundrel who learned hi trade from an old highwayman... The old fella used to carry the old mortuary, which I'm told is actually kinda late for our period. So I plan to weather the crap outta the hilt and scabbard. Then my plan is to keep the sword until the blade breaks or becomes too dented and scarred to safely use. Then I hope to buy a substitute blade (possibly from zak?) which can be redirected for more service.. Again the thing to consider is what the rest of your crew will be using and what they can handle safely. I will also say that Mr. Bagsley has one of the best middle of the road blade I have ever seen. It both looks great and handles like a dream! She's also sturdy enought to stand up to some good banging!!! What say's you Mad Dog? Anything to add???
And a hearty thanks to you dear captain! Were it not for your "one-eyed" vision, nigh on five or six years ago, to embark on this privateering venture many of us would have never crossed paths nor swords and the world would have been a much colder place. Yet through the years and the events that have followed, we have a family of friends unlike anywhere else! Thanks again for the kudos and just for the record, it was the notties who took care of Ol' rats when I started sniveling and crying and went fetal sucking me thumb during the storm..... Ok maybe I wasn't fetal! But seriously though, be it man's fury or nature's, this crew can weather any storm! I think we proved that! We salute you dear Captain!
Ahm... Captain? I agree the fella sleeping in the chair shoud be flogged.... But i think William is.... well.... I think he's dead???? Aren't those tire tracks across him??? Even my son is saying, "Hey daddy.... isn that guy dead?" LOOKS LIKE A FLOGGING MIGHT BE A WASTE OF TIME????
I think that if he's there when he's supposed to... then it's just across his face from one cheek to the other! But If hes not there and needs to be found... then it should be across a different set of cheeks!! NASTY!!! oh...we have missed one!...sacre blue...what is this....ow could we have missed.... yours is commin....oh boy is yours commin
I also had worms on Saturday!! So does that count??
Happy Happy birth day happy happy birth day!!! HAAAAPY... Birth day!!!! You really shoulda seen the dance moves that went with this song.... You might have laughed.. or at least thrown up in yer mouth a bit?? But it's the thought that counts! OK ready? Here's it goes again!! Happy Happy birth day happy happy birth day!!! HAAAAPY... Birth daaaaaaay 2 youuuuuuuuu!!!! No you're right... I should probably stop... I think i just threw my back out.... Anyway, I hope you had a good one! Great! Now I need to go to the chiropracter.........Stupid birthay dance!
Hey Scotty!! A happy birth day toyou sir!! It was great meeting you and yer missus at PIP and also look forward to the next time our paths cross! Until then the very best on you day and have a drink on Ol' Rats!
See! Just like I said... AN evil evil demonic man!! Kinda like that old lady in the Tenacious D video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcJwz7wu8_s&feature=PlayList&p=3F224E30139321FA&index=0&playnext=1 I can still feel the shadow death on my shoulder!!!
Like Mr. T on the A-team! That's alright... I'm sure there's plenta o'fellas that wouldbe happy to play opposite our darling donna!
Oh man!! I am still kinda shivering!! Might even be getting sic....Not that the worst snow storm in history ... possible nuclear winter outside has anything to do with it!! Hey next time we could play dueling C-paps!!
We're also talking about just a photo shot with a fella that would do anything for his darling wife. Nuff said
Yeah.. we'll back track... So there we were getting ready to do the Saturday battle, when sudden'y we recieve word that there are to be hurricane winds. torrential rain and tornados!!! Everyone I can proudly say pitched in and started pattening down the camp. We even had folks from our crew start running to other camps and start warning them, even before the rangers did. AT around noon there was a black cloud bank to our right, that suddenly stops and turns right toward us. I grab our two snotties and head to the fort. Yes... Rats and children first!! but seriously I'll be damned if I'm going to let anything happen to our kids on my watch! Right as we get to the fort the storm cuts loose!! The vendors do whgat they can to cover up. But most scamper to the walls and the catacombs. Before we know it, ol rats brings out the dice and the gambling begins!!
Since Mark has that Commodore Norrington look to him, I'd like to set him up like that or kind of well to do! Hmmm.... I think I have a shoot idea for both Donna and Mark. I will also use Brian with his FOP outfit and a wig aND PERHAPS another fop or two???
ALright my dear! You asked for it!! We also need to get Mark into the mix!! Does he have a wool jacket and wool hat? Perhaps something more forma??
You rock my dear!! First you looked elegant while touring the cannon line. Then you did a damn good job with your blade!! What more needs to be said!!
wI have to say that the Sunday batt;e was probably the best orchistrated pirate battle that I have ever seen. It was perfectly coriographed and the communication between all elements were both consistent and safe!! we even managed to time it perfectly with the arrival of the Wolf! from behind the scenes, I have to say that everyone looked great!! The cannon crews were unstoppable!! and though we only had two british with small arms. The hand to hand was perfect and spaced out so that it looked like a well controlled chaos!! I also loked the bathing beauty/water arobics we did without the water!!!
I just remember how the children cried and yelled, "You shoot like poop! I hate you Mr. Pirates" But nothing was worse than that little girl with the cute little pigtails who yeled "Losers! next time we're going to the frickin' Renfair!" I know something had to be done... But after that, I was a broken man....
Yes... I froze! I was wet and shivering and clicking my heeles wishing to be back in kansas... And I'm not even from friggin Kansas!! Then you guys go and get blankets from Lilly... AND FORGET TO TELL ME!!! I froze my yahoo off!!See! It's not there anymore!! Stupid 12 pounder got to sleep with two heaters around him!! I feel so used!! Should we talk about the 1st battle or should I not??
I love your new avitar! And no probs with the bible thingy, just trying to help me mates! Huuumm if your refurring to the voodo bible cut think for israel cross the carpenter, i think i wont actually use a real one, though the steward, being the opposite of myself, would probably be a devout christian, which also fits well with getting along with the captain.......
Whatta you mean?! I had him right where I wanted... OK so I was drunk and fell asleep on guard duty then got me arse kicked!! Like that never happens to us badguys!! I love the way you kick Rats in the face! And if we do video, I'll make a foam rubber club for you to hit me in the throat with.
You Mr. Bottles are an evil and wonderful man....!
Again....All of which we are very thankful for! Life is a good thing!! Felix the cat! The wonderful, wonderful cat! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHj-t6hw7Bk&feature=related
BTW: I found a hard covered bible for your steward personna!! Its actually a weathered gold cover and the perfect size for carrying around or fitting in a haversack!! cheers!