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Everything posted by Rats

  1. OK so I probably should have and I suggest others to read the past replies... They are well worth the read! They probably would have saved me twenty minutes or so to write mine! Go figure!
  2. As someone who's never re-enacted, I'm curious: why is this? Given that pirates had to live and work all day under a hot Caribbean or Red Sea sun as often as not, why would they wear very hot clothes? Well, that question might be better suited to the "Captain's Twill" area, but it also applies here.... So my two cents worth. It depends on what you are doing. If you are going for a more pirate themed event or festival... Then dress for comfort and to be showy. But for more historical re-enactment, then it would be more advisable to wear your waistcoats/weskits and if the temperature warrants your sailor's coat. People throughout history have dressed inappropriately by modern standards for comfort. It is remarkable what societal pressures apply to cultures throughout the world at various points in history. Even today there are plenty of cultures around the world that mandate full coverage despite the local temperatures and heat. Make sense? I completely agree with my good friend Michael. I'll also add a couple suggestions that may have been mentioned because I'm too lazy to check all the past replies. At faires, you have rules and laws for behavior that should be followed out of curtesy to the performers and the public. You really don't have to be historically correct, because to be honest, the typical faire goer won't know the difference anyway. Here is where you can be creative But NEVER and I mean NEVER try to take part in a skit or try to harass and or show disrespect to a performer. This is not your playground so don't crap in their sandbox. Bottom line is have fun, but behave yourself. At historical events, you should tdo some research or get advice from the folks that have been trying to do more PFC To be honest, there is no way that any one can do a totally "Period Correct" impression... (Get it? PC.) So in many cases we have to settle for PFC which if you read between the lines is Pretty F'n Close! This means that you do what you can to make your impression as close as "practical" or "possible" without making youself miserable or breaking yoru bank. Rember this is suppose to be fun. So don't make yourself crazy trying to be perfect. Now at historical type reenactments, you have two issues to address. Are you taking part or are you not. If you are taking part, you would expect the organizers to have prior knowledge of your impressions and behavior, which is more than likely why you were invited to begin with. Make yourself as usefull as possible. Everything from staged fighting to helping crowd control so no one gets hurt is important. Note: Spectators can totally be like cattle and have no clue where they are and sometimes don't enen care. Anyway make yourself useful to the director of reenactors so that they know what you are capable of and how they can use you. Don't just stand around! Mannequins can do the same job and anyone can hold up a wall, so get involved. But be safe!!! OK that's enough, and just for the record this is more that I have written in a reply for a couple years. So even if you think I'm full of it, these suggestions are exactly that. But if one of my suggestions help you, it was well worth the read. Take care and be safe
  3. It's been waaaay too long since I've been on this site. So it goes without saying that there will be more trouble in the making!
  4. OK so I need aheads up as to who is going and what we want to do for skits and presentations. We could do a simple servant auction Weapons and sword demos How about a "FAKE" pirate trial.... as we all know pirates use to conduct fake trials for fun...with false witnesses and charges and all that guff...this could be a fun alternative??? Perhaps at the end, the REAL militia arrives and arrests everyone??? Simple easy cheesy??? Anyway, Kathy is looking for numbers and an idea as to what we have planned....
  5. Excellent!! I'll float out in a barrell with my blunderbuss...that'll give us three boats!! Kinda? I'm hoping to put one or both boats in the water after work Friday. I'll be hanging around the ship after that.
  6. Getting closer to Ohio Santa!!!! When arrrr folks showing up??
  7. CYPHAN Convention! Here is is folks! The midwest's own Sci-fi and fantasy convention!! http://www.cyphan.com/ We're talking Stormtroopers! Steamers! Fireflyers! Demon Hunter! With a fully functional and "visually correct" starwars styled cantena! Not to mention guests like Jewel Staite and Nicki Clyne, a Browncoat bash with Jewel Staite (Which should be renamed The Browncoat Kaylee!) and a Saturday night Imperial Ball where everyone "Plans to misbehave..." you would be a gorram fool to miss it!! Yours truly (That's me... Rats)will also be running the "Jail and Bail" bounty hunting for charity!!! So don't miss this opportunity to meet some of the best folks in the Verse!! Check out the website and and make port before we're sold out!
  8. HAHahahahahahahyaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha aPfffffthahahatatataa a aaahahaaaaa&*%^^*(%($^($*()(&*^hahahahaaa!!!!! Soda just shot out of my nose!!!!!! I swear, I just shot soda out of my nose!!!! We're talking Diet Coke with lime!! Right out of my gorram nose!!! HAHahahahahaahahaaaa!!!! That is great!!! That made my day!! OK now don't do anything rash...I mean , cuz I got a rash... and you don't want that!! Oh man! That made my day!!! HAaahahahaaaaaa!!! That's great!! Maybe we shoudl start sending that thing around and see where it ends up next!! You rock my friend!! Right outta the nose!! Rats! Good to hear from you again!!! There is a list of those from the Pub considering going in this post, but the master list has almost 60 names on it (which I can't fully share ). That said, real life tends to trim the list by around 30 to 40 percent (in my experience with most events).... Which still leaves us with likely almost 40 folks coming! So are you coming alone? Any chance you can drag young Chuckton with you? Or anyone else? It'll be great to see you again man! Note to Rats - We have your barrel. If you do as we say it will not be harmed. Proceed to the Santa Maria event and wait for further instructions.
  9. I doubt that mags would make it. But I will try to drag the kid along...After all...we might run into some zombie Amish and need to throw the kid out as bait!! Also my buddies Tar Bucket Bill and Blunderbuss Blaine plan to make it. And a couple others from the Russian 95th might make the trip also!! contact me off line. I'm kicking around ideas for raffle items... I'll finally get to use my Bagsley Bag!! Rats! Good to hear from you again!!! There is a list of those from the Pub considering going in this post, but the master list has almost 60 names on it (which I can't fully share ). That said, real life tends to trim the list by around 30 to 40 percent (in my experience with most events).... Which still leaves us with likely almost 40 folks coming! So are you coming alone? Any chance you can drag young Chuckton with you? Or anyone else? It'll be great to see you again man!
  10. I plan to misbehave! SO who do we have going?? speak up and let's see the list of brave and foolhearty souls??
  11. That's about 6 hrs away. But if I have the time, I might be able to drive up??? When are you planning to dock?
  12. sniff...sniff...whimper...I hate you..... ... you stupid..... mad dog..... you! not seeing the issue....have you checked the page size of your screen??....make sure under "Page"...then "Zoom"...isnt set for "old stupid Rats'sEyes"...or sumpthin...
  13. No, it's actually when I try to reply and add a picture to the reply thread. The box for adding the link is half way off of the screen. And though I try to click and drag the box (like most boxes and control panels) the site does not allow me to adjust the box....Grrrr!! I thought It was just my computer. But even after restarting, she's being stubborn!! Did I say Grrrr yet?!! After all how can I harass, tease and seamlessly upstage Mad Dog if I cannot post photographic proof of my exploits??!! Stupid computer!! Stupid maddog computer!!!
  14. Ok so what's up with this stupid photo uploading key?? Damn thing is half way off of the page and won't even take the links like it use to?? Advice anyone??? getting irritated!!!
  15. Hey folks! After years of uploading pics, the new picture key that comes up when I want to add an image is mostly off of the left hand side of page. The box there is visible. But will not allow the links to be loaded. Now having checked my computer for issues, I can only suggest that there is issues with where the box is appearing. any suggestions?? thanks again!! jffrats@yahoo.com
  16. What's up with the new picture upload being on the far side of the sccreen? Can't even add a photo!! AAArgh!

  17. Well said brother! And as always... only a fool would be foolish enough to ignore advise!! Maybe we should save time and effort and throw in to do a hanging ourselves??!! i apologise for butting in here....but i always feel obligated to mention the the safey standards of a succesfull hanging... we have been doing "hangings" for 15 years now....and have seen other groups not take the same considerations while planning and excuting same scenario....and literally botch them up tho the baisics are easy to accomplish....pleaase be aware of the following... saftey...for the hangee as well as other participants as well as the audience... no static line...line used for hanging MUST be abale to be controled and released immediatly strong base for hanging... audience pre-knowledge...is this for visitors or reenactors and all important...a saftey discussion/disclaimer for the CHILDEREN after words so as to NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.....blahblahblah tho personally i am a big fan of Hangings of all types....a bad hanging...or one that has gone ary...can ruin them for us all..... oficially off the soap box.....please continue...again i apoliogise for the interuption
  18. HA! HA! Stupid Mad Dog!! Ha ha ha!! That's alright mad d-douche! You're still the very best walk the plank, nightgown wearing, camera hogging, attention needing, premo-dog-donna we have ever known!! I mean without you we would have no one else to snicker and giggle at when the goof up!! BTW: A special thanks to all the folks that I paid off who voted for Mad Dog in the walk the plank championship. You don't know how important it was that he won. Believe me... If he would have lost it would have been nothing but grumbling and whimpering and tears... Yes I mean real tears!! Have you ever seen a grown Mad Dog cry??/ I isn't nice!! So on behalf of the crew, we thank you for sparing us that site!!! Stupid whiney Mad Dog....you big baby!! Yeah! Stupid, stupid Rats! (Actually, I think he took one of the two photos, I want to steal, and I think Red Jessi stole the camera from him to take the other of the two I want to hijack).... But thanks!
  19. Oi Mad Dog!! There are tons more pics I took on yer camera... Did you download em yet or what??/ or is it Wot?? Cheers!!
  20. Get a confirmed date... I might also be willing to go!
  21. Currently I have three short scripts which will hopefully become the basis for a continuing series... Anyone familiar with Deadman's Gun or the Hitchhiker series they had on HBO a few years back??? Well regardless, these short (half hour at the most per episode)stories will again hopefully evolve into something fun. Since I also have some to do with my WWII Red Army unit, I have plans to pick up a higher end camera and start testing and scouting locations. The problem is when folks think they can start milking water from a stone... But there are always other places and people to pour into the mix. But it all starts with the vision and twist of luck!
  22. He knows if you've been bad or good... So be good for goodness sake....Oh!!!! You better not hit! You better not bite! You better not spit, I'm telling you why!! Santa Rats is comming......to town!!
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