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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. ^ With the little swab, yes. She'll sit for hours if I read to her. I can sit for hours by myself too, listening to a book & sewing (with the cats on my lap of course). < Made it through the weekend healthy then got the flu & now a cold! Damn me! V when was the last time you had the stomach flu.
  2. did I mention hemp rope yet? Damn for utilitarian stuff it smells great. And beeswax. Nice fresh, real stuff in a big block.
  3. oh, oh I read an article where they analyzed the date for POTC1 based on clothing styles, ships & weapons. The conclusion.... There is no "historic" date. It was something like a 200 year variation on the things that had any historic background to begin with. Then of course there is a lot that is pure modern fantasy.
  4. Glad to see you guys made it back OK Kass. Next time you head out here, make sure it's a summer event! Again, thanks for letting me help. You know I've got to keep myself busy for fear of getting in the way otherwise. Yes I really am enough of a stick in the mud to find "work" fun. :)
  5. for non-mundanes, a waistcoat & justacorps. Seriously those have to be the best looking pieces of men's clothing ever. A modern suit just doesn't cut it in compairison. I have yet to see a man that doesn't look good in them.
  6. ^^ I started working on projects for the next event before getting to the first. That can't be healthy ^ no clue. I don't plan meals or really cook for that matter. It'll be what ever is in the fridge & fast. < Never realized how other people see her until recently. V ever been "yourself" and had people think you were acting?
  7. come on now Ransom, you couldn't have looked that bad. At least you're in the pictures. I swear, I wasn't avoiding cameras at RF. In fact I'd really love to have some good photo's of me in my kit.
  8. do you ever see the other things that people have done with their life & suddenly feel like you've never done anything at all? I feel like I'm in this constant game of catch-up yet I never will.
  9. Saffron can be used for dye. It makes a yellowish orange color, like Buddhist monks robes. Weld makes a much brighter, truer yellow.
  10. I have this image currently.
  11. ^^ Wrong thread Jenny! I'm listening to the British video production of Cats. & yes, I'm enough of a dork to know the difference between the US & the Brit versions. This is my favorite.
  12. It's not so bad, just think of when Merrydeath uploads her video The photo of Mike's knees is funny. I don't think I've seen so many men in "skirts" as at RF. I feel bad that those poor Roman's were so close to the front doors all weekend. Brrr!
  13. Michel that's an interesting question. I think a lot of what we see as white currently is actually optically whitened. Optical whitening/bleaching is actually a dye process which adds UV blocking molecules to the fiber. It didn't start until the early 20th century and wasn't applied to fibers at first. It's pretty safe to say that ultra white optically whitened linen isn't the idea material for something period. That's not to say that genuine white isn't possible with natural methods though. The sun does a remarkable job of whitening, more so when applied to a damp garment I've noticed. Shirts & shifts are high wash & wear items and would have reason to spend more time in the sun drying. It would be an interesting test to try sunning a piece of unbleached linen and seeing just how close to modern white it becomes over time. In fact I think I'll add that to my projects list. Now, I don't know about you but "snow white" around here is no shade of "white" I've ever seen
  14. Yes of course, perfectly safe. Say Foxe, pull us a pint.
  15. Oh yeah, that's why you're my ex. Jerk.
  16. Jessie, glad to see your & Sarah got back safe! It was great fun meets & hanging out with you gals. RF2 was incredible of fun. Though I didn't manage to really meet the crowd from the pub, I did meet tons of other fun people. I learned loads, including to never leaving reenactors alone at the bar & an entirely new language . The lectures were fabulous. The vendors were some seriously friendly people & I walked away with all kinds of goodies. Of course now I've got even more ideas & projects floating around in my head, will just have to do something about that! Thanks to everyone who made it a great event! Here's to III. oh & I'll second Jessie's request. I never even managed to take my camera out! I'd love to see any photo's that anyone did manage to catch.
  17. ^ I don't have a romantic bone in my body I'd prefer fabric over flowers anyday. < Pirated my mom's computer & am killing time before heading over to RF. Yippie! V What do you do to kill time?
  18. Jane's pale brow furrowed as Ransom spoke. She knew their interped leader was acting strangely and this was just more proof. Inwardly she was glad she'd been reassigned to the Rakehell. "Now why 'e do at? We already antied up r coin last night. Thar's no need fer credit." She dug around in the wrinked folds of her skirts until the small leather pouch apeared. "I've 'nough in 'ere fer tha whole lot n no ties o my own to it. 'Ere." A thin finger untied the stiff thong to open the bag pulling just one gold coin before offering the entire bundle to the captain. The girl shrugged, the money wasn't her's to begin with & she certainly didn't know what to do with such a bounty except drink it up at the pub. Perhaps it was better to fund their adventure with the coin. "Less git this little trip provisioned n on tha water 'for Commodor Tar gets ta big fer 'is breeches aye?" Jane smiled, smothering a soft giggle at Mr. Tar's new title. Although if he continued with the random behavoir, he'd quickly earn it.
  19. All of my cars have had names. None "choosen" all very much "earned" My '83 Yellow Caddie Cimmaron (with yellow leather interior) was called the "Butter-mobile". It was small, yellow & square, what else could it have been? The 91 Taurus wagon that blew a head gasket was the "Sh*taurus" for obvious reasons . Man that car hated me! Oddly my current car, a fabulous 95 honda civic that never dies (knock on wood) and has over 250,000 miles doesn't have a name. It's just "My car" & it will be "my car" until it is driven into the ground.
  20. ^ Around here he'll see his shadow for sure. We're doomed to have a long winter this year. < about to drag the little swab to the coffeehouse to kill a few hours V how do you take your coffee?
  21. wow, thank you so much Blackjohn. I'm, yep, uhuh, speechless. & thank you too Captain Jim. I'm trying to get enough ducts in a row to be at Pip this year. Darn ducks just keep getting out of line!
  22. And so was the entire rest of the room! Well, that's an improvement over the extreme close up
  23. Yippie, I finally get to post a new picture in this thread! Not the greatest photo but the photographer is only 6.
  24. ^ Russian & German (no wonder I'm so crabby!) < What's wrong with rum in your tea? It's darned good. V What's your favorite odd food combo?
  25. Jane laid in the borrowed hammock, swinging slightly as the Rakehell rocked at anchor. She lay with her eyes closed & appeared to be sleeping. In reality she lay there thinking, trying to come up with every possible outcome for their coming adventure. It was a terrible habit, constantly trying to think of the worst case scenario but it had served her well. When a set of steady footsteps paused at her side a green eye opened. Jane was a little surprised to see the familiar silhouette of Ransom hovering next to her but not entirely. Jane figured Mr. Tar's wasn't finished testing them yet and judging by the captains frown, she was right. With a sigh Jane sat up, throwing her legs over the edge of the hammock and landing softly on the deck below. Thin fingers rubbed in the tangle of blond hair at the back of her neck. "Ye need somethin Captain Ransom?"
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