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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. Jane laughed softly at the woman's outburst. She would have expected no less from the lass, always thinking with her heart and never her head. It was a fine way to live, if you wanted a short life. The bright smile still curved Jane's lips as her green eyes looked directly at Silkie. "N ye always wear yer stockings outside yer shoes thar Silkie?" Jane joked, waiting just long enough for the others to understand the odd phrase before continuing. "Thar is a proper order ta plannin this if tis to be not only successful but profitable" Jane paused again, a wave of nausea striking her. How many times had she heard her husband use those exact words? The smile on her thin lips fell away as she glanced at Roberts, seeing the recognition from him as well. “Tha doesn’t start wif splitting up shares o a treasure we ‘aven’t even located, much less got in our ‘ands. Now, tha first problem, tha way I see it at least, is we’ve got no less than two captain’s among us and jest as many ships.” She raised a brow questioningly, hoping the others would have the foresight to see the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.
  2. "Now jest wait thar Silkie." Jane's voice was just loud enough to carry over the din of the bustling pub. Pale palm rose to the woman, stopping the others outstretched hand in mid motion. "Tis a lot more involved then jest a 'and shake n we all jump on tha first ship ta reef 'er mainsils." Jane's green eyes rose from their common place in the depths of her favored mug to regard those around the rough table. She eyed Jacky especially, still skeptical about his tale. The man was a good leader but every good leader is also a bit of a manipulator. That bottle he had produced seemed all too conveniently "in his possession" when they were all gathered, yet when had he been out of their sight long enough to retrieve it? If he had been holding it all along, why did he wait to heal Red Cat unless he was counting on their reaction to tip the scales in his favor. Once her eyes had traveled the table they dropped again to the dark liquid in the bottom of her mug. Jane waited patiently in the ensuing silence before continuing, the mental list of considerations that had begun forming at the first mention of the Legartos running through her mind.
  3. "and you can't take anything with you that was made in the current time, but there are swords." ~my little swab describing "reenactment" to her friends
  4. ^ short answer yes, & can understand/muddle though several more than I speak. < OK I'll admit it, I stopped following the directions & just went with what I *knew* on this sewing stuff. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm no good with doing as I'm told. V follow directions to the letter, to the spirit of the thing or throw them out with the packaging?
  5. ^ Period. What's the point of going to the work of doing the event period if you stop the minute the sun goes down? < the list is ever shorter! I'll be done by Friday & ready for RF2!!! V Do you keep "to do lists" on paper or mentally?
  6. ^ Right where I live now. I went though a lot of searching to find a place that "fit" & this is as close as I'll ever come. < Leaves her stuff packed all the time just in case. (& not because she's an organizational neurotic ) V what do you do "just in case".
  7. Ahh I see Mr. Tar has already requested more in yer bio so I'll jest take me mug o rum n sit by the fire. Thank ye n welcome!
  8. ^ 4 different cities, 2 different states & still never more than 100 miles from where I was born. < Tonight I said "ouch" & the little swabs first reply was "stick yourself with a pin again?". Guess I say that a lot. V What's your favorite (clean) expression?
  9. We have one particular woman here that has *those* spoobs as well (I think everyone has one really). For a long while I had a photo of them on my computer as an example of what NOT to do. The worst thing is that she goes to everything! The spoobs that you can't escape. She doesn't need a mirror that goes below the neck to see them either
  10. Jane had stayed quiet during most of the story telling. After all, she didn’t have nearly the adventures to regale the others with, not much had happened during her time aboard the merchantman. Instead she found herself drifting into thoughts of the past. Staring at her shoes out in the street had brought back memories she thought long buried. She watched Roberts now from across the table, blue eyes bright as he spoke, drifting into her own thoughts. He had tied her ribboned shoes, exactly like the ones she now wore. The little kindness was all it had taken to set off Zachary’s anger. It was the first of many nights Jane would find herself on the wrong side of her husband’s seemingly limitless temper. She could nearly feel the sting of his hand on her cheek as he beat and swore at her. When Jane looked up she realized Roberts had fallen silent, a furrow of thought barely visible under his tanned brow. Red Cat attempted to get him talking again, but by the stare he penetrated her with it was clear whatever he wasn’t saying was of some importance. Jane found herself filled with the desire to leave the table, to disappear into the shadows. She pushed back in her chair a bit, leaning away from the expectant vibration that began to surround the table. Green eyes jumped between The Cat and her friend, finally settling on the lip of her own mug as the man leaned over to speak in a rough whisper.
  11. Spoobes fascinate me. If nothing else I'm always wondering if they are going to completely pop out or not. Sort of like watching a car wreck.
  12. Neither Roberts nor Red Cat noticed as Ransom held Mr. Tar outside the pub before entering, but Jane had. She guessed the other woman was relaying as much about Roberts as Jane had been willing to share. She had confirmed to the captain that he was the man she initially thought he was, and that he was harmless, although no less trouble. She had wisely left out any specific detail of their acquaintance. Jane watched from near the doorway as Roberts escorted the injured Red Cat across the common room. The Cat was acting tough, walking as straight as she could given the obvious pain in her leg. Any bystander might mistake her for being on the wrong end of an empty bottle instead of a sword. As the two settled at a table near the fire, Jane stepped to the bar, catching Ray with a nod. Thin fingers rummaged in her pocket, pulling out the heavy leather pouch she had nearly forgotten about. The cord was loosened, green eyes peering into the bounty was genuine surprise. “Well now.” She muttered. It had felt like a sizable amount in her hand, but nothing like this. The pieces in the pouch glittered as her fingers reached in, pulling one of the shining gold circles out. “’ere Ray, keep the clanks full aye.” The barman grinned, palming the coin as Jane turned to join the others.
  13. ^ Snowed in. Although I "work" at home so that doesn't really count does it. < 3 doses of mashed garlic covered in honey & my cold is gone in less than 24 hours! Just don't sit next to me for a while. V what do you do when you start to get a cold?
  14. ^ there's a lot of things I wouldn't change. Mostly things in the past that have made me the person I am today, regardless of how terrible they were at the time. < Darn it Black John, now I'm even more anxious for it to be Feb. Patience is NOT my strong point. V What virtue do you struggle with?
  15. No, but I do have a slang and euphemism dictionary that I can read for hours.
  16. ^ Wow, I don't have that much in the way of a kit to begin with. If I had to leave something, I'd leave my mantua. It wouldn't be perfect running around in just stays & skirts etc but it's the only part that can go without really effecting everything else. < Can't live without a cap thanks to painfully modern hair. V What part of your kit can you NOT live without?
  17. This is the one in Santa Cruz from one of the nights I was there. The surf was amazing!
  18. chocolate pudding & hot chocolate with rum (don't know who gave me that darned idea )
  19. ^ that would be the GAoP of course no particular event though. I lean towards 1710 as a specific year for some reason. < also almost ready for RF2. Yeah me! V one thing at a time or everything all at once?
  20. ^ Summer Captain, I haven't made it through spring yet. But hopefully I'll be good and busy with plenty of piratey stuff no matter what the season. < Putting my dog down tonight V casket, cremated or mummified
  21. I predicted Anne Bonny & I got Anne Bonny. DO I know myself or what?
  22. He was searching, scrutinizing every inch of her face trying to make a connection. A man like Roberts had undoubtedly known more than his share of women and was now trying to recall whether she was one of them. The thought made Jane laugh, enough that he could hear it, her shoulders shaking softly. “Do no tax yer self in tha remembering. We were ner gi’en a formal introduction, then or now." She caught her skirt with one hand, bending in a small courtesy as if they were meeting in a proper circle and not on a random waterfront dock. "Jane Melchart, at yer service. Tha widow of one Zachary Melchart off Broad Street in New York.” Green eyes never dropped from his as she spoke, she was enjoying her new found confidence too much to look away. It left her feeling alert and alive in a way that she could scarcely remember feeling before. At the mention of her late husband’s name she was the slightest flicker of recognition crossed his face. The intense inspection of her features changed, though she could not place exactly how. The look was one he had given her before, many years ago in the dimly lit room behind the Plume of Feathers. The blue eyes had the same effect on her then as they did now. Her heart jumped, her ears burning until she had to avert her eyes, focusing on the silk ribbons in her shoes until the blush subsided.
  23. Jane’s eyes went wide for a moment as Roberts hovered over her. His body language betrayed the real feelings behind his smooth voice. He was indeed the same man she remembered from New York. In all the years she had never considered that the little tidbits of information she had gathered standing in the shadows as her husband conducted his "off the books" business would be of any use, but here was proof of their worth. “Aye, assumin it were true.” She repeated, a thin brow raising in amusement at the added qualification, “N assuming she’d er done business in tha good colony o New York then mayhaps we’d ‘ave met, sir. I hear tell thar was a factor there willin ta work off tha books, fer a proper percent o course. Though that was some years ago now.” She smiled as she looked up into his tanned face. She could the roguish spark in his eyes as he glared down at her, yet she felt strangely free from fear. Perhaps it was because she knew he was mostly harmless, or perhaps it was Ransom’s distant eyes that gave her courage.
  24. Alright, currently, the songs that get me into my "piratey self" mode are as follows. Most are traditional songs but the specific artist/version does matter to me. Childgrove (from Playford's) - Broadside Band Health to the Company - Brobdingnagian Bards Bully in the Alley - Bounding Main Peg and Awl - Danu Drink up Men - The Dubliner's Johnny Jump Up - Gaelic Storm The Otters Nest - Joanie Madden A Bruxa/Unknown - Tannahill Weavers Whiskey Your the Devil - The Clancy Brothers Row Bully's Row - Ewan McColl Hanging Johnny - Bob Roberts Now if you're talking me on an average, not so piratey day. Just pick a punk song, there are just too many to pick favorites.
  25. ^ Always. Tha little swab is a chatterbox & can get anyone in a conversation given 2 minutes or less. < There's nothing so lonesome or drear as a pub with no beer. V What makes you feel "dreary"?
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