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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack
The morning air still held a chill as the three walked down the docks. Jane spoke with Ransom, exchanging the kind of empty banter friends shared. In all honesty Jane wasn't listening to her own conversation, more intent on the quiet man walking at her side. She had to restrain herself from staring at him outright, instead taking quick glances when the chance arose. The nagging in her mind wouldn't rest until she had confirmed he was indeed the man she remembered. As the banter with Ransom slowed Jane's attention turned to Roberts. "N ye Mr. Roberts. Wot brings ye ta shore? I wasn'a ware ta Anne's Revenge was in port." She smiled sweetly as she spoke, one hand adjusting the weight of the sack she carried on her shoulder.
^ with out! I hate poking my eye every time I go for a drink. < new favorite drink, hot tea grog made with this left over Christmas spice tea. Little orangey, little cinnamoney, very rummy! V Try something new or creature or habit?
These are dark but I can't get a flash photo of the kitten without it looking very Frankensteinish. That little white bit he's playing with is my tailors chalk. Do you know how hard it is to mark pleats when someone keeps running off with your chalk?
no no no, coffee and tobacco are competing odors. What ye need is tobacco and something sweet like rum. Now there's a smell on a man ta make a gerl weak. I haven't smelled a pipe in too long.
What size do you like your opposite sex
CrazyCholeBlack replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Beyond Pyracy
but ye see yer boobies always point to tha sky when yer on yer back -
oh this is gonna take some werk n a whole lot less rum! I'll bee back wen I've compiled tha list.
Tha little swab says she loves yer hat Blackjohn.
I'm know for what's call an "I need a drink". Basically I rummage through the house looking for what ever I can mix together that won't kill me. I've come up with some good combos that way & some really scary ones. Currently I'm doing a lot of hot rum & cider or hot tea grog with various teas. Hot water, lemon & vodka is good too. Cures a cold pretty fast too. But in the end does it really matter what it tastes like going down?
breaking in me new mug with a few (dozen) fills of hot tea grog. Made with a really nice "holiday" blend tea that has just a hint of orange & cinnamon. Very soothing on a cold evening.
Jane was but a block from the docks, weaving her way down a back alley when she spotted the two men. Mr. Tar was unmistakable, he stood evenly on his feet, arms crossed behind his back with the same air of command he must use aboard his ship. The larger figure next to him was the other man from the pub, the one Jane had finally placed as Johnathan Roberts. He chewed at the broken end of a white pipe, a lackadaisical curl of smoke trailing from it's bowl. She paused in her steps, a mix of curiosity and caution preventing her from going any further. Why had those three left the pub so quickly, so quietly the night before. They had seemed like enemies at the time but now behaved as the best of friends. Silently Jane stepped back against the rough alley walls. She perched herself carefully on top of a heavy barrel, never taking her eyes off the men. The furrow in her brow deepened as a third joined them. Ransom looked less comfortable with Roberts than Jacky did, but not nearly as she had only hours earlier. As the two captain's spoke, Jane's patience wore out. She hopped from the barrel, feet crunching as they hit the rough ground. "Well, well, n 'ere I thought ye two 'ad gone off n caught tha hempen fever." Jane laughed, trying to hide her mistrust with mock humor. The words echoed off the walls as three heads turned to stare at her with surprise.
Jane headed straight for the docks, figuring that if worse came to worse, the captain’s would instinctively return to their respective ships. She wove a path through the morning market, dodging fish mongers and old women. The rough voice of hawkers filled the air as the streets filled with peddlers & buyers alike. Around the corner of one alley three thin, dirty boys raced. They jostled past a well dressed man, carrying an ornately carved, gold headed cane over his arm. Jane smiled slightly as a small hand slipped under the pocket flaps on the man’s greatcoat. Before the little thieves could disappear into the crowd Jane’s arm shot out, catching the last of the boys by the upper arm. Her fingers wrapped tightly around his boney bicep. “’And it or lad.” She cooed, grinning slyly. His face paled, mouth moving but no sounds coming out. She jerked him closer, nearly picking him up by the arm. ”Go on now.” Her tone sweet and motherly, green eyes stared at him unblinking. A brow raised, daring the boy with her cavalier amusement. The other hand lifted, palm out, waiting. With a sigh the boy settled the small leather pouch into her hand. The weight of coin bounced in her hand. It was a hefty sum, especially for the amount of work. The bounty disappeared between the folds of Jane’s skirts, the boys eyes widening as he realized she had no intention of returning the money. “Ye need practice there lad.” she batted him on the back of his black curly head as she released his arm, pushing him away. He stared after her as she continued her way without a second glance.
Are you watching Futurama?
A blinding stream of sunlight spilled into the tavern as the front door swung open. The bright light fell on Jane's pail face, cutting across her closed eyes. She jerked upright, rudely awakened from the light slumber she had been enjoying. Her hand lifted from where it had pressed between her mug & cheek, a pink indent on the palm. "Ugh." she mumbled, smacking her dry lips. The last drop was emptied from the favorite mug by way of refreshment. Her blond head turned around the quiet bar. Only a few snoring sailors and the young indentured girl scurrying about her morning tasks disturbed the silent space. Jane's brow creased deeply. There was no sign of her companions, nor any sign that the had returned while she dozed. Under most circumstances that wouldn't worry her, but the way Mr. Tar & Ransom had manhandled the newcomer combined with Red Cat's disappearance set her on edge. "Blast if those three aren't going to leave me gallied." she swore, half yawning as she stood. The lumpy sack of random objects was slug over a shoulder as she stumbled out into the morning sun and quickly filling streets. With no idea where the others had gone off to it would be pure luck if Jane managed to find them, but looking was better than waiting in front of a bottle all day.
I've never smoked. That doesn't stop me from coveting Foxe's red clay pipe though.
What size do you like your opposite sex
CrazyCholeBlack replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Beyond Pyracy
There is a program like that. The police use it to find suspects. & hey, one of those girls is wearing stripes. -
Wot, in all these deliberations no one wanted ta name it The Employment? Alright, back to yer regularly scheduled careening.
If I knew I was going to wake up feeling hungover, I would have had something to drink last night.
the way to a pirates heart ye ask? In my case it's through several layers of fabric, preferably Irish linen or silk.
that's the same reaction it usually gets in me family too. Only me n papa ever liked tha stuff. Oh well, I never was good at sharin anyways.
Or a windy day... or anytime he goes up in the rigging
Sorry Mr. Red Wake. Ye ken blame me papa fer tha odd taste buds. Here, let me back in tha galley fer a few bells n everyone'll 'ave a proper lesson in eastern European comfort food. A lard sandwich. Especially good with onions & plenty of salt on top on slightly stale toasted rye. With a side of liver dumpling soup of course. It has to have that one big dumpling though. The soups with lots of little dumplings aren't nearly as good. N ta finish cottage cheese (tvorog) with a drizzle of honey n some fruit if it's available. Yumm, happiness on a plate :)
Boy could I go fer some comfort food tonight. How bout toasted rye with a thin layer of lard wif plenty o salt on top n a hot bowl of liver dumpling soup on the side. Ohh & some cottage cheese with honey fer dessert.
"I am the very model of a modern Major-General, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral, I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical. From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical. I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical, About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news, With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse. " Listening & singing along very loudly. Hey at least it's Nautical!
One of my all time favorites. yum, nothing like licking a baby head.
Sitting here crying like a baby because my dog is dying. I have to make the decision to try & keep him alive for marginally longer or to put him down. Can't someone else make that choice for me. I don't think I can.