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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. Come now Kass, he did have real women to entertain him that weekend after all.
  2. yummm, frozen marshmallow peeps *drool*
  3. Ever notice that Valentines day is 6 weeks after New Years & also a holiday devoted to chocolate? Wonder if that's why so many New Years resolution diets fail? Now how come there's no chocolate in my house!
  4. About knitting frames, Where can one learn more? Mostly I'm wondering how similar/dissimilar they are to the knitting looms we have today. Any examples for us visual learners?
  5. ^ stainless steel countertops! Love them to death!!! < Art Class. V Class that you'd love to take?
  6. cough medicine. Blech! Cool cherry my rear end.
  7. ^ Take & give quite a few good thumps ^^ Downhill for the fun, cross country for the scenery < Little swab is out of here any minute now........ V Watch the clock til it runs out or try to ignore it?
  8. ^ Jenny's talking about this I believe < Did too much this morning & now I'm felling terrible again. I need a nap! V Naps? Yes please or gave them up in kindie?
  9. Thankfully NO!
  10. eww, you gerls and your sea food. Lets get back to the sweets & baked goods already. You've got to have desert with all that other stuff don't you?
  11. "Wot's ta spill Ransom?" Jane looked innocently at the red haired captain, shrugging her shoulders. She picked up a hard piece of biscuit, turning it over in her hands but not daring to take a bite. "Like I said, 'nythin tween meself n Mr. Roberts tis in tha past n I'd be jest as happy ta leave it there."
  12. ^ Stick to my persona, since it's mostly "me" anyway. < Doesn't do Drs (lawyers or Indian chef's either) V what don't you "do"?
  13. ^ Currently putting together the clothes of a 1722 "prizefighter", and a hunting frock, & a complete kit for the little swab because she's asked for one. < That is if I can get this cough under enough control to do anything. It's really knocking the wind out of me, literally! V on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being low) how often are you "under the weather"?
  14. Jane yelped as Red Cat caught her by the arm, the smaller woman dragging her with some determination below deck. Jane scrambled, trying to keep her feet from tangling in her skirts as the Cat continued to pull her along. They had stumbled into the galley before Jane managed to over power the other woman. "Geeze, Cat. Lemme go!" A worn heel dug into the planked floor. Jane's arm jerked free, sending her stumbling backwards a little at the sudden freedom. With a huff she settled in one of the wooden chairs, shaking her blond head in exasperation. "Honestly n we 'aven't even gotten under sail."
  15. ^ Love it. I'd really love to have some good photos of me in my gear after all the work I put into it but no one I know can take a decient photo to save their soles! < Darn, have to think of something for dinner. V Favorite order in meal?
  16. Ahh yes. Mr. Foxe surrounded by impressionable (if oddly dressed) American girls. I think that made his weekend
  17. same as my "wow that was a lot of Blue Moon" face Jessie
  18. ^ Not yet. Note the yet. I'd give my eye teeth to do a full immersion event, though coming "back" might be tricky. < PBS is playing their weird local history educational shows right now. V visual, auditory or kinesthetic (learn by doing)?
  19. yeah, it's my "Get me more rum or I'll snap" expression.
  20. That would be Pirates of the Plain right? I just watched that, not nearly as bad as a kids pirate cartoon could be. Not good but not bad either.
  21. Bah, who needs sleep. nothing hour or so n the sun will be up anyway!
  22. Jane's arms folded across her chest as she looked up at Roberts. Her eyes locked with his, that strange lack of fear coming out in her again. She couldn't figure out why this man, who she knew to be dangerous, didn't inspire the slightest bit of concern in her. "Oh, ye mean ta say yer ol captain didn't know 'bout yer illustrious past then sir?" Jane smiled brightly. Let him think she'd told his whole story to Red Cat. If nothing else, it was amusing to see him flustered and Jane could use the amusement at the moment.
  23. yummy, pad thai. isn't late night snacking part of the articles?
  24. I have FINALLY found the visual aid that I need to learn ECD. That only took a few months. http://www.rivkinetic.org/flash/ecdflash.html It remains to be seen if I get the "courage" to dance but at least I can add it too my knowledge.
  25. Well it's daytime in Europe. PM with some of those guys, then noones the wiser that you're not sleeping.
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