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Everything posted by Hester

  1. I've never understood the appeal of Tobey Maguire! I'm gonna watch Spiderman 3 on TV tonight, but Maguire's such a gweeb compared to the cool Spidey/Peter Parker from the TV cartoon version of my childhood. The cartoon version had a sexy voice and dry deadpan wit, while Maguire just squeaks & whines. How about Gerard Butler as Blackbeard? He does menace rather nicely!
  2. Acquisitive
  3. Cherry cake & Tipperary cheese Oak blossoms (achoo!) The twins Carol
  4. Bidding strategically on eBay -- waiting till the last moment to swoop in and swipe that swag!
  5. Steak & salad (More red meat for my iron deficiency!)
  6. I'm across the Nothern Border, MadL. The sun rarely gets hot enough here to cook anything -- even a jar of sun-tea.
  7. What's that you say? M.A. d'Dogge's a Naturist? No wonder he's parading around in his Birthday Suit! Oh yes, the Dogge will have his day! Here's hoping it's a happy one! Cheers, Hester
  8. Ooo... that sounds tasty! I went off Gosling's for awhile after over-imbibing on Captain Kidd cocktails one St. Paddy's Day (1 shot each Black Seal, dark creme de cacao, and cognac , shake with ice and strain into a large martini glass. Garnish with a chocolate-dipped cherry). But I'll have to pick up a new bottle of Black Seal and try this ice tea concoction. Hey, maybe I'll even brave another Captain Kidd cocktail now! And now, back to our regularly scheduled COOKING thread...
  9. Slightly headachey
  10. Beverly Hillbillies
  11. "Take a little trip..." http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y6c3emqC6aw
  12. Chain-letter e-mail from a Welsh cousin, via my daft sister.
  13. Well, mine are made of ribbons & lace! But then, I was attempting to be "Regency" not GAoP. Got drunk at the "rum tasting" before the Regency ball and unabashedly hiked up my sagging garters on the dancefloor. The band leader looked aghast.
  14. I think there should be a new rank for 2000 posts! I suggest "Drunken Pyrate". 424 posts to go until I'm a "Legend"! (That could take awhile!)
  15. Hester

    ^, <, V

    [WTF? I was in the midst of posting a drunken dissertation on how long my opened bottle of tequila kept (over 10 years) when the Pub suddenly disappeared from under me! Bloody cyberspace gremlins! Yup, after a half blenderful of frozen margarita mix and this venerable tequila, I can attest that it still has more "kick" than agave-flavoured water!] And now, back to our previously scheduled Q: What do you do to keep cool in hot weather?
  16. Waffles & Strawberries Really big dust bunnies (spring cleaning -- achoo!) My neighbours (yay, they're gonna fix the fence!) My sister (hope her birthday present arrives soon)
  17. Who'll play the lead role?
  18. Itchy -- stirred up the dust while cleaning.
  19. Frozen BBQ chicken wings (I'm feeling lazy!) Raw veggies & dip
  20. Vintage motorcycle
  21. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Stay at the cottage -- water front & back (we're on a peninsula), nice breeze, generally 10 degrees F. cooler than the city. And when it gets hot even there -- take a swim every couple of hours. < We could use some of that warm weather here. It's windy and cool. So, I'm staying in and doing some very belated spring cleaning V Pass the Q.
  22. eBay [salty, beware!]
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