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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. You must be kidding - no cutlass fights? Come to Pirates in Paradise... we have cutlass fights every day - full contact... the only thing we haven't done is kill someone yet, but there's always next year. :)

    -- The Captain

  2. Cynn, lass...

    I think you should autograph your work on Nigel's back, if there is a next time. A true artiste always signs his or her work. And Flogger, it was true art, but you never got down to the bone. Maybe next time - I unselfishly offer Sir Nigel up for further exploration of your art. After all, what's an artist without a blank canvas...

    -- The Captain

  3. Your Captain has your annual holiday tome... Enjoy!

    -- The Captain

    The Night Before Christmas (aboard The Blackheart)

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas aboard The Blackheart,

    Not a shipmate was stirring, not even Black Skot,

    The cutlasses were stored on the mid deck with care,

    Animal had just doled out the crewe’s holiday share.

    Yes, the crewe was now snuggled up there in their sacks,

    While the midnight watch on deck watched their backs.

    The Captain and Conscience took off their tricorns,

    And settled down to sleep to await Christmas morn.

    When up on the deck the crewe heard such a clatter,

    They sprang from their hammocks to see what was the matter.

    Away to the main deck they flew fleet and fast,

    Tore open the gun ports and rigged the main mast.

    The moon cast a light upon the calm sea,

    As Diosa focused her spyglass to see what she could see.

    When what ‘fore her piratical eyes should course,

    But a miniature ship pulled by eight tiny seahorse.

    With a little old captain, with beard glistening white.

    Captain knew in a flash we should blow him from sight.

    His brig was approaching, quickly it came,

    Hurricane shouted to his crewe loudly by name:

    Now Nigel! Now Sheila!

    Now Merry and Studley!

    On, Olaf, On Deadly Aim!

    On Doc Wanna, Paisley!

    To your guns step lively!

    To the swivels facing aft!

    Put powder to them softly,

    We must sink that craft!

    The old captain moved swiftly, his course was quite steady,

    The Blackheart crewe they prepared to be ready

    When the brig heaved to starboard and pulled a little wide,

    Hurricane responded with full guns broadside.

    And then, in a twinkling, we heard the retort,

    He fired right back hitting us hard on the port.

    We hove to and came across his bow once more,

    We knocked out his topsail and gave him what for.

    His ship was quite close now, we could see him on deck,

    Dressed in red from his boots to the nape of his neck.

    His clothes were all sooted from guns full ablaze,

    And he never blinked once with his stouthearted gaze.

    His eyes – were so firey! His dimples quite red!

    At the site of his small crew, many now dead!

    His once joyful face was drawn up quite mad,

    And we could see that he’d become a revenge minded lad.

    The stump of his pipe was now clenched in his teeth,

    And the smoke from it encircled his head like a wreath.

    He had a scarred face and a little round tummy,

    He swaggered with the sea, looking quite rummy.

    His crewe was quite elfish, they looked mighty queer,

    Surrounded by eight really pissed off reindeer.

    A wink of his eye and a nod of his head,

    Soon gave us to know we had everything to dread.

    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work.

    He fired a salvo, then turned with a jerk.

    And giving us the finger he fired one more round,

    Then turned to the south making no other sound.

    We stood on the deck, now knowing our plight,

    We had fired on Santa which just wasn’t right.

    And we heard him exclaim as his crewe changed their shifts,

    “To all on The Blackheart, I’m returning your gifts!”

  4. I would agree, Pierre... not a lot of places to put a hole in the water... but the smart pirate snags ones already afloat - not ones he has to buy. Find yourself a nice lass with a boat and court her hard. We'll be glad to take advantage of her... boat, that is...

    Yers in piracy,

    The Captain

  5. Merry my love,

    You are always welcome to go a roving with our little band of thugs, ne'er-do-wells, despots, bon vivants, sinners, thieves and rogues. You're a delight...

    Now if you could just solve that distance issue like the rest of the crewe has - Animal, Black Skot, Doc Wanna - are all making their way here. What's the hold up lass?

    The Gulf is 2 hours away, the Atlantic about 90 minutes. The best of both worlds. And most of the time it's warm (it's not now - 44 degrees at 8 a.m.)

    - The Captain

  6. Pierre's ears certainly must've been burning... hey there's pirates in your waters - in the South country - Olaf and Studley. These little states on the east make it easy to traverse. Try going from Washington to California for a gig...18 bloody hours... :)

    Good to see ya back lad. Don't go away again or I'll sick the Animal on ya!

    -- The Captain

  7. It's a bit nippy, thanks to all the damned Canadians... but it does actually feel like Christmas down here at least. And the seasonally cold 70s and 80s are just around the corner once Canada takes their crappy weather back.... I do get to wear my snappy new leather pirate captain coat now though - can't do that in the summer round these parts.

    I never knew you'd been MISS FLORIDA... the things we learn... Explains the bathing suit in your boxes, eh? (oops, momentarily was speaking Canadian).

    The Captain

  8. We have the Dread Pyrate version and the Master and Commander version that was made for the movie. The expense is worth it. The coins are real plated metal as are the ships and everything in the game is top notch. It is something you would pass one to your children's children.

    And the national tournament will be down at Pirates in Paradise next year - so start practicing now!

    -- The Captain

  9. A great adventure is on the calendar for June 10-18, 2005...

    Beyond Boundaries Travel has put together a 9 day pirate adventure in the Bahamas and Jamaica. A few members of The Pyrates of the Coast will be serving as guides. It's an amazing trip.

    Your hosts – pirate storytellers, musicians and historians – will take you on an adventure of a lifetime where you'll be able to walk in the footsteps of famous pirates, engage in swordplay, regale in hilarious tales and live pirate theater and participate in a wide range of activities and events that will shiver your timbers!

    You'll also have the chance to visit and tour some of the most well known pirate strongholds in the Caribbean, including Spanish Town, site of the Anne Bonny and Mary Read trials, the enchanting Green Grotto Caves and the estate of Sir Henry Morgan, pirate turned governor of Jamaica.

    Here's an overview of the trip. Go to http://www.potcfantrips.com for more information.

    # Air transportation between Nassau, The Bahamas and Montego Bay/Kingston, Jamaica

    # Pirate storyteller/musician/historian throughout the tour

    # Professional guides throughout the program in Jamaica and on Ship

    # 4 days/3-nights private charter of Windjammer Tall Ship

    # 3-nights lodging at 4-star Morgan’s Harbour Hotel in Port Royal

    # 2-nights lodging at 3-star hotel in Ocho Rios

    # Transportation throughout itinerary as noted

    # Meals : 8 breakfasts, 5 dinners including special private venues, 5 lunches including special private venues

    # Private “British” dinner at Fort Charles, Port Royal

    # Private “Pirate” dinner at the Pirate’s Museum in Nassau, Bahamas

    # Private “Vintage Movie” dinner at Firefly, Ocho Rios

    # Welcome reception and discussion by marine archaeologist

    # Private lunch and discussion by Ambassador Peter King at Flamstead, Jamaica

    # Tour of Coffee Factory Tour of Historic Port Royal including admissions as per itinerary

    # City Highlight Tour of Kingston including recording studio session

    # Tour of Spanish Town and discussion of pirate trials

    # Tour of Grotto Caves and Seville Great House

    # Historic Tour of Nassau, The Bahamas

    # Virtual Reality experience with pirate-themed game

    # Modest gratuities to guides and drivers

    # Baggage handling

    # Themed activities on deserted islands, swordplay games, more pirate movies, great fun!

    -- The Captain

  10. The new Pirate Soul Museum is set to open Jan. 5 in Key West. Lots of actual artifacts, documents and interactive exhibits, including a dark part where you're under the deck as Blackbeard fights to the death above. There is also an animatronic Blackbeard and other cool stuff.

    Check it out at http://www.piratesoul.com

    -- The Captain

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