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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. You mean there's a difference between partying and performing? As Animal said, it's all just rolled into one in our group. The partying part is entertaining the people as much as it is tossing a drink back now and then. Performing is just organic with us and we don't separate the two, whether we're working a crowd of tourists or a bunch of soused pirates in a bar.

    And yes, we do imbibe out on the circuit... what's a pirate without a little rum on his breath. In 20 years I've never had anyone complain about it. Now if I was a clown that would be a different issue. But a pirate, hhm... that would be suspect in me own book.

    -- The Captain

  2. Belay your chatter Master Animal. Tis not duty we asked for but only accepted to be good sports with the locals. Little do they know where we're headin' once aboard ship. Anyone need any cigars? :)

    -- The Captain

  3. I'd have to vote for the shipmater's camera. Very well done PhotoShop work and a funny angle on life in our world that isn't so cliche as some of the others. I like the originality and the use of an ordinary item rather than an iconic figure.

  4. Ah, aren't you a cute one, Royaliste. I appreciate the broadside, though it's hardly a puff of hot air from yer bellows. Although I hardly need to qualify my Captain status (as my crewe will be more than happy to do that for me) I don't need a hole in the water to pour money into to have me own captaincy.

    For the last 20 years I've sailed with the best of them and I learned long ago that it's far better to borrow a ship when ya need one through guile and misdeeds than it is to go out and buy one and call yourself master of the sea.

    So I won't get into a pissing match of who has more sailing experience or mastery of a captain's duties. I will say that a true captain is one who commands his crewe by favor, not by convenience of position or power. A captain gains the status by respect and the vote of the crewe, not by assigning himself the honor. And again, I think my crewe will speak highly for my skills in this role with The Pyrates of the Coast.

    I'm sure you and other ships on the West Coast would have liked the 600 grand. Who wouldn't? For the Lady Washington, it was perfect timing: lend a ship that was deep in debt out for a few months and get a retrofit back to original condition in the process. Better coin than you can get hauling touristas around for sunset sails I imagine, which she was spending much of her time doing.

    I frankly don't care what they do for the next movie or if they even make it. I don't live and breath PotC. I have no vested interest in which side of the world they film in. Or what ships they use. But I do so love stirring the pot now and then with those like yourself who are so passionate and take this pirate thing so seriously.

    I bear you no grudge with my observations... they are just that, my humble opinions. And I willfully stand by them.

    -- The Captain

  5. No coincidence I believe.

    And the west coasters forget - there are plenty of tall ships on the Eastern seaboard. 6 in Key West alone, more in St. Augustine, Jacksonville, not to mention the Carolinas on up to Mystic, CT. The Pacific side doesn't have the corner on tall ships lads, or even pirate ships.

    So we are back to the Bahamas, and Johnny Depp's palatial 40 acre private island. I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

    -- The Captain

  6. Sorry, Royaliste... but I so disagree. Production companies can build their own ships or get existing ones anywhere they want. $600,000 got the Lady Washington to the Caribbean and back plus a refit back to original shape. That's a drop in the budget bucket. And the other was built on a barge frame. Been to both sides of the great oceans and the Pacific doesn't look anything like the Caribbean in terms of color of the water or even that darned flaura and fauna.

    Plus, labor is cheaper out of the states and the locals in the Caribbean look a lot more authentic than those on the west coast. Plus red tape in the states, particularly California, is one of the many reasons productions are done elsewhere, including Canada and just about any other country. No unions, no people standing around twiddling their thumbs and no permits to deal with.

    Hurricane season around here is an inconvenience, it doesn't rule our bloody lives. Besides, they're a lot better than earthquakes... ;)

    And most important... lest we all forget, Johnny Depp bought a 40 acre island in the Bahamas for him and his family, so that would be home turf for him. Got to keep the lead pirate happy. Not surprised they'd pick it for location shoots.

    -- The Captain

  7. Olaf, the captain and Diosa invited immediately to our quarters upon arrival so that we may ensure that the elixir is fit for crewe consumption. It's the least we could do for our crewe. And yes, Sheila, you can taste test with us.

  8. Sorry lasses. Physical assets don't attract me. For me, it's the way a woman carries herself in public, the way she commands attention in a room without being bawdy, whorey or overpowering. She doesn't even need to utter a word to get noticed and she knows it. It's that touch of class and the joy of being a woman combined with enough confidence not to have to flaunt her presence that will get my attention. After that, it's the eyes - I want to see into their soul so I know what they're made of, and then it's intellect and sense of humor. Doesn't matter the size... just these attributes which defy type, age, stature or scale. Unfortunately, I haven't come across too many lasses that can pull that off. They're a prized rarity.

    As for hair color, however, brown only. Few sport true red hair so that's out and blondes just don't gain my attention in a room. And again, there's more bottle blondes than authentic ones, so we're back to brown or black again.

  9. There should be no problem. I shipped all mine in a big box and told them what was in it when I checked in. They did open it and inspect it along the way. But otherwise not delays or problems.

    -- The Captain

  10. Go to suncom.com - they have a place to enter your zip so you can see your coverage. I've never had any problems with service down there. The connectivity is great all over the keys, just depends whether you're on a roaming plan or not. So I would check on their site for the specifics.

  11. You mean people pack their hats? We wear ours onboard the plane. No sense hiding a perfectly good tricorn in a box... and the security guys always want to trade for their ball caps. Yeah, now that's a deal!

    -- The Captain

  12. I disagree. It was designed to be a parody of the space epics of its time - it wasn't meant to be serious. And as parody, it works pretty well. Does anyone really think the Space Herpie was serious art? Besides, Anjelica Houston's boots alone are worth watching the movie - now that's some pretty "hip" pirate boots. Best watched with a couple bottles of wine in ya!

  13. You can, however, get some nice artifacts from Hook, including the billiard table and the two dressers in the children's rooms. The cannons went last week for $154.00 for the two of them from Hook's ship. They wouldn't ship them though - tried.

    Type, hook, movie as the search phrase. Sony is the one liquidating so it is the real stuff. They also have a really nice coat the waistcoat from A Knights Tale which would be very nice period garb.

    -- The Captain

  14. I must agree there with Cascabel. The finer pieces have been auctioned off already. This, as they say, is the bottom of the barrel (or bale) in terms of collectability or use. These are background, background extra pieces. While nice, they're not really worth what they're going for right now, unless you support the cause they're going for right now. A trip to the right fabric store and a pattern can replicate these for far less.

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