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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Swagger just sent us this photo... I think it speaks for itself as to how much fun the Walk the Plank Championships were. This is Black Kat/Morgan walking the plank like a good girl (she finished third by the way)...

    And no, the water color has not been retouched. :)


    The Captain

  2. Now we're talking... (sits down on a nearby cask of rum and listens in).... it's like a crewe confessional for your fearless leader... all the things that never came up in the morning rump meetings, eh? (he reposes in near silence... an amazing feat according to his crewe).

    -- The Captain

  3. Olaf, the Wanderer, that is...

    Ahoy to the Olaf, mighty Wanderer from the North.

    Miss all you guys. We need to conspire on a joint voyage somewhere in the middle between Portlando and Hilton Head. Ideas, lads?

    -- The Captain

  4. I really have to thank the pyracy.com boards for such a cohesive bunch of mates. All the postings on here over the last 12 months helped forge the strong relationships we experienced in person once we got down to Key West. And it appears to be continuing here again as we return to our home ports.

    We really hope you'll all put PiP on your calendars for next year... lots of wonderful things in the air... new sponsors, new faces, new events and new activities for children of all ages plus the addition of an education component for local schools and libraries...

    -- The Captain

  5. The inaugural National Walk the Plank Championships was a rousing success. Seven brave lads and lasses braved the briny deep and took the plunge from The Schooner WOLF for the glory. Pirate artist Don Maitz was first to go in, doing a fine handstand - good enough for second place in the competition. Jennifer won after shedding her pirate clothes, binding up her arms and diving in in true pirate fashion (she had her underthings on, don't get too carried away with the visuals). Our youngest contestant, at 9, Black Kat, aka Morgan, took third. Photos are on their way.

    We will see you all next year!

    -- The Captain

  6. Uh-hum!

    Captain goes down below to catch a few ZZZZzzzz's and the crewe is chit chatting on deck. Where's Animal? What's with this scurvy crewe... they've gone soft already. Do I have to bring Flogger on deck to administer the same punishment our guitarist was given. I don't think we want that...

    Miss Sheila, we'll see you in SC I hear when we make port there next year. Much better than being land locked in KC... But the pirate commune in Florida sounds good too... I miss you all!

    And Paisley, dear... what can I say about the piercings... (sigh!) :)

    And thank you Diosa, dahling, for being my conscience and knowing what I was going to say before I even knew what I was going to say...

    So lads and lasses, when's our next misadventure....

    Captain has lots for you to do to prepare for next year's Paradise rendevous as well. Step forward and tell me what you'd like to help out on...

    -- The Captain

  7. We have returned from the great port of Key West. To all that sailed with us, all I can say is, "Thanks and we're going to Captain Tony's."

    For you that didn't go this year, please plan on it next year. It's the best event and our crewe was absolutely amazing!!! Not only did we do our festival duties of performing but we also picked up many of the loose ends that pop up in a festival of this size. And I'm darned proud of all me mates who have chosen to fly under the flag of The Blackheart.

    -- The Captain

  8. To all who didn't make it this year to PiP, do put it on your calendars for next years. The last night at the historic fort singing chanteys under the light of oil lanterns was as close as you can get to feeling what it's like to be a pirate. The parties were fun too, but the fort was and ideal location and plans are already underway to fix the few bugs in the move to the new location and lots of new events and activities for pirates of all ages. Look for new information and more photos soon at http://www.piratesinparadise.com.

    I hear tell that there are more than 1000 photos coming our way, covering everything from the pub runs to the lectures, sea battles and the inaugural National Walk the Plank Championships.

    More soon...

    -- The Captain

  9. This is the Captain here. I said, no more bunnies. Period. I will start deleting posts that continue this thread as it simply sucks up space in our log, which is meant for official crewe business and postings. So let's stick to Pyrates of the Coast business here and leave the bunnydom to the general site postings... many in the crewe are complaining about it.

    Nough said!

    Now, on to more important business of The Blackheart. Diosa, Sir Nigel, Sheila and yours truly sail for Key West today. So we won't be returning any postings or emails. For those of you going there, your rooming situations are confirmed - you should print out your schedule so you know what's going on. Sheila has set a fine example of this here.

    Print it out even if you can't read (you know who you are). For those at the hotel, your pirate name will be at the desk and they'll send you to the right room. Or simply hunt down (not in a Wisconsin way) the Captain or the MA or Deadly Aim to help ya!

    That's it. Fair winds on your respective voyages and we'll see you down there. For those in the crewe not going this year, we'll give a full report upon our imminent return.

    And for those of you who can't read this (and you know who you are), then just point at it and nod your head... B)

    -- The Captain

  10. Master Studley and Olaf,

    Do you happen to have a couple six foot tables in your inventory that we could use for the store portion of our site? If so, what are the chances you could bring them down with you? I'm sure Diosa could bribe you with some of her jewels...

    The Captain

  11. Anything that makes yer encampment piratical mates. Decor is good! I'd say some crates, chests and barrels are appropriate.

    Let me know when you get into town or email me your phone and we can coordinate your arrival at the hotel. When you're not camping yer billeting with Animal and Doc...

    -- The Captain

  12. Enough of the bunnies, shipmates!!!!! Yer filling our ship's log with mindless fluff (pun intended). Obviously, with PiP on the horizon you don't seem to have enough to do, eh? Half rations of rum tonight. As for the bunnies...

    Animal, skin all the little rodents aboard this vessel alive and prepare them for the night's supper. We'll be dining on some fine Broiled Bunnies for dinner. Who says a rabbit's foot brings luck - not to these critters. Roast away M.A.

    -- The Captain

  13. I just want it to put in the back yard. Take out the pool, dig a bigger hole and sink her into the water line. What a play toy! A shame she's too big to mount on a bus chassis. I was doing "art cars" before anybody even knew what they were... first one was a tank built out of a 62 Ford Galaxie... Ah, them were the days - sheet metal, Bondo and imagination...

    -- The Captain

  14. The seller informed me that two different buyers are flying into Cape Coral to bid on her Friday. If it's still there Saturday I'm third in line to see 'er in person. Too bad. But at $5000, she still has lots of potential as a great pirate party boat, even with the rerigging - and no, she's not a sailing vessel, she's motored.

    -- The Captain

  15. Me too mate. She needs a lot of TLC but she'd be fun to play with. It kills me that she's just a few leagues away from me too. Gonna see if I can find out where it's located in Tampa and swing down to view her up close before Clearwater...

    -- The Captain

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