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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Paisley luv!!!

    Have you been with the cabin boy to visit the Bounty yet? And I hear you're not returning on Sunday for our Mt. Dora pub run with cabin boy in tow... (He can go everywhere - very cute town with very cute pubs, even an Icelantic pub and a train to seize...

    -- The Captain

  2. Merry,

    Stuff is just that, love, stuff. Left 90% of mine 3000 miles away and haven't thought much about it sense. Wasn't really all that hard....And as of late managed to get a few extra bags off my manifest of baggage I've carried all my life with the change of scenery. Huzzah to Central FL...

    -- The Captain

  3. Ahoy, Jill!

    About a third of our members (The Pyrates of the Coast) are billeted in the frigid Northwest. Come up with an idea and Animal can wear the feathers in place of his beloved Captain... There are others too: The Pirates of the Caribbean are a parade group up there. There's the Treasure Island Pirates, The Northwest Pirates, and the Ocean Shore Pirates up there as well. All have varying levels of activity.

    As for the Seafair Pirates, unfortunately wenches have the wrong plumbing to be real members. Still an all guys club as the wives have too much say in the group compared to the old days when Animal and I were part of it.

    As for our group, welcome aboard! We will be up in the NW for at least one event this year, the Westport Rusty Scupper Daze in June. We may also be at the Tall Ships Challenge. If the NW crewe wants, I can give Animal all the contact information for that - he was at its predecessor - the Seattle Tallship Challenge and the Commencement Bay Maritime Fest so he knows their waters well... Plus a little responsibility up there prior to his sail here will keep his piratical skills fresh and at their peak...

    The Captain

  4. My New Year's Resolution...

    300 dpi (a PhotoShop joke)...

    OK, OK,

    To go easier on me crewe,

    Love me lass as much as possible,

    Be a kind and gentle captain...

    And pillage my measly black guts out at every opportunity.

    Oh, and more rations of rum for all involved with keeping The Blackheart on an even keel in 2005...

    Steer a true course one and all...

    The Captain

  5. Boy, that does sound fun. Unfortunately we're tied up entertaining Fortune 500 execs at a huge pirate party on the beach those days. And we save the bulk of vacations for PiP - would never miss 10 days in the Keys. Perhaps in 2006...

    -- The Captain

  6. The Captain greets all his charges on the eve of the New Year... Smooth sailing lads, on this eve, drive fast and take chances.

    I will be monitoring the drinking from my station at the helm - the rest of the crewe has the night off with double rations for a job well done in '04.


    -- The Captain

  7. The camping right now if on the last weekend. You'd obviously qualify on the period encampment thing. So it would be Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday day and night. At night the campers go to the fort by lantern and look around. The campsites are located near the thieve's market which is located between the beach and the fort under a canopy of trees. Very nice. The pirates who camped there last year loved it and the gates to the public close at 6 so there's time to cook, sing songs, and exchange tall tales. I can only imagine that growing in the future.

    Even for the seasoned street performer the "Argh!" thing can get pretty tiresome. Who says that anyway? And the endless argh jokes and plays on the word - I can live without.

    I'll be skulking around the armor site when I get more time - trying to close down the year in my real job...

    Safe harbor...

    The Captain

  8. There are two divergent approaches here... and the only time I've ever seen re-enactors, Hollywood pirates and pseudo-pirates in harmony as been at Pirates in Paradise, when you're just a pirate. And those that are can tell those that aren't whether they're wearing authentic togs or a three piece suit. The clothing doesn't make the pirate, it comes from deep inside.

    So, let's just celebrate the differences... for example, our own group (The Pyrates of the Coast) is out in the public 50 to 75 or so days out of the year - our clothing needs to survive the rigors of regular use that includes sailing, personal appearances, little kids with cotton candy in their hands and old ladies who want to cop a feel. The same clothing needs to fit the cold of the Pacific Northwest in the dead of winter and the tepid heat of Florida in June. So authenticity takes a back seat to comfort and the ability to outfit oneself for 10 days in the rotting stink of a 100% humdity day or an unexpected snowstorm.

    Then there are those who love to go out and camp in period gear, either on their own or as part of a gathering of others who love the pursuit of history. All fine and dandy too. I don't think they could do what the performer pirates do and vice versa. In fact, if I recall, it was Hawkyns himself who said he was a little out of kilter at PiP because of all the general public duty in town... (correct me if I'm wrong on that, sir -and as an aside, you'd love the new event at the fort which would was absolutely time-space transcending). It simply wasn't his thing. Just as it's not my thing to do without the modern comforts of a hotel and hot tub. :)

    The point of this is, we're all trying to convince the other side that their point of view is more correct, whatever that means.

    Pointless. And yes, I love to stir the pot as much as anyone. But I for one, as a performer/entertainer pirate, could never do what the likes of Ben Cherry, Spydr, Cascabel, Blade or Hawkyns can do. They're simply amazing at what they do.

    But I don't think they could equally throw themselves into the unknown frackuses we entertainers do and be able to improv their way into the hearts of many and avoid a few fists in the face at the same time.

    And I'm neither one to envy the gear of those seeking authenticity or castigate those who come in a costume in a bag with a plastic sword. I've stood beside both countless times and I make all feel welcome.

    So let's all move on to our respective paths and recognize that we have different callings.

    The new year is upon us and there's plenty of plunder for all of us in 2005...

    -- The Captain

    And Hawkyns, thanks for the fine link - love their line of swords - my bank account is about to take a beating however because of you. Happy new year!

  9. I agree - my main arms fit my personality, not necessarily period. And since it mostly must stay "holstered" at my side as bars and establishments don't often like you pulling our your weapon, I choose one for public appearances that accents the look, damn the authenticity.

    I have a second weapon that is classic cutlass that I use when posing with the public so they can hold it in the photos and make themselves look daunting... but it isn't the most comfortable piece I own, hence, it's just for festivals and such where people want to have a photo of them holding a sword to a pirate's throat.

    I've never had anyone freak out because it's not exactly period, but if they did I'd simply run them through, because while not totally authentic, it is freaking sharp!

    It's one thing to be a pretty pirate at an event with top notch gear - it's another to be a top notch pirate with the gear you have...

    -- The Captain

  10. Don't dress authentic for it. Everyone will think you are part of the crew and it isn't much fun with everyone asking you questions. Plus, you can't run to shore after dinner and before the party starts at 10pm dressed like a pirate unless you want to get mugged in Cozumel. (Real modern day pirates and all.)

    I've never been hesitant to party in pirate costume in Cozumel, lass. Was always treated well there as a pirate. Hhm!

    - The Captain

  11. Good prices, maybe, but certainly not the height of authenticity...

    Sorry to break your heart, mate. But not everyone is into authenticity. Some pirates just like to go out and entertain - and these are just fine for some. I saw some good entry-level pieces for casual pirates and those that aren't authenticity MINDED...

    And there is some misconception about what a pirate would ordinarily wear. While cutlasses were preferred for their superiority in close quarters as a hacking weapon, a pirate, particularly an ordinary crewe member, would be prone to trade up whenever a better weapon came along. This could have been anything used aboard the enemy's ship, including those of the Great Mogul's fleet. So there would have been a variety of styles and weapons aboard as not everyone could stop by the Pirates R Us store dockside and pick up standard issue.

    It's akin to a Vietnam war re-enactor (imagine that some day in the future) who would only arm himself with an M-16 when many in the jungles preferred to dump the M-16 at the first available moment and arm themselves with an AK-47 instead (much more reliable in the dirt, less prone to jamming). The M-16 is fine, but so is the AK-47 for re-enactment, historical portayal... And for those without the budget, perhaps an AR-15 would do in place of the 16... ;)

    -- The Captain

  12. If you're re-enacting or portraying the a period, the baldric would indeed be new at some point... so why would you want it to look at aged? I agree with Hawkyns, a pirate kept his weapons and equipment in fine working order. So it would be OK if a pirate had taken a baldric from some poor dandy in a battle and wore it fairly new.

    Same issue with coinage - coins in the period were shiny and new looking (since that's when they were minted) but so many portrayers seek out old coins. It defies the period and just looks like you're a modern pirate carrying old looking stuff. Same with the badric issue.

    Mine came from a great leathersmith and it is finally beginning to show age after a year of two of wearing aboard ship and abusing it through natural use. No need to rush the aging process.

    -- The Captain

  13. Huzzah to Diosa - they just get better and better. That one may just make it into our regular set list - Captain likes it very much...

    There are so many advantages to you being bored in your current line of work, lass!

    -- The Captain

  14. I agree Paisley that he has caused a grievous transgression. I'll have Flogger mark his back side and you can appropriately scribe your grievances upon his backside in true Pyrates of the Coast fashion.

    While he is relatively new to the ways of the crew, you know what to do... (so melodic, Diosa's song writing must be rubbing off)...

    Flogger, do your stuff lass to Hornsby...

    -- The Captain

  15. Definitely Key West. The beaches are good (go to the one at Fort Zachary Taylor) and the nightlife - well, outside of New Orleans there is no equal. We have pirates in our crewe down there we can hook you up with.

    -- The Captain

  16. Thanks for the tip mate, but I'm more of a freebooter - not one to follow rules well - especially my own at times. And to paraphrase Groucho Marx, "I'd never want to be part of an organization that would have me as a member..." :blink:

    -- The Captain

  17. I definitely think there's a market for the larger sizes, based on what I've seen at places like PiP. I'd offer them - but I'd keep track of the costs... no need penalizing the larger folk pricewise, except to cover the cost of the additional material.

    And I think drop fronts are a great addition as well - I don't have time to make the more intensive items so I go out and buy them - often from unlikely places... And I and my mate do pay more than normal for stuff if we like it enough. Diosa was just marveling at an outfit she put together from PiP that ran her 500... she doesn't have that much in her work or home attire. But she did look smashing in it!

    So trim those sailcloths. Full steam ahead! Steady as she sews, lass!

    The Captain

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