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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Many of The Pyrates of the Coast crewe will be there, including myself, Diosa, OryginalCinn, Paisley, YoHo and Rotgut. We'll be hanging with Capt. Finbar and the crewe of The Wolf...

    -- Hurricane

  2. Foxe,

    Please don't be sorry for me. I indeed have a fantastic kit that is as authentic as anyone's. I do find the history fascinating... in fact, I have studied everything I can lay my hands on. That's also why I visit these "non entertainer" posts occasionally.

    What I don't agree with is most of your conclusions of your endless pontifications. Your answers are all black and white - if it isn't in a drawing or a book somewhere, it wasn't possible. I think everything's shades of gray, including what pirates wore, what motivated them, why they committed acts of piracy and how they differed from ordinary seamen. I simply don't take everything at face value as you appear to choose to.

    But I am in the minority here in considering other avenues or actually thinking like a pirate would... That's where we differ so... and the fact that you seem to take everything much more seriously than I, scholarly subject matter or not.

    Thankfully an ocean separates us in more ways than one.

    -- Hurricane

  3. I have two in the lake behind my quarters - a 5 and 7 footer. It'd be a great show watching you folks wrestle them. Ate a dog here a few months back... I'd recommend synthetic less ya want a pegleg.

    -- Hurricane

  4. If you have a Things Remembered near you, they have great steins and other nice gifts for that range and they can be engraved... that's assuming it was $25 for a gift. If less, wow, I'm at a loss.

    Alternately, you may get Diosa to do a gift certificate for plundering her shop for advertising. You can see her stuff at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/shop or email her at diosa@piratesofthecoast.com - she could also Fed Ex I suppose so it'd be there Friday.

    Check out http://www.thingsremembered.com

    They have some stores in Arizona... I think that's where your bio said you were...

    - Hurricane

  5. Ahoy all your Florida pirates!

    The Pyrates of the Coast will be performing Friday, March 11 at the Emerald Hen in Sanford, Florida. The address is: 118 S Park Ave. in beautiful downtown Sanford. Serving up great Irish beers, this is a fun pub. The band will start at 9 p.m. but will pre-party beginning at 8. No cover. Feed Riley the peanut eating dog and protect your drink from beer-swilling parrot Murphy. Steel tip darts in the back.

    Get ready to party with The Pyrates of the Coast... everyone is encouraged to come in costume...

    -- The Captain

  6. The original point seems lost here. The real life of pirates/seamen in movies isn't a relevant argument. That is a trade, not a race of peoples.

    Caribs are an easy target because there's so few of them. Who'll care? Now, let's say that PotC wanted to portray Africans as cannibals? Do you honestly think that would be acceptable to African Americans if we just dump a pirate into a pot and watch a bunch of Africans dance around it? Heavens no. There'd be mass boycotts.

    So we look for someone else that's more political acceptable, or at least, not as able to cause a scene back in the good old USA. Both cultures (not all African Americans of course, but some tribes) supposedly dabbled in cannibalism. But one is OK because its salient in the marketplace while the other is taboo.

    It's typical American arrogance to pick on the little guy. Beat up Grenada and Panama for some ill conceived reasons but ignore North Korea. Same thing here. Who's going to defend a bunch of Caribs on a little island somewhere in the Caribbean when there's a buck to be made in America? And why should they really care about their own culture? We should all be so fortunate.

    -- Hurricane

  7. Sorry, is that the American version of history or the world's version of history? An example: We called the English imperialists yet we don't accept other countries labeling us so. The King was a tyrant to us, a leader to the English. Our founding fathers would be considered terrorists today, not patriots. Sir Francis Drake used to be portrayed as a bold explorer, not a pirate. Come on here. History is relative.

    History is entirely subjective to the time in which it is recorded and then again when it is taught. History and historians are no more objective than reporters are in reporting the news. Facts get omitted and creatively added all the time. We constantly learn that what we used to think was absolutely true was shear folly. So let's not portray today's history as the be-all-do-all of all histories. That is true arrogance.


  8. Thanks Foxe for the research. I found it very enlightening. I am humored that someone would think that red and white and blue and white would be in one's mind for pirates, but not black and white... wasn't black a fairly common dye color, especially compared to reds or blues? Is there anything to say otherwise?

    And while I understand that a peglegged pirate with an earring is a little cliche, how is a re-enactor who actually has lost his leg supposed to portray a pirate without being stereotyped by others? I'm sure some pirate must have had a prosthetic leg along the way, particularly because of the state of warfare then. Such is the quandry here... :)

    -- Hurricane

  9. The balance of the Pyrates of the Coast crewe will be at BARF on the Pirate weekend, March 26 and 27. We may end up at the Florida Ren Fest this weekend... it's Diosa's birthday so it's up to her where we go... plus there is the Cajun Festival in Melbourne to balance it with... So many festivals here, so little time.

    -- Captain

  10. So, by inference that would mean you think it's OK for Hollywood to continue to portray Native Americans as savages who do nothing but scalp the white man and rape his women?

    It's OK to ignore the larger spectrum of the culture and simply dwell on isolated incidents that perpetuate a stereotype then. Hhm!

    Perhaps the Domican Republic doesn't really care if we come there and degrade a part of their culture just so we can watch a pirate movie.

    -- Hurricane

  11. The festival spans 10 days, Nov. 25 - Dec. 4.

    The bulk of weekday activities are throughout Old Town in Key West. This includes pub runs, cultural events, literary events and some parties. Typically, these start around 2 to 3 in the afternoon, leaving the mornings for relaxing, sightseeing, etc.

    If you have limited time I recommend flying in mid week and staying through the last weekend. That's when the even really ramps up.

    The final weekend's activities are at Fort Zachary Taylor, which is located a couple blocks from Duval. The only admission fee is to the fort itself, which is $6, I think. All the events at the festival during the fort event is free, except the last evening's cast party, which has an admission fee to cover food and beverage. This is where all the black powder demonstrations, fight circles, vendors, entertainment and pirates hang out. Period encampments are allowed overnight at the fort Thursday through that Sunday.

    As for other events during the week, there are some admission costs involved. Some of it is traded out at a discounted rate for those pirates who work the festival.

    Here's a complete list of activities for 2004. It will be basically the same this year:


    Hope this helps.

    -- Hurricane

  12. There is a nightly haunted tour of Key West led by a character in costume, telling all the sordid tales of Key West. In Captain Tony's there is the originally town hanging tree, still growing out of the floor. There is also a person buried over by the pool table - you can see the slab there with the inscription. And kids can be in many of the bars all night, as long as they get in there before 8. My own son is 6 1/2 and was a Captain Tony's for all our piratical gigs - he even bested one of our mates in pool there.

    Of course, there's also the wonderful cemetary there, with a whole cast of characters, including the famous inscription, "I told you were sick." The gate house has a handy map. And this is where all the crewmen from The Maine are buried.

    For Taylor is haunted - hundreds died of yellow fever there and if you're lucky enough, you will see ghosts - some of our crewe did, near what turned out to be the infirmry.

    That's it off the top of my head for the creepier things there. I know there are many more. IM or email Deadly Aim - she lives there and can tell you much more...

    -- Hurricane

  13. Wow! I'm ready to go (oh, I am already...)

    I'm looking forward to the historical aspects of sailing, the navigation training and visiting some of the lesser known islands that haven't yet sold out to touristas.

    - Hurricane

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