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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Ahoy All!

    The Pyrates of the Coast and Gaspar's Grotto are cohosting a Katrina Hurricane Relief event at Gaspar's in Ybor City, Sept. 3, from 6 p.m til midnight. We're asking all hands in the area to help out.

    The Pyrates of the Coast will be entertaining, we will be auctioning off items and raising money to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina.

    If you can donate money or items, or can attend the event, please do so. 100% of all monies raised will go directly to the Hurricane Relief fund with the American Red Cross.

    If you can't attend, please donate to the Red Cross at http://www.redcross.org or visit your local Red Cross to donate much needed blood.

    Email me at hurricane@piratesofthecoast.com for information or to donate.

    -- Hurricane

  2. Every little bit does help. The Red Cross is in desparate need of money and blood. As we all know from living in Florida, these storms can cause tremendous damage, physically and emotionally. And our hearts go out to those in Louisiana and Mississippi.

    Here's a link to the site to donate online: http://www.redcross.org/

    - Hurricane

  3. So, so sorry to hear that, Pynch... :huh:

    Just a note to others on this board...

    Diosa and I just made a donation on behalf of our crewe, The Pyrates of the Coast, to the National Disaster Relief fund for the Red Cross. We encouraged each of our members to donate what they could to aid relief of those stricken by Katrina. And now we're asking those on pyracy.com to do the same with their crewes and friends. Every little bit helps. As we all know from living in Florida, these storms can cause tremendous damage, physically and emotionally. And our hearts go out to those in Louisiana and Mississippi.

    Here's a link to the site to donate online: http://www.redcross.org/

    Thanks all!


  4. Aye second that, Blackjohn. You get what you pay for. If you just want an ornamental piece, then the deadmen pieces are fine. Just don't whack them against another sword. They're not for play.

    Me... I've learned my lesson and will await the perfect sword with money in hand and stop buying the cheaper pieces that only end up costing me more over time.

    -- Hurricane

  5. I was initially going to order from them because of their reputation, but I ended up finding a perfect pair on ebay that were customs in my size with a cuban heel and really nice cuffs. Saved half the cost. Don't give up on ebay or other sources. If you have patience (I've been looking three years for the perfect pair) you may just find the rare strays on ebay.

    And listen to Olaf - a pair of Gels in the soles makes a world of difference when you're on them for 10 hours at a time.

    -- Hurricane

    (No relation to Katrina)

  6. It was Frances....


    The ship, uh, kite, fared well...

    By the way Capt William, I made that statement when Katrina was a Cat 1... no one wants a Cat 5 or a 4 for that matter. Duh! And I certainly don't wish one to hit one of my favorite cities in the country.

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in New Orleans, Louisiana and anyone in Katrina's path.

    -- Hurricane

  7. Aye, lass! But a high pressure has pressed her down again, robbing us of the much needed wind to once again launch Blackheart: The Kite.

    Tis a sad day here in Mouseland...

    -- Hurricane

  8. Bout darned time another one swung by. After last year's excitement, the summer here was getting a bit boring. Hopefully, it will swing a bit north and whack us a little more head on. But a Cat 1 is hardly a good wind storm and some rain. Sigh!

    -- Hurricane

  9. Go to a fabric store, pick your trim. Pin it to the tricorn. Sewing it is easy. Use an upholstery needle to get through the thick hat material (thimbles help). Just keep working your way around. Have the two ends meet in the back. Tie off the thread occasionally so that if something comes undone you don't lose the whole thing. I've had my trim on for 15 years now using this method. Don't, repeat don't, glue the trim....

    -- Hurricane

  10. Ah, mead (sighs!) Tis a wonderful drink.

    A little history from our favorite meadery...

    The word "honeymoon" derives from the Babylonian practice of a new father-in-law giving mead, or honey beer, to his new son-in-law for the first month of their marriage. Newly weds or not, our Royal Mead is is perfect for celebrating any special occasion for a day, a month, or more.

    Empire Distillery in New Port Richey has some great award-winning mead from our native state. We sampled it extensively (hic).

    Captain prefers mighty fine wine as the beverage of choice, many others prefer ales and lagers. Still others are fine with those sparkling beverages known as colas. We don't have a drink of choice but it is everyone's perogative to have the choice to drink.

    -- Hurricane

  11. Our crewe had a fine time with the Fernandina gang - they are first class and we are looking forward to returning again to their fine festival... They're a lot of fun!!!

    We need to meet up in St. Augustine. We too the Pyrates of the Coast there last weekend again. Think it's becoming a second home for the crewe.

    -- Hurricane

  12. The blade dents easily. We used them in a pirate play we did for a corporate client and just a few whacks against each other during a fight scene put some pretty deep nicks in the edge. They're fine for dress wear but not for blade to blade work.

    -- Hurricane

  13. I have three of the Dead Men cutlasses. They are nicely built, but I think they're a bit bulky, particularly around the hilt area. They also dent very easily, so you never want to cross swords with others. It is a nice costume piece - I wear is on occasion meself - but it's certainly not in the class of the one from Old Dominion. It seems to have a more elegant scale to it.

    Both look very much like a Dutch cutlass I once coveted that was 1690s period. I still regret not picking that sword up in an antique shop for $60 so many years ago. That's what I got for being cheap. Lesson learned.


  14. Spend the money... if you amortize your equipment over 10 or 20 years, it's better to get the good stuff once than replace cheaper equipment many times. I still have my original pirate boots from 20 years ago. Comes out to something like $4 a year if I spread the original cost over the years I've used them. And they have many more years left...

    I've probably spent $650 on the many swords I purchased and still don't have the perfect sword. I could have just got one there and been done with it. I love the Iron Mounted American Hanger on the site. That is a beaut!!!! Saving my nickels and doubloons now for that. Thanks Blackjohn...

    -- Hurricane

  15. Correct, Willie!

    Key West is by no means an inexpensive place to go. It is a major tourist town... and the pricing for things are accordingly high. Plan on $6 for a beer at Captain Tony's. Food per day is at least $50 unless you want to dine exclusively at Burger King. There are some local places such as BO's that are cheaper, but you have to know where they are. Festival events range from free to $50 I believe. I can't be sure of that - see the event schedule at http://www.piratesinparadise.com for individual event activities and prices.

    Hotels aren't cheap either -- there is a hostel there that is reasonable -- http://www.keywesthostel.com/. There is no camping in the fort but Key West has several camping grounds.... http://keywest.com/camp.html. The Southernmost is the defacto pirate crewe headquarters and a major sponsor. You can find more information and make reservations through http://www.southernmosthotel.com/...

    It is on the south end of Duval but you can easily walk the length of Duval in no time from there. It's very convenient to everything.

    Hope this helps...

    -- Hurricane

  16. Hey there Stud!

    Diosa's ready to get hers (she'll be willing to drive up and draw blood if ya like). Remember, she called dibs in Key West... :) and she didn't see an email from ya... She'll take the barrel... we can build the undercarriage.

    -- Hurricane

  17. You may want to check in with our local miracle worker, Diosa. She does new bodices (she's doing something like 55 of them for the Morgan's Harbor Resort in Jamaica. She may be able to help you re-rig the one ya got or she can show you how to make one in Costume Central...

    -- Hurricane

  18. I never hem my sashes - I let them rag... If I have to hem, I just cut them with pinking shears and risk fraying. Mine are as long as they need to be to wipe me brow or mouth, depending if I'm sweating or eating. A very handy addition to anyone's rig.

    -- Hurricane

  19. Ahoy Paisley, you looked grand in the bodice. Hopefully it won't be a heat index of 104 next time - would make bodice wearing easier.

    I had the pleasure of meeting the King's Pirate at the fort. It was an honor.

    Thanks all for coming to our invasion. A crewe or 15 is always wonderful to have, particularly when there were only a handful of Spanish troops in town. It was an easy takeover.

    -- Captain

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