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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Oh, and in the spirit of things, downing a couple of Red Stripes.

    As they say in Jamaica: Red Stripe - get it right!

    When I was in Jamaica, Red Stripe probably constituted most of my useful calories until I made it to Negril. (Although there were a couple of decent restaurants in Montego Bay...)

    That's a heck of a lot of multitasking, Hurricane! I'm impressed!

    Ah, the joys of running a small business. Always too much to do and no time to do it. Plus this pirate thing Diosa and I've cooked up is taking off faster than we thought.

    -- Hurricane

  2. So close and yet so far. We will finally meet up at Clearwater, will we not? We will be there from the gate opening on Saturday til about 4. We need to see our fellow lass, Paisley, get KO'd as a nun.

    -- Hurricane

  3. Let's see. I'm finishing the design on two web sites, shifting two others two servers and managing all that, writing five articles about food on the internet and redesigning a brochure. Yes, basically all at once.

    And I just finished cutting out pattern pieces for 20 pirate vests for the Morgan Harbour Resort in Jamaica.

    Oh, and in the spirit of things, downing a couple of Red Stripes.


    -- Hurricane

  4. Thanks Rummy for the link.

    I really like the bamboo buttons. I already use coconut buttons on one of my rigs. They look great - primitive is in. Looks like something a pirate would wittle out and tie on. Obviously it was readily available, eh?

    -- Hurricane

  5. Not really... the event is a mish-mash of people - last year we had turquoise bikini guy who was a real hoot - but I don't know if he was family or family friendly. :) The crowds aren't overly huge - lots of pirates and wenches to play with and the crowd varies greatly. Most come on the last Saturday and Sunday during the fort event. That's because the locals are all working during the week. So during the weekdays it tends to be heavy on sponsors, arts patrons, writers and then tourists.

    -- Hurricane

  6. Only the participants in the festival get in costumet. The locals don't participate in much of anything there. They just watch the fruitcakes stroll by. Everyone is just great there. Pirates are just part of the ordinary wallpaper there. My mate and I have been there outside of PiP in full regalia on Duval and in the bars and it's just another day in paradise to everyone.

    So don't expect anyone to be too amazed, except the tourists. And get used to the fact that most of them don't know a festival is even going on. Some 5,000+ pour off the cruise ships each day at Mallory Square and flood the town. But they don't know what's going on there unless it was on the cruise director's list of tours.

    Be prepared to pose for lots of photos.

    -- Hurricane

  7. I just finished reading mine. It's a terrific read. And some of the stuff about the movie is just as interesting as the stuff about the ride itself. I used to think the Orlando ride sucked because it didn't go up the waterfall but the Imagineers were thrilled with it because they always considered going up so boring. Go figure. But they say the Paris version is the best one of all of them in terms of story telling and design. So now I've got to go to Paris, after the riots quiet down of course.

    -- Hurricane

  8. I've just learned that one of our own Pyrates of the Coast crewe members, Slipshot, has been called to filming for PotC 2 & 3. He'll be there through December. Yeah! One of our own crewe members is immortalized - or is that immoralized.

    Here's his mug - if you're filming along side him be sure to say hi - he's from St. Augustine, real pirate country.


    -- Hurricane

  9. I would add that a captain probably selected his officers by how much he could trust them and trust in them. I certainly know this was the case in Morgan's day from my recent readings, albeit that's pre GAoP. But even if a crewman had a lot of ability, a captain may be be loathe to appoint him if he could not trust him for he wouldn't want to be having to watch his backside all the time. His officers onboard would be most likely to be the most loyal to him.

    -- Hurricane

  10. I'm with GoF on this. The bulk of facts run counter to what the research paper is about. So I'm not sure how we can be of help, particularly when many on this board, GoF being one of them, work so hard to dispel the mythology with well researched opinions supported by facts, not fiction. Sure, there are always an exception to a rule - some captains were elected - but a pirate ship was more of a benevolent dictatorship than a democracy in most cases I believe. It's the old my bat, my ball rule. I can't imagine the likes of Blackbeard taking a vote on anything aboard his ship.

    -- Hurricane

  11. Actually, there is a conch fritter stand at the entrance to the aquarium. They're great. A lot of restaurants sell them too. I'm not going to say who has the best as I don't want to start a fight among my favorites.

    I personally like the aquarium too. It's right across from the Wrecker's Historeum and they package the attractions together. They have regular feeding of the rays and sharks. It's a very traditional 50s style place. Not much has changed over the years.

    If you need new pirate gear while you're there stop at FantaSea Weddings. The stuff can be a little more garish than authentic wear but they have some great accessories and nice hats.

    -- Hurricane

  12. Over the weekend my great media connection, Diosa, got us onto the MGM Studios lot here in Orlando in costume (that's a whole 'nuther story) so she could interview Jason Surrell, the author of the Haunted Mansion book (attraction to movie). He just finished Pirates of the Caribbean, a follow up book.

    It's absolutely amazing - full of trivia and great stories of how the attraction came to be, the differences between all the park PotC rides and how it dovetailed into the movie.

    It's on sale right now at the Magic Kingdom and I believe Disneyland. Here's a photo of us at Jason's signing. Of course, I'm stealing the book. I think it's set for release to the general public mid-month. Awaiting our Disney PR girl to let us know that.

    Diosa will have more soon, including her interview with Jason about the book.



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