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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Diosa just got to go on an advance media ride of the new Everest Expedition, set to open officially in April at Animal Kingdom.

    It's an amazing ride. Think Matterhorn, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and the Norwiegan ride at EPCOT, all rolled into one.


    Go to the movie for a virtual ride of it - just above the photos of the Yeti ... from almost start to stop...

    -- Hurricane

  2. It is a good thing - let's hope ol' John and Steve can breathe some life back into the animated movies there...

    Plus I know it makes Eisner's blood boil that Steve has more stock than he does.

    -- Hurricane

  3. These guys have the best product on the market. I have Morgans letter of Marque on my wall. Their paper is amazing. I have done everything possible to duplicate it over the years but today's paper is treated with chemicals and preservatives in many cases, so you have to reall make your own paper from scratch (a blender comes in real handy).

    Check out their tutorial on how they make Olde Paper on their site and you may get a hint of to. Or perhaps you can sway them to sell just the paper...


    -- Hurricane

  4. For party pirating I'd pick Ojai, Fernandina Shrimp Festival, Contraband Days and Billy Bowlegs.

    Festival where pirates actually existed - hands down PiP and Pirate's Week in Grand Cayman. Haven't been to the Blackbeard Festival but I would pick it for the same reason. Partying in a field if fun, but walking in the shadows of the real ones is even more of a thrill, at least for me. And now I'm spoiled.

    I hear tell that plans are afoot for new pirate festivals in Nassau and Port Royal in 2007. Obviously, those would be the top of my list for the same reason.

    Oh, almost forgot St. Augustine, FL anytime - old town is amazing... still want to take the haunted tour - and listening to sea chanteys in Taberna de Gallo is reason enough to go any weekend.

    -- Hurricane

  5. shoot! Hurricane beat me to being first!

    I think he's going to be a great Captain Morgan though so i don't mind.


    Thanks gof! I've been waiting for a coat that would fit the manner of Morgan. Luckily, Kass came along with these great patterns...

    As we get all of ours done I hope we show them off here as well...

    -- Hurricane

  6. The cereal is delicious. We picked up boxes for the entire crewe and downed half a box while traveling between our upcoming orchestra performance and our Gaspar's Grotto pirate outing. Good eats for pirates and so nutritious too. Beats hard tack to be sure...

    -- Hurricane

  7. It's an hour north of Tampa... a pretty easy drive.

    Gaspar's Grotto is in Ybor City, the old part of town. It is the entertainment district with tons of night spots. Gaspar's is the pirate bar. All the crewes go to Ybor for the evening to celebrate. A trolley connects Ybor with downtown. We usually park in Ybor and hop the trolley into the parade area then ride it back, party and grab the car to drive back to where we're staying.

    If you're staying in downtown, I guess you would just do the reverse and ride the street car each way to Ybor.


  8. Our crewe was planning to be there but we are performing with the New Port Richey Orchestra the next day (as pirates of course) so we couldn't do both back to back. Need to keep our eye on the ball, so to speak.

    Gasparilla is a blast though - make sure you head over to Ybor City afterwards - that's where all the crewes head. Go to Gaspar's Grotto - we're they unofficial official pirates there. They'll treat you great! Plus there's dozens upon dozens of other night spots there.

    Faire winds and safe travels - head up to New Port Richey if you want to see pirates in concert. We're there Sunday at 3.

    -- Hurricane

  9. Sorry to hear that lad. As a two time striker outter, I can tell you that you will recover, move on and have a great life. My son is now 3000 miles away from me, but we teleconference via video and call all the time. And he spends holidays and the summers with me. In many respects our relationship is better because we actually spend a lot more quality time together - not the go play video games in your room type things. My daughter is now 24 and she turned out great - far better than 95% of all people her age. And her mother and I were divorced when she was 2. So it's all about how you approach things. You have to go through the loss thing and then stop looking back and only look forward.

    PM me if ya got specific questions. As I said, I've been through it all.

    -- Hurricane

  10. QUOTE

    Oh, I know there is more to it than that. I'm an art director for an Ad/ Marketing agency. I generally don't deal with the legal logistics much, I only know what I know from classes that I have taken and from being in the industry. "Public Domain" is considered, random things and people in a public place. A model is anyone, paid or not, professional or not that knowingly posses for a picture. Now I know there are some differences from placing a person in an ad to actually selling the picture of that person. I know there are some public privacy decency laws, so you can’t go around taking pictures of girls skirts or anything like that.


    Again, it depends on the state. In Washington, where I originaly hail from and prior to the new privacy law I quoted earlier, you had to get permission of any identifiable in a video or photo. I ran an agency there and we worked with all the biggies - Microsoft, Nintendo and such - and the law was crystal clear. If you can identify them you need to get the release. No exceptions.

    It doesn't have so much as decency but having the rights over your own image. And that's a fairly old law in most courts, outside of the public person rule and few people meet the criteria of that, certainly not breasts.

    And Diosa just reiterated - take photos of her boobs without handing over a wad of dough and she'll kick your nuts to the next dimension...

    I'm sure a lot of the more decent lasses would agree.

    -- Hurricane

  11. I'm with Foxe. I wear the sword on my belt under the coat. I usually own wear a baldric with a vest because of a really purely vanity reason - the baldric interfers with an open coat, keeping it from hanging correct (at least for me) and constantly getting caught on the buttons.

    Again, a personal thing...

    -- Hurricane

  12. If depends on the state here. For example, Washington State law is as follows:

    Washington publicity rights statute (RCW 63.60.010-080).

    Washington law declares that every natural person has property rights in the use of his or her name, voice, image or other specified indicia of his or her unique persona that can be infringed if used without permission to advertise tangible products or

    services or for fund-raising or solicitation of donations.

    So at the Washington Ren Faire, for example, you can't take photos of anyone that would be placed on sale without their express prior permission in writing.

    Of course, it would downright dangerous at some events. If I caught someone taking photos of my lass' breasts, I do have a cutlass with me and I know how to use it. So if wants to lose a vital part of his own organs, I suggest he keeps his camera pointed elsewhere. That said, if Diosa caught them shooting them specifically she'd cross leg you in no time herself.

    -- Hurricane

  13. Although I'm not sure what jollies are to be gained from shooting breast pictures, selling them without the "models" permission is illegal, no matter what. All photos offered for sale involving identifiable people require a release. Since wench attire is so readily identifable to a particular person (i.e., unique) the shots would be identifiable, even if faces weren't shown.

    While it would be doubtful someone could sue successfully because of the issue of public vs. private venue at a faire, it would be an undue risk.

    Plus it's just kind of creepy.... like a woman asking if she can sell groin shots of men at a faire.

    -- Hurricane

  14. Nassau, definitely. The Pirate Museum is awesome - better than any in the Americas (sorry Pirate Soul). Fort Charlotte is a great fort to play at and there's a smaller fort at the top of the hill near the water tower.

    The best place to stay is the Atlantis - they have reasonable rooms in the older part of the hotel. They have a private lagoon for watersports and snorkeling and a 50,000 gallon aquarium that is simply awesome. They also have a huge pool with waterslides.

    I know my 7 year old would just love it there. He could spend a week there without even leaving the resort. Throw in a pirate museum, forts and he'd be in heaven.

    And, of course, the resort has plenty for adults to enjoy, as does shopping in Nassau.

    -- Hurricane

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