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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Aye, but the fact that the festival has suffered since the move has been laid before us before this. It is understood that the fort may not be the most suitable place for the some of the festival events, but as some of the festival is at the fort, we should tender our remarks with encouragement.

    A few misplaced words can make all the difference between lacing our expectations with pessimism instead of pragmatism.

    I think that is unfair to those who would be going for the first time and spending their hard earned money to go to something that is not going to be like it has in past years. This year's event it only four days, not 10. And Key West is not a cheap place to either get to or be in. So I think it is a valid discussion so folks can make an informed choice.

    I am not saying that the new focus of the festival as a re-enactor event is bad. It just doesn't contain many of the components that made the overall event a "must-be-at" event. Things like the pub run, the wonderful evening at Mel Fisher's, the amazing art exhibit at the Custom's House and other stellar events aren't on the boards any longer. This is neither good or bad - just is. Things change. But the photos on the PiP site tell a story that is far larger than the event was last year or will be this year. It's a transition period as the Friends of the Fort take the event over from the individuals who used to run it.

    The venue had to change because of island politics, Dorian. The seaport didn't want it there any longer, partly because of a feud over dock space... Long story. But definitely a Key West one.

    Glass half full or glass half empty, why not discuss all sides so people can make informed decisions? That's all!

    -- Hurricane

  2. I think a lot of people who have been with it far longer than I would agree. It is not counter productive to voice one's opinion based on experience and history - I've been intimately involved with the event for five years now on the planning side, so I believe I am qualified to offer some perspective on the event.

    For those who have limited budgets and vacation time, I think it is valid to portray things as they are so they can make informed decisions.

    If I could make only one or two festivals a year, PiP wouldn't make my top three. I would have to place others above it, including Ojai. For Florida, it would be Clearwater, followed by Ft. Myers.

    -- Hurricane

  3. Sorry Patrick, didn't mean to raise an ire here.

    Just not a fan of the fort location. I think it's the reason why the festival is losing its luster. It's just being tucked away in one of the most out of the way locales in Key West. Might as well move it to Fort Jefferson for that matter. It has about as much to do with pirates as Fort Taylor.

    Most the merchants that sold there in 2004 didn't even break even. That wasn't a problem at the seaport which drew more tourists with money. Of course, it didn't help that last year's Vendor Director ran off with $1500 in vendor fees that could have helped with promotions this year.

    -- Hurricane

  4. Yes, alcohol is permitted after park hours.

    Sounds like a great time. Our crewe will be in town at Captain Tony's and the usual spots. Stop by and see us there. We're not the sit around the fort and sing songs together types, but we hope to see you out and about.

    -- Hurricane

  5. PIP has a wonderful website, but limited links to it from traditional Key West tourist websites. I found the PIP through a web search of Pirate Images and not while looking at Key West websites. The strategy is to search Key West tourist websites, contact the webmaster and ask for a link to the PIP website. (Most groups don’t mind listing a non-profit organization event)

    The PiP website isn't really connected to the festival any longer. It is in a transition period where it will be used to promote several festivals in the region, including the upcoming Port Royal Pirates Festival.

    The main focus of the website right now is to promote all aspects of the Pirates in Paradise festival, just not those at the fort. The fort events and those in town, such as the End of Hurricane Season party and the National Walk the Plank Championships are not run by the same entities, hence the need to server multiple masters.

    There are plenty of sites out there that promote Key West and have the time and energy to find and display links. I don't think it is particularly useful on the PiP site, particularly since the links that are there are to promote sponsors of the festival and businesses that do in-kind donations, such as some of the hotels. To promote links outside of those to other Key West venues or sites would degrade what few sponsorships the event currently has.

    Hope this helps everyone understand the role of the PiP website in promoting the festival.

    -- Hurricane

    piratesinparadise.com webmaster

  6. Unfortunately, I came away very unimpressed. There are some far better arrangements out there by other artists. If you have iTunes, you can find a better cut of almost every song in this collection. For example, "My Son John" is the same song as "Mrs. McGrath" that Bruce Springsteen released a couple months ago and Bruce's is far better. So I would shop around for the cuts.

    -- Hurricane

  7. This is an all hands event - everyone who wants to go is invited. We're working with the hotel management down there in the planning - the hotel is very nice and just about a block from the main part of town. In fact, it's built over High Street, the old main road into town.

    I will definitely post more as soon as I know...

    -- Hurricane

  8. I have just heard from the folks in Port Royal that the pirate festival is a go - it will be next May - they are waffling between the third and last weekend of the month. It depends when the heritage folks are available and working around some of the national festivals. So chart your course and save your doubloons for a voyage to the Wickedest City on Earth next May (2007). Will post more when I hear from our partners down there.

    By the way, if you love cannon, the fort has three of Henry Morgan's from his ship, some 40 others, and there are many more that just pop up around. We found a very, very large one used as a curb near the fort. Too funny.

    Events in the planning are ghost and historical tours, dinner at Fort Charles under candlelight, trips to Spanish Town to see the original documents relating to pirates and the trial site of Anne Bonny and Mary Read, a day at Lime Cay, a visit to the money museum (where a chest with 3,000 doubloons and pieces of eight is housed) and other things in the planning stages that will guarantee a great time for those adventurers willing to come along.

    Again, more soon!

    -- Hurricane

  9. Wow, this is still going on? Can we turn out attention to something more interesting, like conspiracy theories, crop circles, aliens testing Midwesterners and Elvis working at an iHop in Nashville? I thought this dog was dead and buried.

    As usual, thanks Bess for your forthrightness and insights. Always appreciated!!!!

    - Hurricane

  10. Isn't the monkey the illegitimate love child of Barbossa and Zira from Planet of the Apes. I think I heard they had been together at one point. I think it was in the Enquirer and you know they're never wrong.

    -- Hurricane

  11. If any of you have kiddies or are kiddies yourselves, my son is watching Pirates of the Plain (1999) for the third time in two days. It's a fun yarn starring Tim Curry as Jezebel Jack. It's a pretty funny movie with some good piratical lines in it. And you'll finally know how well a chainsaw fairs against cutlasses. Hey, it's a yarn.

    Got it from Netflix on rental. Worth the time and Tim was born to be a pirate.

    -- Hurricane

  12. No, the traffic hasn't been the same at the fort. It is about 1/3 of the old traffic and people have to pay to go to the festival. I still love the wharf area, but the festival is unwelcomed there. Ah, the wonders of politics in a small town.

    -- Hurricane

  13. The Pyrates of the Coast has just come up with a fun new way to show your school, uh, piratical spirit. For years we've been telling people we've learned our trade at Pillage & Plunder U.

    Finally, we've come out with the line of alumni products for all you graduates of the Class of 1692 (the last graduating class, due to the untimely sinking of the university in the earthquake that leveled Port Royal.

    Become an alumni of our the university... Pillage & Plunder U.


    Lots of apparel and souvenirs of your heady days raping, pillaging and plundering for your alma mater.

    -- Hurricane

    Class President '92

    B.S. in Kidnapping with a Minor in Wenches

  14. I would be disappointed if they went that far from historical looks of pirates, even in the Far East. I have seen the first 60 pages though - very entertaining...

    -- Hurricane

  15. Here's another pot stirrer (And yes, I know this isn't Johnny Depp). But it is a reenactor captured at Comic Con in San Diego working for non other than Disney licensee Master Replicas, promoting their upcoming line of PotC products. A member of my crewe captured the image so it's not retouched or altered.

    Why would they be hyping it? And don't get me wrong, I don't care either way if it is real or not. I'm more of a Cutthroat Island fan.

    The guy's really making the rounds.


    -- Hurricane

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