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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Exactly. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of education, particularly about a subject that is of interest to us all. I'm not sure why people are getting so uppity about it. If you're not interested in the historical aspects of the subject, move on. Ignore the posts by those who do care. They're not trying to take away your fun or degrade you. I should know. I used to be one of the original rabble rousers around here and have had more than my share of posts taking it to the historians. But then I found out I could learn a lot. So I quite firing broadsides and listened and learned. And I came to appreciate the vast resources these people have here - stuff that would be nearly impossible to find on the net or in the library... so let's all move on. No one is trying to diss anyone else in noting that a particular coat isn't period to the Golden Age or the Buccaneer age.

    -- Hurricane

  2. Aye Ace I also Have the same coat but unlike HM I don't have the big Cuffs. I am also in it for me and no one else. I think thread counters Suck. There is no damn reason to put any one down.

    I have yet to meet an authentic 17th Century Man. :lol: THERE ALL DEAD!!!

    How many suposed reenactors are running around with cell phones and digi cams ? Are those PC too ?

    We have a few etching's from the late 16th and 17th century showing a few pieces of clothing., I wonder if those show all that was available in the world and that if ALL the tailors in all of europe follwed the same pattern? I doubt it? So if something did exist., who would know it?., And if something was worn that couldnt be proven or wasnt an everyday english piece., you better watch out cause the thread counters'll getcha.

    I'd sure hate to spend my time havin ta chase down and educate all the people just trying to participate in the fun. Imagine how that would suck having to rain on people., bummer.

    Check out the Avatar oh and stop by my personel profile and there I am wearing the same coat. Also Let's not forget the leather tricorn as well. :P (Not period)

    I am wearing that same coat.

    Swifty :P

    I think the point was missed here. No one here has ever berated someone else for pursuing fantasy or Hollywood pirates. But if someone is new to these boards and looking to get into something that is a little more historically correct, then it needs to be said how that piece fits into the genre. I play both sides - fantasy and historical - and like them each equally. But it would be unfair to someone here to say, "hey, that's a great pirate coat" and have them purchase it thinking it is indeed something pirates wore or even could have worn. The coats of the period are very well documented - look at the photos of our own founding fathers and their predecessors.

    But that's not the point. I think the historians here are just trying to guide newbies on what is appropriate historical gear and what is great party pirate attire. I used to pick on them all the time until I began to educate myself and doing research. And then I began to understand where they are coming from. They don't berate - they educate.

    My own mate has one of Kristi's coats as well. And she loves it. There has not been a single time that she's worn it that she hasn't been innundated with photo requests and questions about it. But she knows that it is not period - it is fantasy. Hence the education here.

    It's important to know the difference and make informed choices about what you want to pursue as a pirate or wench.

    -- Hurricane

  3. Actually, homosexuality wasn't any more widespread aboard ship than it was in society in general. Many seamen stayed heterosexual throught their voyages. Many want to assume that because a bunch of men were aboard a ship than bunging a hole was normal, rather than other more traditional means of "relieving oneself."

    Read some other treatments on the subject, particularly the well researched Sea Rover's Practice, which debunks a lot of the myths we hold so dearly as true.

    -- Hurricane

    "The privateers of the 17th century had followed a practice of matelotage - a relationship of shared property and responsibility between two men - and the pirates carried on this liberated attitude toward homosexuality. When the Royal Navy at the time was described as being run by 'Rum, Sodomy and The Lash', homosexuality was punishable by death on navy ships. On board a pirate vessel love was accepted wherever it could be found."

  4. Poor Hurricane...Will have to look for her on Classmates. :lol:

    Why didn't I think of that? Oh please, Classmates, mend this broken heart. Now if only I could find Karen Teichrow, 4th grade love who later went on to be a bit of a tart and a druggy. If only I had kissed her on the playground that day, I may have been able to save her.

    -- Hurricane

  5. sad doesn't even get close. Not that I believe in made up holidays to sell greeting cards so the card companies can have a decent income year round or anything but hey Rummy'll tell you as often as she can (for the rest of my life)I turned on the tv a whole lot more than I did her...... Can we call a truce here? I mean I can't get much lower than you've taken me seing as how you met this very nice and romantic candle lighting harley riding man you went looking for and two weeks after you two meet he asks you to marry him and you dont even call me and say what do you think? its like two and a half years with me were a post to tie your reigns on? fine! I suck I know it you know it and the whole world knows it just please stop posting all that you can to rub my nose in your good fortune PLEASE. I personally don't care for you any more.

    God, I am so with you, man! My girlfriend of a year dumped me and left town without even saying goodbye. We shared so many great times together... stolen glances in the library, sharing our inner most dreams... our hearts were one. Then the little B**** left me when her parents moved about of the school district. I didn't fall in love again until 4th grade.... Where are you Joletta Cutler? I still love you!!!! (Shedding a tear)

    -- Hurricane

  6. Ahoy all!

    We have completed our guest shot with an orchestra. The vignettes were a smash hit! We hopefully will have audio of Drunken Pirate and Blow the Man Down backed by a full orchestra. What an absolute blast. My crewe are really good actors as well as pirates.

    Here's some photos


    That's Diosa as a marooned pirate - she's singing On My Own from Les Miserables...


    The crewe in the tavern scene... from left to right - Animal, Diosa, Blackie, Lil Gutz, Flint and Touche. The props are all from our house...


    The band performs New York Gals with the orchestra.

    Hope you enjoy these as much as we enjoyed doing the show.


  7. We have a nice selection, some of ours are 10k plated too. Go to http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/shop.

    Also, I have one of the replicas from the Atocha made with their silver and you would never know the difference. And it is still from the ship regardless. The coin itself is an impression of one of the real coins they found, so in essence, it is a real coin from the Atcoha, just not an original. I get compliments on it everywhere I wear it. So don't sell it short mate...

    -- Hurricane

  8. Made me want some milk. So now I have a nice frosty glass of cow's milk in front of me to enjoy. Thanks PETA - forgot how much I love the stuff.

    Perhaps they should go back to picking on Barnum and Bailey...

    -- Hurricane

  9. Yes, I think Steve and Bob are a great team together. I look forward to great things that neither one of them could achieve on their own... and I don't even own stock. But I do know my son knows Pixar's characters as well or better than the Disney ones. He goes to movies. That's where kids know these folks from, as much as we all did when we were younger. I think it's a great marriage.

    Jealous you got to see Cars by the way. I would love to see the cars and Magic Kingdom has redos as those characters. I'd even take a turn....

    Too bad John can't run in and halt the PotC changes.... <_< He probably would if he could.

    - Hurricane

  10. I think that's why the marriage makes sense. Disney can't do what Pixar can do and Pixar can't do what Disney does. The merchandising and integration of the Pixar characters will come by way of the parks. Right now, they are there on a relatively small scale. But now Buzz can be there right beside Mickey - it's something the little generation wants and will keep them going to the parks. When is the last time the classic Disney characters made a movie - Pixar can provide a whole new generation of classic characters, from Buzz to Nemo to Woody to Scully. I think they both know that.

    -- Hurricane

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