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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Cute but I wouldn't buy one. I have my own calendar girl with better duds and body and I get to play with her any time I want. Way more fun than a calendar. Besides, I met that one girl with the red hair in Key West and she creeped me a bit - no one should tie themselves that tight in a corset. Just not natural.

    -- Hurricane

  2. I can't even begin to list the number of places - our crewe just goes out for no reason, even if it's just me mate and I. That means grocery stores, banks, bars, restaurants, museums - the works. We probably are in costume 50 times a year in different locales.

    I think it's pretty hilarious that no one thinks twice about us roaming the streets of their towns with swords, knives and doglocks. I guess they just assume we'd have them. Even when we pull them out for photos, no one has ever cared in 24 years.

    We always travel in costume. That means taking off your boots at the airport which is quite comical. But the people on the plane love it when 10 pirates and wenches come aboard.

    I can't imagine traveling in civvies.

    -- Hurricane

  3. Glad they don't change much at the Magic Kingdom here. The Haunted Mansion looked like it always has, though they added some great fog effects and you could get your photo taken with a ghost in front of the hearse. The Treehouse is still Swiss Family Robinson. Guess Disney has more parks to play with here so they leave the rides alone. As for PotC, three Jacks and a Barbossa really haven't changed it much and the Davey Jones waterfall is very cool. I think they change things less because of all the Europeans who fill the park all the time, expecting these things.

    -- Hurricane

  4. Thankfully, they left the Haunted Mansion at DisneyWorld alone, no Jack crap there. I wouldn't even be going to anything this year if it weren't for the media passes. Once annual resident passes went over $400, I decided to take our $800 and dole it our on other adventures in and around the state. That's just too much of a commitment.

    I am looking forward to the food and wine festival. We get to go to the swanky chef's dinner event with Cirque du Soleil and food and wine stations everywhere. Love eating good food and drinking wine's that would never grace my cellar...

    -- Hurricane

  5. Same on the other coast. We're off to Mickey's Not So Scary on Friday (love media credentials - thanks wifey) and then we go to the opening of the Food and Wine show at Epcot the next day. One of my favorite weekends.

    Not So Scary actually started two weeks ago here. Soon it will be in June, given the popularity. Can't blame the Mouse on wanting to make some extra dough, particularly since they need to find a new name for Pluto...

    -- Hurricane

  6. When I take the gear out of town I just put it in a large cardboad shipping box, packed with bubble wrap and reinforced with duct tape. It works great - guns, cutlasses and such. When we traveled to Puerto Rico we shoved 45 pounds of cutlasses, flintlocks and other piratephenalia and it arrived just fine there.

    -- Hurricane

  7. The same company auctioned off the principals wear about three months ago. I have the shirt, socks, hat , coat and pants for Smee. The pants are really something - wool, handstitched. They weigh about five pounds. But they are nicely crafted. I'll try to get a photo of them up here.

    -- Hurricane

    They are nice pieces, and not too out of line with what I spent for full outfits from Cutthroat Island... of course, PotC auctions can't be too far away. Disney originally auctioned off Jack's outfit just after the first movie came out.

  8. Ahoy King's Pirate!

    Between our two crewes we have two-thirds of Florida covered. Where in the hell are those to the south of us? Between Vero Beach and the Keys?

    Welcome to you all, fellow brethren sailing the waters of Florida from those of use in Central Florida. We have begun work on our new fortifications in Melbourne, a grand place to play pirate on 2 1/2 acres of pristine wooded space.

    The Pyrates of the Coast will be billetted out of there a year or so hence. So we will share the same coast, no less.

    We do, however, fight with swords, shoot black powder and do the public entertainment things... what's pirootin' without a few fistacufs now and again with the sword and the pistol.

    -- Hurricane

  9. Can't live with the fleas, I have to tell ya. Our house always has a couple project strewn about but it's always clean - not always neat, but clean. Couldn't live like that. That's not Piratitude, it's filth.

    I have the luxury of working at home as a writer, and I've never had the power or gas company knock on the door to collect or shut things off. I don't think that's something to be proud about. It came across as being unsuccessful and unwilling to meet ones obligations. That would have gotten a pirate hung or put in debtor's prison. No pride in that.

    Otherwise, it was a good yarn. They're getting a bit formula with their profiles now, so you always know ahead that one side will be the direct opposite of the other. But it was an entertaining hour...

    PS: Not even for $20 grand would I let someone shave my hair off. Send the kids to military camp, slaughter the animals, label the fleas if ya want - but keep your Stepford Wife mentality away from me.

    -- Hurricane

  10. Grain alcohol slush drinks in 32 oz. mugs served up by scantilly clad girls in black corsets, short skirts, stockings and boots - got to love Florida!!!!

    Oh, an it was Flip or Free night for the drinks.

    -- Hurricane

  11. If you can't copy and paste then you would need a graphics package like PhotoShop because you would need to boost the graphic in PowerPoint for 300 dpi to make it high resolution. There may be something in the shareware/freeware realm that will do this translation but PhotoShop is the one that does it best.

    -- Hurricane

  12. If you have iTunes you can get two collections of great sea songs - they are by Pierce Campbell - simply enter his name in the search engine on iTunes.

    I got Songs of the Sea and Songs of the Drink and they are terrific. Great versions of some traditional tunes and some originals. Good stuff!

    Great version of Haul Away Joe and A Pint or So is hilarious.

    -- Hurricane

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