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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. You'll probably first see us at the National Walk the Plank Championships (not historically correct but a good chance to take a nice dip in the water off a schooner - plus bragging rights). The contest begins at the seaport dock. Then we're right off to the End of the Season Hurricane Party. If anyone has half a mind to get on national TV, these are the two events to be at.

    See you all there!

    -- Hurricane

  2. I agree... I've never had any problems and usually the TSA guys want to trade hats - my mate and I have developed a hilarious show for taking our boots of in line and the best part is that customs officials abroad are so amazed there are pirates in line, they don't even care what's in our bags.

    The only way to fly!

    -- Hurricane

  3. The rule is pretty basic on flintlocks, swords and such. Put it in your checked baggage or in a lock box and declare it at the counter. That's all I've ever had to do when traveling in the states and it's always worked. Of course, I also always travel in my pirate gear so they're more interested in talking to me about pirates than worrying about a pesky weapon in my suitcase.

    See ya down KW way lad!

    -- Hurricane

  4. Here's a resource I've used. It's fun and depressing. My favorite is a family friend who was bragging that he had bought his house in 1985 for $85,000 and that is was now worth $180,000 on the market in 2005. If you run the numbers here, you find that he only made a profit of a little more than $25,000 in actual purchasing power, thanks to inflation and cost of living variables. He wasn't very happy with me when I pointed this out over the dinner table.


    Using their calculations $1 in 1774 would have the same purchasing power as $24.97 today. Or if you do it in reverse, 4ยข would have the same purchasing power as $1 today.

    -- Hurricane

  5. It is a grand adventure - but you have to hav 7 weeks available to be on location next March and April. A casting assistant came through the Florida Pirate Fair and spoke to us. It's great for those without a job or have extremely flexible working arrangements...

    -- Hurricane

  6. If anyone were in the tropics they wouldn't be caught dead (well maybe they would be dead) in any leather frock coats, no matter what the fashion. Take 80+ degrees and 100% humidity and leather isn't a good choice...

    -- Hurricane

  7. We added the National Walk the Plank Championships off the Schooner WOLF for starters. It was held last in 04. This time it will be much closer to shore so everyone can hear. There are several new events that were just added to the PiP site in the last day or so. I know there are some new cast members for the tryal which should make things a bit more interesting and some new vendors. That's just off the top of my head.

    -- Hurricane

  8. Strange - I was just on amazon.com and ordered it while I was getting Pope's book on Morgan. We'll be down Key West to see Pat and his daughter in a couple weeks for PiP and wanted to bone up on Pat's take.

    Looking forward to seeing it!

    -- Hurricane

  9. My crewe appears to be numbering 8... we will have a shoppe at the fort and will also be your entertainment at the fort. We're also participating in the various inland events, including running the Walk the Plank Championships.

    We have as far as I know: Diosa, Hurricane, Gutz, Grimy, Sheila, OryginalCinn, Terry and Krispy. Three rogues and five wenches - love the odds. We will also have Red Handed Jill and Blackie perhaps, so that would bring us to 10.

    -- Hurricane

  10. Thanks for the compliment, fine sir. My official job is to sit out front on a barrel and harrass the faire goers. Ah, a perfect role if ever there was one. Swill some grog, ask how much for the little girl and watch the world pass by. The sword is one of the stunt swords from the movie. The barrel is foam rubber (from Disney) so I can roll around on it, tip back and sway. Very fun!


    -- Hurricane

  11. I have a photo of the booth now - it's pretty sweet:


    The cannon in the front is from the movie Hook... it's an exact reproduction taken from the mold of another cannon. We also have a couple swords from PotC I that we like to show off to visitors...

    Now you know what the booth looks like.

    -- Hurricane

  12. I think you're right about that. I don't know much about the mid 1700s, but I have some piecets of 314 year old versions of clay pipes from Port Royal that match the Church Warden version - that would make it pre 1692 by my reckoning.

    -- Hurricane

  13. I've never had a problem with slippage. I just scrape the hell out of them on our pebble steps out front. As far as form fitting them, get some shoe stretch (Walmart and others have it in the shoe section. I spray the entire inside of the shoe with it and then wear them for several hours. They form perfectly to your feet. I got a new pair of shoes last week just before Halloween and they were horribly uncomfortable until I sprayed them - then they were like I had had them for 20 years.

    -- Hurricane

  14. YAAARRRGH!.....We've been deep in the swamps, with 'nary a cell or internet signal, 'good ole boy'n it for a week or so!.....We docked in Beaufort,NC today, and checked out the QAR stuff in the museum....

    Blackjohn; We'll be down thattaway in Dec., 'cuz I gotta have a knee surgery in SF in two weeks...Then a slow trip south

    K.P.; we're actually thinkin' of hangin' around St. Augustine for a spell. We need to haulout, but may do that closer to Melbourne...

    'Pearl; Yup, warmer is the idea, eh?..froze our arses off for a few nights last week, and some frigid days at the helm...Much better now, though...

    Southbound again in a few days; headed to Wilmington, NC next for a spell....


    I can put you in touch with one of our crewe who's over in the St. Augustine area - he's Dockmaster for a marina there. His name is Slipshot - PM me for his email address. He may be able to help you out or get your connected while you're over that way

    -- Hurricane

  15. I'd say just look for the pirates, but that doesn't work at this event. Our booth is pretty ordinary looking from the outside, but it has custom jewelry on angled black boards. Ah, easy, it's the one with Shekabobs and hair dangles hanging on wood ladders out front.

    Stop by and say ahoy!

    -- Hurricane

  16. There's bits and pieces here and there, but I've never heard of a book that dealt with the issue alone. For example, there's some great data on Port Royal (pre and post earthquake) about trade there, including the tonnage of ships, cargoes, merchants, trade, trade routes and general value of the port as an economic center for the Caribbean. I'm sure there are other resources like this that could be tied together.

    I hope someone has hold of something like this - it would be a great read!

    -- Hurricane

  17. The crewe of The Blackheart will be pillaging Chillers in downtown Orlando, slush drink and slutty barmaid heaven on Halloween weekend. We will be there on the 28th. On Halloween itself, we don't do any Trick or Drinking... but the weekend - one helluva soiree in three levels of bars in a single place.

    -- Hurricane

  18. Not the best fares, there. At least from the routes I checked.

    Here's an example fare right now:

    On the United link, Seattle to Key West for the dates of PiP (Nov. 29 arrive, Dec. 4 leave), it's $684.

    On Orbitz, it's $452. A flight/hotel package may be a better option as well. It's off season in the keys this time of year.

    I picked Seattle because it's the farthest possible trip you can make in the continental U.S., plus I used to have to do that trip before moving to FL.

    -- Hurricane

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