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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. The Pyrates of the Coast will be raiding St. Augustine Saturday, July 23. We have a large force of raiders (18 at last count). We'll be at the fort for the 3:30 firing of the fort cannon (one of our pirates is working undercover on cannon duty - argh!) and then we're off to town. At 8, we'll be at Taberna de Gallo... we'll be looking for all of our nautical and piratical friends there.

    -- Hurricane

    Captain of The Pyrates

  2. This is really great stuff. Foxe, I really appreciate the historical images - very helpful. And Willy, I think that's the ticket - a period blacksmith - I was on the , alafia river rendezvous site and we've put it on our list of must dos for '06.

    Appreciate all the help everyone.

    -- Hurricane

  3. Yes, it's most like the boathook you reference there, Foxe. I appreciate the additional research. I am on the hunt then for a boathook... Just a brief check shows it will be a bit of a battle as modern boat hooks have neither the pointed end or the well defined hook I'm looking for.

    -- Hurricane

  4. Thanks all! That's exactly what I was looking for. The ones I've seen (and they certainly aren't from a historical standpoint) have a spiked end with a hook piece on the side, so a person could use it to reach out to another vessel and pull it closer. It would be a good weapon as well as a useful tool. But these illustrations and historical perspectives are very helpful.

    Appreciate the directions and links...

    -- Hurricane

  5. I am seeking a boarding pike but can't find any easily online using google. Does anyone know where one can purchase a boarding pike, or at least the pike piece to put on a pole if I can't get the whole thing?

    Thanks in advance for any help...


  6. Got this from Jamaica Rose this morning... if you're in the right area you could have a dream home...




    Ahoy all ye Pirates!

    The Discovery Channel reality series “Monster House” is currently planning a “Pirate” themed house for an upcoming episode of our show. We are scouring the seven seas in search of a homeowner willing to let their house be plundered by our Captain Steve Watson and his crew of Monster builders.

    Any Pirate who thinks he be worthy of such bounty, should go the Monster House website and download an application, and fax it to (818) 847-1096. Clearly mark that you are applying for the Pirate House episode, and make haste ye sea dogs, as time is short.


  7. At 11 a.m. ET, a hurricane watch was issued for all of the Florida Keys and Florida Bay. In addition, a tropical storm watch was issued for all of the southern Florida Peninsula from Golden Beach southward on the east coast and south of Bonita Beach on the west coast.

    To prepare for the hurricane's arrival in the United States, a mandatory evacuation was ordered Thursday for all nonresidents in the Florida Keys, said Monroe County, Florida, Senior Emergency Manager Billy Wagner.

    Deja vu! Sounds like last year... a shame for anyone heading to Key West for the weekend or for their vacation.

    -- Hurricane

  8. My own list would include:

    1. A large tankard to drink rum with.

    2. A tightly rigged wench to drink rum with (and drive you home).

    3. A good belt. It needs to be staunch enough to hold your posessions. Don't go cheap. A good one will last years.

    4. Good boots or shoes. Cheap ones will wear out or cause your feet to ache. If a set of boots runs you $350 and lasts 10 years, that's $35 a year to keep your feet happy.

    5. Comfortable clothing. No matter how accurate, you'll tire of them if they don't fit the climate you're in or rip every time you wear them. For those in variable clients - think layers, just like you would for regular wear.

    6. A nice sword. If you're not going to be whacking others with it, pick something attractive that fits the period and make sure you're not going to trip over it or trip others when in tight quarters.

    7. A bosun's whistle (if you're in charge). Can call the troops together, doubles as a traffic directing aid.

    8. A comfortable hat. Don't get the umpteenth Jack Sparrow hat out there (unless you're trying to look like him). Go for something that fits your face. Not everyone looks good in a tricorn or a cavalier hat. Don't be afraid to go sans hat or just wear a scarf.

    9. A pouch. Get a well made leather pouch to put your credit cards, money, ID and camera in. Plus it can hold your sunglasses (Note: Pirates don't wear sunglasses)...

    10. A long sash. You'll be surprised how handy it comes in. You can wipe the sweat from your brow, use it to clean food stains off your shirt, wipe a camera lens clean, get the condensation off your mug... A priceless accessory.

    That'd be my list. Of course, some of it is not period correct, I admit. But when pirootin' a lot, these things can come in very handy when it's a long day away from your home port.

    -- Hurricane

  9. We have returned from the land of pirates. Our tours of Jamaica and Nassau were beyond belief. In short, visits to Port Charles, Flamstad (one of Morgan's viewpoints and the ambassador's home), Firefly (home of Noel Coward and Morgan's hilltop home), Spanish Town (where Bonny, Reed and Rackam were tried), Gallow's Point, the historic archives of Jamaica to view original documents of the period, the Runaway Caves in Ocho Rios, which were used as a pirate hideout by the likes of Blackbeard, and oh, my favorite part... getting to not only see but hold treasure from the Sacking of Panama... Seems old Henry donated the treasure to his church, where it resides today under the care of a very nice Jamaican lady. So much more to come and hundreds of photos.

    Oh, and we not only got to have the run of the Pirate Museum in Nassau but got to be part of the dioramas... don't tell Sandy though!

    Coming soon: A report on the fabulous Morgan Harbour Resort in Port Royal where we stayed. Very nice and they love pirates!

    -- Hurricane

  10. 'bout time me old homeland has a fitting pirate festival that has nothing to do with Seafair. Between Rusty Scupper Days and the Port Angeles faires, there's something to look forward to.

    Perhaps next year I'll bring the crewe up on a junket to me old homeland... but we'll be doing that Jamaica history thing that's posted somewhere on this board...

    - Hurricane

  11. If you ever St. Augustine way in Florida, be sure to spend an evening at the Taberna del Gallo. It is a great replica of a mid 18th century pub, about as authentic as it gets. Candles light the room, the Bilge Rats regale the audience with songs of the sea and there's no sign of any technology. Ya feel guilty even having a cellphone in your pouch. Amazing experience! The Pyrates of the Coast had a great time there - swilling sangria, hard cider and of course, fine ales. Bring your own tankard and prepare to sing along.

    Here's some photos... the one looks staged but that's the way it really is... lots of folks in costumes and kids are welcome until the Bilge Rats get a little period risque...



    -- Hurricane

  12. The only St. George I know of isn't an Island, St. George shows up on Mapquest and it's about 8 miles or so NNE of Clearwater.... not an Island though. Only St. George Island is in Maryland...

    Thank ye kindly Mapquest.... oh, if Columbus only had ye.

    -- Hurricane

  13. Our crewe just uses some black leather thong to tie um up... right below the knee so they won't slide down the calf. The cuff hides the tie. A simple and effective fix.

    -- Hurricane

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