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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Swagger,

    I'll check with Diosa on the scrunchy as part of the deal. We'll travel up there to claim the commune... sounds like an even trade, if we can throw in the green scrunchy. It is a beautiful piece of property it is, but so is the scrunchy. It is pirate-worn you know... Not just a store trinket, but worn by a real Sheila...

    -- The Captain

  2. Ross (Swagger),

    We see you have a lovely B&B you be marketing up north. Looks like a comely pirate commune for The Pyrates. Me thinks we'll start the bidding for the bodice with that lovely domicile you have available...

    What say?

    -- The Captain...

  3. Glad to have her on this side of the country. She'll find a good home over here, no matter where she makes berth. I had the pleasure of fighting her on the bay several times and she will definitely be missed there. But whatever port ends up with her will be a lucky one.

    Fair winds Chieftain on your journey...

    The Captain

  4. Is this the alleged summer sausage or is it code, lasses? I know of no sausages that were consumed at the fort, nay, none...

    And what is it with The Pyrates and those darned pseudo foods anyway? Summer sausage isn't a real food - next thing you know I'll hear there's Cheeze Whiz aboard the vessel. Or worse, Deadpacca. Throw the sausage overboard, lasses. It does none of us any good. And five lashes dear Flogger for Sir Nigel for introducing that mangy foodstuff to unsuspecting Olaf, The Wanderer. Poor lad...

    Here I thought the crewe was being well fed by Diosa at PiP. I will have to check the ship's stores to be sure, but even the cockroaches, rats and moldering hard tack should have been favored over summer sausage. Sigh!

    I think I'd rather starve...

    -- The Captain

  5. Moderator Note:

    Some responses relating to events at PiP were deleted per the request of the originator of the thread relating to a certain subject. No, you're not imaging things - you may have posted but they were deleted out of respect of the initiator's request...

    -- Hurricane

  6. I highly recommend hand sewing. It's not very time consuming and it's easy to remove down the line - my hat has outlasted three trims... Can't imagine what would have happened if I had tried to remove the trim if glued. And I'm not even a thread Nazi... I just found it the easiest way to line up the trim and get it to stay on.

    -- The Captain

  7. Paisley dear,

    You were witness to what keeps Nigel alive - Pepto and Carb bars. The secret elixir that soothes his soul and nourishes his vice. I think he needs to get a blender and make a Nigeltail of it... he is a bartender you know... or is that bar worshipper.

    -- The Captain

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