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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. After Silkie an Nate had departed t' find Africa, I looked Ransom in the eye an said, "No doubt somethin' happened t' Nate, mayhaps it went down the way he said. But if he was a cox'ns mate, why wasn't he in a long boat when we found him. Would hav been his job t' get one in the water." I shook me head, "An English ship never allows sailors t' carry arms, an yet Nate seemed pretty well armed when we found 'em."

    Ransom, seemed less concerned wit' Nate than I. He was aboard an we still had t' get t' Havana.

    Aye, we needed t' make sure the Rakehell was ready fer wot ever lay ahead o' us. I decided t' see if I could help wit' repairs, an said t' Ransom, "I best see if I can earn me keep".

  2. I used to tell male ballroom students that the one time in their lives they had control over women was by leading on the dance floor.  :lol:

    Nice Lily, but it's been me experience that ye ladies only let us think we are leadin' ye (even on the dance floor).

  3. okie dokie, i'll take a stab at this :lol:

    1. I met and spoke with Tom Berenger in the 1990's, and took a personal check from him.

    2. I used to get my kicks by driving donuts around the light posts in the Wal-Mart parking lot after store hours, and nearly rolled my '79 Dart while on 2 wheels one night.

    3. I knitted an afghan for my aunt Sissie when i was 16, that she liked to drape over the back of her couch.

    Okie Dokie Maggi...

    Boy all o' these could be true.... hmm...

    Variations mayhaps... Did ye really get a personal check from Tom? Did the Dart actually get up on two wheels? Did ye knit an afghan or somethin' else?

    I guess one and three are true, an two be the lie.

  4. 1. I flew an airplane over Lake Ontario - True (sorry Jacky). A friend of ours has a small 4 seater airplane and let me fly it for 20 minutes. I wish I could take flying lessons though. That was something I'll never forget.

    Technically speakin' Lily, if ye didn't hav the stick durin' take off an landin', ye didn't fly it!

    (Aye, it's more of a half-truth, but fun all the same.)

  5. 1. I flew an airplane over Lake Ontario

    2. I served in the US Military

    3. I lived outside San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Haunting Lily...

    Two an Three are true, but one is the lie.

    Ye said ye lived in San Francisco... So ye could hav been there durin' a quake.

    Many of us hav served in the military, an San Franciso is a sweet tour o' duty (hmm...)

    I could be wrong but I doubt yer a pilot; so, I'll stick wit' me guess.

  6. 1. I once had to make the decision to take a family member off life support. And I held his hand while he died.

    2. I once met the actor Bill Pulman and had a drink with him at a South Side Pittsburgh bar..

    3. I have talked with many dead people from many different places and times.


    I believe one an two are true, three be the lie.

    At least I hope three is a lie, cause once the dead find ye can hear 'em they never shut up!

  7. "Aye, the Relentless is in Havana, I know it. They've no where else t' go."

    Pointin' t' the harbor at Havana, "No one will be lookin' fer the Rakehell, fer no one there knows I'm aboard her." I laughed, "T' the crew o' the Relentless I died, an fer now, that suits me purpose."

    "I know wot yer thinkin', Spoons will be lookin' over his shoulder wonderin' if yer followin' him." I paused, "Trust me, his hands are tied in Havana; so are yers. We will deal wit' him later, away from Havana."

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