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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. As soon as the word dress left me lips, I knew it was a mistake. "Nay luv, Ransom is goin' in disguise this time. The dress be fer her." I extended me hand once more, t' keep the Cat from fallin' as she climbed. She was shakin', so hard wit' fits o' laughter, I thought she might fall in the water.

    Ransom heard the remark an scowled at me.

  2. "Look who's up!" I turned t' Ransom, "Yer right, I should o' knocked her out." I looked at the bewildered Red Cat an said, "Just makin' good on me promise wot I'd do, if ye had too much t' drink."

    "Would ye mind puttin' away that cutlass, while we board? I wouldn't want the crew t' be forced t' repel boarders an try t' shoot ye."

    Ransom an I turned t' climb aboard the Relentless.

  3. I chuckled, "Most sailors bath little or not at all. Havana was indeed more civilized than most parts o' Europe. The bath house was a luxury not t' be missed an certainly required 'fore ye put on that dress!" While me back was t' Ransom, I knew she caught that last comment.

    We rowed, the Cat snored an soon we were back t' the Relentless.

  4. Ransom in a dress, conjured up images of a very enjoyable evenin', but why now?

    "Aye, I hav that dress in me cabin." I picked up a set o' oars. "I think we should go t' the Relentless first, pick up the jolly boat, so the return trip will be under sail. We can pick up the dress an tow this long boat back t' the Rakehell." I could use some fresh clothes me self.

  5. "Only one way t' find out!" I hoisted the Cat over one shoulder, an started t' carry her down the pier. I shot Ransom a look an said, "Hey, it's easier then draggin' her."

    The Cat went limp over me shoulder, thankfully she'd blacked out. Ransom helped me settle her into the boat.

    "Ransom, we only hav a few hours 'fore dinner. Would ye like t' help me get her back t' yer ship?"

  6. Ransom an I were almost draggin' Red Cat from the cantina, an she was now drinkin' brandy straight from the bottle.

    "Gimme that bottle." I snatched the brandy from the Cat's paw. I looked at Ransom, "I think this counts as liquored up." I knew that meant I had t' make good on me threat. We started t' walk towards the remainin' long boat.

  7. Nate an Dillard hav left the Cantina, an only Ransom, Red Cat an I remained.

    "Ransom, I see Nate is still havin' a problem rememberin' names. May I see the pistol." Reluctantly see handed it t' me, after I promised t' return it.

    Examinin' the pistol, I found the initials 'JC' etched in the stock. "Wot' was the name o' the captain whom Nate said he served under?"

    I handed the pistol back t' Ransom, an said, "Watch yer back wit' that one."

    "So, Red Cat ye'll be joinin' us fer dinner then?" She was still sputterin' an sippin' her brandy.

    Not waitin' fer a reply, I said, "There's an Arab bath house, not far from here. I think I'll clean up 'fore dinner." I turned t' Ransom, "Hav ye ever been t' one?"

  8. I stood up an looked down at Red Cat, "As yer a guest aboard the Rakehell an not crew, I'll give ye the option o' joinin' us fer dinner. But that offer expires if yer liquored up, in which case I'll row ye back t' the Rakehell me self!"

    I turned t' Nate, "While were in Havana, I'm leadin' this little expedition. In the food chain around here, yer less then a sack o' apples. Now ye can hand that pistol o' yers t' Dillard and help get those provisions back t' the ships. If ye don't like those terms, yer welcome t' stay in Havana an fend fer yer self!"

  9. "Not directly." I quipped. "Raphael will give us safe harbour."

    I turned t' Dillard, "I want ye t' return t' the Relentless wit' some provisions fer the remainin' crew. Take Nate wit' ye an deliver the ale an fresh provisions t' the Rakehell as well. Leave Nate aboard the Rakehell." Ransom nodded.

    "Dillard, Stones knows this port an can help Roberts dock the Relentless in the mornin'. I want ye t' remain aboard the Relentless t'night an help them bring her in t' port in the mornin'."

    "That leaves us one boat an one Red Cat." All eyes turned t' Red Cat Jenny.

  10. I smiled back, "Aye, the dinner will be grand. Raphael Navarro has quite an appetite fer food an drink. He lives well an entertains well."

    "Actually, there are three Navarros. Raphael, our host fer this evenin'. Don Jose, Raphael's father. Lastly, Capitan Juan Francisco Navarro, Raphael's younger brother. Juan Francisco is the commander o' the Castillo del Morro, an sent that little boardin' party t' the Relentless."

    I took a sip o' me drink, "Juan Francisco is not quite as gracious a host as his brother."

  11. "Nate bring yer rum over an hav a sit."

    "Now Ransom..." I paused an rubbed me forehead, "Navarro pays in advance fer some o' the goods we be carrin' this time. We dock an trade wit' Navarro an that keeps the Spanish treasury appeased. It usually keeps another Navarro, out o' our business."

    "As fer dinner, I'll be dinin' wit' Raphael Navarro this evenin' an would like ye t' join me." I paused, "I only ask that ye don't dent me skull til' after dinner."

  12. I stood as Ransom an company approached our table, "I was just tellin' Dillard we better not return t' the Rakehell empty-handed." I gestured t' the bottles o' champagne, dark rum an a vintage brandy, in the middle o' the table.

    Ransom still looked liked she'd come t' drop me where I stood. "I've arranged a trade fer a barrel o' ale fer ye crew, as well!" Her shoulders drooped a bit.

    "We had the good fortune o' meetin' Raphael Navarro, an we will berth at his dock t'morrow; from the Navarro docks we can unload our cargo." I slipped beside Ransom an pulled out a chair fer her. She sat wit' out respondin', an I said, "Ye hadn't fergotten that we hav business in Havanna?" She nodded.

    I opened a bottle o' champagne an poured a glass fer Ransom. I added a tot o' rum, which was dark as molasses, t' her glass. She stared at the bubblin' brew, an I said, "Where are me manners, did ye hav dinner plans?"

  13. No such thing as common law marriage in California, Christine. So, live t'gether er not, makes no difference (as far as the law is concerned).

    Love does not always involve a long term commitment, like marriage or domestic partnership. Each person must decide fer themselves, how committed they are t' the other. Sadly, an often tragically, when one person says it's over... it is over.

    Is it worth the risk? I believe it is worth it.

  14. As Dillard an I were 'bout t' enter the cantina, I felt a feelin' at the back o' me neck. "I feel a change in the weather comin' on, or worse." I said. Dillard looked at the clear sky, an then stared blankly at me.

    We opened the door t' the cantina an were greeted wit' shouts, "Hola comodoro Tar!"

  15. Me favorite drink on Catalina Island!

    Buffalo Milk

    1 Shot Vodka

    1/4 Shot Dark Creme de Cacao

    1/4 Shot Light Creme de Cacao

    1/2 Shot Kahlua

    1/2 Shot Half & Half

    1/2 Fresh Banana


    Whipped Cream


    Fill a tall glass with ice. Blend the ice and the first six ingredients until smooth. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.

    Then sip the drink an sit on the beach an watch the world go by!

  16. I turned t' Dillard, "See, we haven't even officially docked in Havana, an we already hav a dinner engagement!"

    The color was startin' t' return t' Dillard's face. "If Havana is anythin', it isn't borin'. We need t' get cleaned up, but first I think we need a drink." Dillard nodded.

    "If we walk t' the beginnin' o' this pier, there's a little waterin' hole, where we can get that drink." I got no argument from the lad, so we walked.

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