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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I have a couple for you all to ponder.

    1. I was run over by a car

    2. I went to at least one horse race

    3. I once guarded the President of the United States

    ~Lady B


    Lady B...

    It would not surprise me if ye had been run over by a car (Yer a hardy lass, I'll give ye that).

    Ye ride horses, I'd be very surprised if ye hadn't been t' a horse race.

    But guardin' the President o' the United States! Would that be durin' a Civil War re-enactment?

    I'd say two and three be true (if ye count guardin' someone pretendin' t' be the president). Number one be the lie.

  2. 1) Yes, as a matter of fact I DO have a fiance in England, however I learned quickly to not take drunken nightclub marriage proposals too seriously. I doubt he remembers me.  :huh:

    2) Well, knife fight is a relative term. It was preplanned and the surgeon won.

    3) Is only true in my wildest dreams. However I am stuck in suburbia praying for the nearest band of gypsy to come along :huh:

    Ahh! MercenaryWench ye lie very well, since the two truths are more or less half truths.

    Yer not the only one lookin' fer adventure, while livin' in surburbia lass.

  3. 1. I used to teach archery.

    2. When I was younger, I lost almost twenty pounds in three months after taking up weight lifting and running.

    3. I had a chance to be in the first Indiana Jones movie but turned it down.

    Red-Handed Jill...

    Ye seem t' wield every other period weapon known t' man, so I believe one is true.

    We know yer usually fit (when yer not injured), so two could be true, also.

    I wager three be the lie.

  4. 3. Next week, I'm hosting a 5-day Beach Party for a group of nudists, Muslims, and vegetarians, next door to water-skiing Mormons. And Surfer Joe is not invited.

    Wot! Back up here. Hester I thought yer parties on the pub were exotic...

    Damn, I've got t' get up t' Canada!

  5. Welcome Cyanne! I'll pass on the rum an hav an ale lass, thank ye.

    Ye'll find folk here who share yer love o' music an a good shanty too. Mayhaps some will even break in t' song, when they see that yer buyin' drinks!

  6. Did anyone even look at my blog. All I got was this argument about skinny girls vs curvy women.

    I looked at yer blog, yer event coverage certainly goes beyond pirate wenches.

    The calendar girls did look curvy an skinny. It's yer calendar mate, ye seem t' hav a eye fer that sort o' thing.

    Wit' that said, yer artistic talents could make most pirates look pretty good. Best o' luck wit' the blog.

  7. 1. I have personally met Queen Elizabeth II of England at her real birthday party at Powis Castle and been allowed to carry the keys to several castles in my back pocket, not the easiest task I might add

    2. I have worked with Dick Richards (Tootsie fame), Tommy Lee Jones, Rip Torn, James Mason, Robert Urich, just to name a few and on Blue Peter (and English TV kids show).

    3. I graduated summa cum laude from William and Mary college

    I'm goin' out on a limb here, ye seem t' be too busy a fella t' graduate in the top one percent.

    Magna cum laude mayhaps, I'll say three is the lie.

  8. Oh! Oh! pick me!!!

    1. I have a fiance in St. Albans, England

    2. I have been in a knife fight

    3. As a child I was kidnapped by gypsies

    Picked... but can't tell if the truths are gettin' wilder than the lies.

    I'll go wit' William, three be the lie.

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