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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Aye, the shots caught us all by surprise, but it were only two shots.

    "Red Cat, simmer down lass!" I hissed, "The only thing that will give away our position, is if we start arguin' an fussin' right here."

    I whispered, "If it were another ship they'd o' returned fire, mayhaps the TRIBE tried t' board the Rakehell!" Good man, that Africa, I thought. I smiled an nodded at Ransom, she seemed t' hav reached the same conclusion her self. Ransom pointed at the last known place we saw Roberts, an we edged our way closer t' his position.

    I stopped dead in me tracks, somethin' or someone was comin' straight at us, at a full charge; this time I drew me pistol.

  2. Blackbonie, the lads are right, don't lop off yer head luv. Yer more attractive than the rest o' us, an we include our mugs in our pics.

    The jacket needs buttons (I'm sure ye know this), an I'd say the pants says Hollywood or at least Sunset Strip (The Roxy); but it all says, Pirate!

  3. As always the number one question is..what type of look are you going for? Hollywood/fantasy or historical/accuracy?

    Sterling's Archangel's, whose goin' Hollywood now?

    (The Charlie's Angels style shadow picture is very funny!)

  4. Do any of you happen to know a site that has good blue print to make a raft, for a 3-4 men. I can't swim so it'll have to be a good one :huh:

    Silent, please tell us yer teasin' 'bout goin' out on a raft an can't swim! It's so easy t' fall off a raft, mate. They don't hav tillers an often go where the current carries 'em.

    Good luck, if ye do venture out on one.

  5. ^ There's too much hatred an intolerance.

    < More choices won't eliminate it. They had it in the past when things were simpler.

    V Anyone have any suggestions?

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