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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Jacky, opens up a fresh loaf o' Sun-Maid Raisin bread, wit swirls o' cinnamon in every slice.

    This is the toast that smells like a cinnamon roll when ye toast it.

    Hmmm! Mouth full o' joy.

  2. I turned t' Ransom an chuckled, "If the guest list 'board the Rakehell continues t' grow, soon we'll out number yer crew." She smirked, looked like she was goin' t' say somethin', but she didn't. Then a frown came over her face and she gave orders t' get underway.

    I looked at Africa an nodded. I was sure he'd saved us from a return trip t' the tree houses, as guests o' the TRIBE.

    Wasn't sure wot t' make o' this new guest. So, I suppose we won't hav t' wait long t' see wot he was 'bout, fer we were only two days sail from Havana.

  3. Welcome to the Pub Laughingcrowe. Here is a tankard of Rum to quench yer thirst.

    BriarRose ye be breakin' wit' pub tradition lest ye let the lad provide the rum.

    Welcome Laughingcrowe, yer coin will buy a few fair shares, thank ye.

  4. Ye swagger like a captain, but a true captain shows the barkeep some coin, t' quench the thirst o' those that arrived 'fore ye.

    'Sides the lads an lasses o' the pub hav several pistols pointed yer direction, an they think less 'bout shootin' when there be free drinks t' be had.

  5. Never developed a taste fer crow. I'll try the calamari, thank ye.

    Can I hav that wit' a Natural Blonde?

    (Had a glass last night, it was one o' the best twist top wines, from Fetzer. Great label, an a fun name, for an organic Syrah.)

  6. I saw the stranger on the beach, an cursed, "We've no time fer this!" We had t' set Roberts down, an I drew me pistol, "Avast! If ye know wot's good fer ye sir, ye'll put that pistol away. If ye don't, I swear I'll drop ye where ye stand an leave ye fer the gulls."

    I heard Ransom draw an cock her pistol. He didn't look like the fella I'd freed from the cage; how many other men were wanderin' round this island?

  7. Sure enough it was Roberts an he appeared t' be unharmed. "Damn, am I glad t' see yer face." I said, "But 'fore we start receivin' guests here shortly, wot say ye take me hand an we get ye out o' this hole?" He stopped growlin' an took me hand; thankfully, Ransom kept Roberts from pullin' me in t' the hole wit' him.

    He brushed himself off, an we three followed not far behind Red Cat an Silkie, back t' the boat.

  8. I think Patrick was sayin', that the poor might not hav the fancy cloth but the workmanship was still very good. After all, it was often the poor folk wot' sewed the clothin' fer the wealthy.

  9. The hairs went up on the back o' me neck, it sounded like a heavy body had fallen in t' a pit. I scowled at Red Cat, if she had shot a member o' the TRIBE, it ment we'd drawn first blood. I had a bad feelin' 'bout this. Surely that shot would wake someone or alert a sentry.

    "Red Cat, head back t' the boat an take Silkie wit' ye." I didn't wait fer her response, an walked quickly wit' Ransom, in the direction the thud had come from. The moon was high overhead, but this was dense jungle like growth, I didn't want t' stumble in t' a trap. I heard a familiar voice ahead o' me, as I inched forward through the bush. I stopped at the edge of a hole in the earth, dropped t' me knees t' get a better look."Oi, anyone down there!" I said in a low voice.

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